xenforo 1.2 delayed i talked with mike

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by logic, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Riess

    Riess Regular Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Thats sign of PHP maturing as programming platform. In 4.x era you had function-based programming language with simple object model just sticked on top of it. No lambdas, no exceptions, no reflections, no meta programming. It was extremly simple language everybody who spent few hours with internet tutorials could learn and start using. Everithing was writen straight and simple... because there was no way to implement all this awesome stuff like DI, service containers, meta or exceptions into applications.

    To my knowledge xenForo is first PHP forum application following standards for writing web apps in passive MVC. If you are programmer you will enjoy this greatly and have little problems with finding yourself in code. I was looking at its code once and I had no problems to find what I wanted. But if you dont, you will be lost in maze of dependency injectors, controllers, views, models, writers, forms and routers.

    This will not make me friends, but I find whats happening a good thing. Its a sign that times that gived PHP rep of programming language without programmers are coming to end. No more 13 year olds who think they are programmers because they can set variable's value and use control blocks. Thay can keep doing what they are doing, but today guys who mean business are no longer forced to their level... and this means better applications for end users.

    So you lost one thing but gained other, and it was well worth it.
  2. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    Jun 29, 2009
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I'm not personally a fan of the MVC approach either, actually. I prefer a Registry style with modularity rather than needing a Model, View, and Controller for each part of the software.

    It's similar to the MVC style, however not quite as complex. You still have a Router to route requests to the proper module, however you combine the use of a Model / Controller setup in favor of a generic API for what needs doing (in my case, it's typically a static class). Then the module to display it's output (which would be the View in this case).

    Then you wrap it all up into a single object, making everything accessible as needed, while also retaining the ability to add or remove registry items as needed. This makes debugging easier (for me) because I only need to reference, for example, the API class and the relevant Module.

    Though, both approaches are clear evidence that PHP is indeed evolving as a viable alternative for proper Object Oriented Programming.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I said this a couple years ago when people treated script addon makers like Gods. I said then and it holds true now that these people weren't programmers and shouldn't be called programmers. Now that php has evolved you'll see less people developing addons simply because they never knew how to program and only learned how to hack a script. I even challenged all those so called programming Gods to create an actual stand alone program. No one took up the challenge.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Reason why I try and avoid mods created by people, no matter what their level of experience or how good they are seen as being. How many times to do see forum owners run into issues because of mods they installed, boards hacked because of them. Recently I see people on XenForo requesting this and that features like TAGS or whatever else be added, then before you can say BOO somebody is creating a mod posting a reply saying it's for sale or free. The problem is, some of us are not interested in mods adding those features and want to see some things needed like that added into the core soon.

    Keep releasing mods to add missing major features is not really the answer for many like myself with no intention of risking using a persons mod that might not be supported months later, "breaks with a newer forum release made, doesn't keep with forum coding ways, or just has issues of some sort spotted after". It's just not worth the hassle! Look at "Ragtek" on XenForo, the guy is a very good coder, one of the best 5 coders there. But the amount of issues I've read reported with his installed mods is very off putting. A prime example of why I avoid all.

    My problem, is because I've used forum software for so long I've wised-up and play things safe wanting feature in core product felt needed. Otherwise, sooner or later I'll just end-up using something else offering what I need out the box.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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  6. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Divide and conquer. That's what's going on now guys, shame you are all falling for it. The compelling and reasoned debate on Xenforo has now been replaced with personal attacks and insults, traded in threads that span many forums. Like moths to the lights, all the banned-from-Xenforo people are whining too, boring us all with yet more accounts of how Kier or Brogan did this and that, as if we really care about it reading it for the TENTH time...

    Is there anyone left standing who still wants to discuss Xenforo, the evidence and what it means, in a pro-Xenforo manner but away from the censorship of their site (ie. paying customers who are actually running a live business forum - NOT a hobby forum - and who want to protect their investment)?
  7. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    in a pro-Xenforo manner ? So - ignore the facts then...?
  8. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    The discussions started out as seemingly genuine Xenforo licence holders sick of being unable to ask sane and reasonable questions over at Xenforo without them being censored or jumped on by the fanbois. We all presented the facts as we saw them and yes we did speculate a lot. But our intentions were driven by a concern over the product because we USE it on live sites.

    Since then it has just become a very sad to read and quite pointless exchange of personal insults that span various forums. We've had people "chip in" with nothing constructive other than to drone on about how or why they were banned from here or there.

    Your own reply totally misses the point also.

    Collectively we have seen time and time again potential problems way ahead of many people on Xenforo because we look at the evidence and put together the pieces of the jigsaw. Now we are so busy arguing and bickering between ourselves and trying to score points we wouldn't notice if XF was taken offline!
  9. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    No, what happened was that word got about about the discussions on this site, and the same people who had destroyed the discussions on XenForo by insulting and abusing anything that suggested there were issues, came over here and started doing the same thing.

    You just cannot have a sensible discussion about it anywhere now, the mob turn up and hurl abuse.
    2 people like this.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    You know what Mark, you come out with some SPOT ON replies at times. This is one them, couldn't have put it better myself and is true!
  11. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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