When a member wants their account deleted?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Kaiser, May 2, 2011.

  1. Seahunter

    Seahunter Regular Member

    Negative. Stated in the rules, no accounts or posts will be deleted. If a member truly complains then I will change the name and depersonalize the account so no remaining data is there but deletion? Never.
  2. mscuban

    mscuban Regular Member

    Great question. It really depends on the situation. I would prefer a temporary suspension of privileges before I would consider a permanent ban. I manage 15 chat rooms, plus my own village on a good chat site and I don't like to take out people unless they force my hand. The principle is the same between a forum and a chat site. You do what it takes to help people and provide the best customer service you can. You can't fix stupid but when someone refuses to conform to your rules, the ban is a must.
  3. dexterlablab1

    dexterlablab1 Regular Member

    I've never ran into a member wanting to be deleted. I've had to get rid of someone before yeah. But that's because the person was doing things he/she shouldn't. I never had someone willfully want to leave though.
  4. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    I don't delete accounts, I don't delete posts. If they don't want to be connected to the forums anymore, I edit their account to something that doesn't 'direct' at them. Otherwise, what's on the forum stays. had the 'pleasure' to delete 3k posts 8 years ago from a drama queen who decided after 2 years to leave the forums and will not make the mistake again :D
    Civic-08 likes this.
  5. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn Regular Member

    I don't delete posts. Sometimes I will move them to a hidden forum that is not indexed by se's if there is a privacy or personal issue. Otherwise I just delete the accounts and the posts will revert back to guests. I used to have a problem with it but deleting the name is easy enough so who cares.
  6. Civic-08

    Civic-08 Regular Member

    Just ban them. Some member feed off of drama and we have enough to do without have that on our forum.


    We don't delete accounts either or posts. I have an inactive group I will move them into if they are leaving on good terms. Or they can just let their account go inactive. We have this covered in our User Agreement that posts and or accounts will not be deleted. Who wants be holes in threads etc.

  7. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Not sure why you made two posts, I've merged both of your posts together.

    I agree that some members feed of drama, and some don't. It's apart of some user's nature to start, and spark drama, and when that happens, you focus on bringing content that isn't about all that.

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