When a member wants their account deleted?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Kaiser, May 2, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I like to always work things out before deciding to ban someone, it does help sometimes.
  2. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    I still think even banning them will give them the satisfaction they want, because they could go round and start saying things like "I was banned randomly for no reason", etc. If they truly do not want to be a part of the community any more, they can just deactivate emails and just abandon the account, etc.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I hate when people do that. I have had one person do that so far... saying they were banned for no reason.
  4. Se7eN

    Se7eN Regular Member

    I haven't had anything like this happen but if something like this did happen, I would probably just leave the account alone and wait for the user to leave. If the user causes trouble, I'll probably ban them for a month. That gives them time to think about causing problems again. If they come back and start causing problems again, it's a perm ban.
    Kaiser likes this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    That sounds the most fair than giving them a permanent ban.. which I would do. But most likely they will continue with the drana.
  6. Se7eN

    Se7eN Regular Member

    Maybe. But here's my reasoning behind this:
    For a game on iPod, I was purposefully trying to cause trouble because I hated the staff of that game and they get mad real easily. I went around making an offensive comment about the head admin and got ban for 30 days. At first, I was happy. Now I'm thinking, "That was an extremely stupid idea,"
    Kaiser likes this.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I see your point. People do change.
  8. DarkGizmo

    DarkGizmo Mr. Awesome

    Since you own the forum, do users have the right to request that their accounts be banned/deleted and all of their content removed? What are your thoughts on this? I personally don't think they have that right as once it's posted, it becomes site property.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    ---Threads Merged---
  10. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    Delete and be done with them. Refusing to delete an account opens a big ass can of drama. We don't want to deal with that.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I know it does, at first I use to do that but it really doesn't help much. Its best to ban them and get over with it.
  12. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    Banning people doesnt always get rid of them.
  13. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    I delete as asked to. You're actually supposed to delete/modify a user's personal information upon request in order to follow the data protection act here in the UK. Not many people know/follow that, but I always do.
  14. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I guess that depends on which country your forum is hosted in to follow that.
  15. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    True. My forum was hosted in the UK (I always like to use UK hosts for forum projects so I can phone the host should the server go down or something), so I tried to follow all the laws I know of.
    Kaiser likes this.
  16. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thats great, better safe than sorry.
  17. Soulwatcher

    Soulwatcher Regular Member

    The only way I would delete a member is if I was presented with a cease and desist order. Other then that I would just ignore the person!
  18. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I think we've all had this happen before, a user gets mad and wants their account and all post deleted, what do you do?

    Personally I never delete post, they belong to the forum once a user has posted them. We do have time limits on editing post, if the user waited to long, it's not my fault.

    I am rather trigger happy on the ban button though, I don't have time for drama and I don't want to put the other users through it either.
    I'm sort of a ban now and ask questions later type of person.
    I don't make thread or have a section to showcase who's been banned, they are escorted off the site quietly ;)
  19. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    WE do not delete members at their request, ever.
  20. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    That's the same thing that I do. I don't care if a user wants their posts removed because we don't do it, just take a ban and get your drama out of here. At least that's how I feel about it.

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