vbulletin.com being updated right now!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by kev, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    If i purchase the Suite like next week, the suite comes with a blog..can i download and install the current blog version out now? or is that the 4.0 blog?
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Is it really as few as that? Ever? Surely not!

    I bought it anyway, back in 2007.
  3. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Less than one percent of all active customers. I don't know the exact number. I do know that other addons (blog, installs, phone support) are much higher... 15-20% range. Even branding free sells more licenses.
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Don't have a specific answer. I do know if a new customer purchases the suite today they get immediate access to forums, blogs and I think project tools. And the upgrade will include the CMS. With that, I would say yeah but you'll need to open a support ticket for a definitive answer.
  5. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    While I trust you and the support staff implicitly, I distrust the people higher up explicitly. They could jump from 4.0, 4.1, skip the rest of the 4.x series, to 5.0 in 6 months.

    I'll continue to consider the situation, but I probably will not partake in post 3.8 software.

    Oddly enough given the same situation/terms offered, I would have taken partake in the 4.x series, until yesterday when in my humble opinion things were handled terribly. Here are a few reasons in this Link
    While you answered the question, there is still confusion in the TOS/License, based on some of George's posts (eva2000) the FAQs may however be updated.
    Right, so the practical answer is, there is no upgrade from 3.8 to 4.x while the pre-sale is going on because that would make no sense.
    You know the forums at vb.com? The thousands of posts per hour complaining about the current situation? There is a 3.8 support area, that is what I am referring to, will the people with expired licenses continue to access those?:
    vBulletin 3.8 - vBulletin Community Forum
    I hope that vb offers discount codes on an as needed basis, some people are really not in a good situation. Not everyone reads the vb.com forums and did not know things until they got the email that was sent out yesterday, and they may have purchased things like blogs quite recently.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Thanks Wayne. Disappointing but not at all surprising really, it was always a bit "niche".

    I'm pleased I bought it though, I bought the blogs too, and I'll continue to use it when it goes to vb.org.
  7. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Yes. Forum access for customers isn't changing. In fact there are still 2.0 and 3.0 forums that get questions from time to time.
  8. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I would rather deal with a private company then a publicly held one. Companies that have stock holders - usually the stock holders are treated better then the employees. The reports and dividend payments are sent out before the raises to the employees.

    Having worked for several publicly held companies, and a several private companies - privately held companies will usually treat their employees better and offer a better product.
  9. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept


    Wonder if they will give me my money back since it is clear that everyone at vB knew this product was a big joke?


    I love being treated like this. Golly, it almost feels like those of us who bought it are being mocked. I imagine the vB team sitting behind the scenes and giggling while saying "Suckahs!"
  10. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Is your license active? If so go to Purchase vBulletin, the most powerful forum software available. and click on Customer login in the top right corner. Then click on purchase. When you add the item to the cart, the discount will be applied.
  11. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Now just to double check, how long can you park a new vb4.0 license? I haven't made up my mind if I want to switch yet but I don't want to kick my self in the rear for missing a deal either.
  12. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    A general suggestion.

    You may have strict guidelines on what you are allowed to put into the announcement forum on vB. Regardless, it is my understanding that you have moderator powers on vB.com.

    Would it be better to start a new locked thread (somewhere) with answers you are putting up? Specifically:
    • You see a post that needs answering
    • Copy that question, put it in a locked thread, then answer it.
    • eventually those clarifications could be put in the FAQ, announcements, or even the licensing agreements (if appropriate). Everyone at vB including Ray could see the collection of answers in one place, and of course make corrections to answers as needed.
    • Maybe even a post for each staff member in a locked thread to keep updated as they see fit.
    That way people that want to know things, could rapidly find input from you. Right now people need to either start up a thread to get an answer, read endless posts/rants or follow you and the rest of the staff around looking for good answers.

    It is quite possible the number of posts/threads on vB.com could be reduced and therefore the time vb support needs to spend on there. I certainly do not feel the desire to take any more time out of the vb staffs day than necessary.

    I hope you find time to find time to rest Wayne.
  13. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Thanks, Wayne. I did eventually figure this one out, but I wonder if you could answer this question:

    I've gone through cart several times and have been about to hit the submit button, but I guess I really would like to know about this before I commit.

    Thanks! :)
  14. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    You can truly replace vBAdvanced with it. That isn't its intent but it is possible. It comes with a wide range of widgets that allow you to pull up content from anything else in vBulletin and display it in 1,2,3 or 4 columns. You can display your own custom content in static HTML or article pages. etc...
    2 people like this.
  15. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Thanks, Wayne.

    But what about custom PHP content?

    Hope you got/get enough rest! :)
  16. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    vBulletin still has one of the most robust hook and plugin systems around. This is also available in the CMS.
  17. Chani

    Chani Grand Master


    I'll have to think about how I want to proceed now.

  18. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    We have a rather extensive FAQ on the site already. We would probably add to that instead of duplicate content.
  19. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

  20. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Ahh..that answers a question that I wanted to ask them :)

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