What Modifications and Features Don't You Like to See on Forums?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by cheat-master30, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I hate with a passion the top 5 stats mod, and chat/shout box.
  2. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Obviously any further discussion with you is pointless. You have no idea what your talking about. Clearly you dont live in the real world if you think people can just go to their "company techs" and demand a newer version of their internet browser. :rolleyes:
  3. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    Just because he's not aware of that situation doesn't mean he needs to give a damn.

    I'm quite well aware of the IE6 requirement in many companies. I do not care. Unless you are paying me to do otherwise, I will instead focus on making my project better for better software.
  4. Fortesque

    Fortesque Newcomer

    Hmmm, here are a few:
    1) mood & status stuff ... I just hate all that.
    2) chatbox - I don't like sites that show unregistered peeps the shoutbox. Seriously, do I want to read this crap?
    3) username colour mod - people have all sorts bizarre things done to their username and the forum just looks all over the place and loses consistency.

    4) Unregistered "You have a PM" notice ... I know it isn't a mod - but still, do you take me for a fool?
  5. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    I remember number 4 as well... good grief that's probably the most annoying 'modification' that exists, and looks utterly pathetic on any forum that uses it.
  6. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I also think it's a rather pathetic attempt at humor, directed at those who are in the forum industry. We know that private messages cannot be sent or received by guests - it's just something ridiculous and... well, dumb. :spin:
  7. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I do not like to see overly developed themes.

    Yawn,,,, You have no idea what some companies do or why they use IE6.

    Once again, you dont know what companies do or "Why" they use IE6.

    No you dont. I maintain the computer systems at my job. And you have 2 choices - firefox or IE6.

    We use a website to interface with a database - its maintained by the State of Texas and US Government Department of State Health Services. To make it work with IE 7 and 8, the code would have to go through a major rework. And its not worth it.

    Some companies use IE 6 for a certain purpose that you may not understand.

    And its not your place to tell our employer that they "have" to upgrade the website and spend tens of thousands of dollars.

    If I called the Texas DSHS and told them what you said, they would laugh and tell me to install firefox or opera.

    To say that employees have a choice - no, they do not.

    To say that companies should "stay updated", that is by whos standards? Your standards? Microsofts standards? Bah.
  8. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Wow I'm quite happy that I don't belong to any of your forums. What a crappy attitude.

    I don't get paid for my time. Yet I try very hard to make sure that my forums are good for all browsers, no matter what version my members are using. Most admins that I know do the same. Any admin who cares about their members will. :frown:
  9. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    I'm fully aware of why. Just because your management got suckered into developing their web applications in ActiveX doesn't mean I need to care.

    I can do a great deal more, a great deal easier, by ignoring IE6. Since it's entirely my own volunteer time developing this application...

    ...if it's not worth it for your company to do extra work to support modern browsers, what makes it worth it for me to do extra work to support IE6?

    It's not your employer's place to tell me what to do, either. I write what I do for fun, after all. It's not to make money, it's to allow other people to have a good time.

    And... you could. And it would work. What's wrong with that situation, assuming you are at a company that would tolerate that?

    You'll notice that the number of forums I am running is not the same as what I link to from here. : )

    Anyway, I do support IE6 for Elliquiy, Blue Moon, etc. I am referring to new CMS development. There are a number of css and javascript techniques that are a royal pain in IE6... IE7 is at least somewhat fixable, but supporting IE6 requires me to spend several days of programming time to account for. I'm sorry - I can spend that elsewhere.

    This is a double edged sword. I also encourage my members to update their flash, prune old Java versions and replace Acrobat reader with Sumatra. I offer more to my members than just a website, I'm frequently a go to person for computer problems.

    Right now, Elliquiy.com gets thousands of false IE6 hits each day. Some of them are fake spiders (spam harvesters, etc), others actively malicious, others just act malicious (AVG). Allowing IE6 wastes resources in more ways than one.
  10. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I like all of cyb's addons- there are one or two i will never use but love the advanced forum rules, advanced registration etc his are probably the first run of things i would use and install on a new forum.
  11. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    You should be working.

    Same, but I'm fine with them if they're in a forum and not the index.

    You have the right to ask I'm sure if using the net is apart of your job. Or you can run a browser like Opera on a flash drive.
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    At least from what I've experienced and seen, no, but you may be right. The Opera in flash drive is a great idea though.

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