vBullletin 3.8.5

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by The Voice, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Not to defend vB by any means, because I can't stand their deplorable tactics and business ethics, but they have explained why they aren't "on schedule" many times . Their focus is vB4, not vB3.x , and if they can't even get the CMS done by rollout date, they really need to focus on that.

    And you realize that if you proved you listened to customers (which you haven't), then you might not have people going crazy in public forums, right? It's a two way street here, not a dictatorship, where you tell us how to be and we're supposed to be little autonomous creatures and just do it.

    This all would have been very, very easily resolved months ago with professional responses to a leak. Since then, your company has pretty much told it's customers "We don't care what you think", and it's suffering the blowback from it.


    I think we can all forget updates for the 3.x series, and pretend the schedule doesn't exist. IB/vB doesn't care about 3.x, they want to sell you vaporware instead.

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