vbulletin.com being updated right now!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by kev, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. The Voice

    The Voice Addict

    I wonder what they plan on giving the customers on halloween.
  2. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    a heart attack by doubling the price :uhh:
    2 people like this.

  4. Thanks Savage... I didn't see these! I like the new user interface. It is clean, seems to support a lot of data, but isn't overwhelming. The blog control panel reminds me of Wordpress, so that should be a good thing. I love WP. :heart:
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    i won't be upgrading to vB4 any time in the forseable future. After watching this all unfold today its a pretty shady situation overall imo.

    There is no product to test, not even to view, nor is it even in beta stages yet. Some how they've worked the nerve to take on "preorders" for this product. Seems like a desperation, cry for help in the finical department to me. Though I'm sure this isn't the case, and hopefully presale orders don't determine the time release for vB4 (lots of presales = faster release?, less presales = slower release?)

    Who all realizes that it now costs more to upgrade/buy vBulletin software than it does most operating systems. i realize its a great product, and a ton of development time and effort have went into it. I think its just bad timing with the economy still tanking, and a lot more people feeling the squeeze, they'll sit down and put things into perspective.

    3.8 works just fine, and most people that need a CMS alraedy have one picked out, filled with content and working just fine. Other than that, there really didn't seem to be much offered in the way of new features, or anything eye popping must have.

    Sorry vB4, maybe I'll see you in a few more years at vB5!

    P.S. sorry to the few customers who bought and paid for project tools (though I doubt its many). Its going to be available for free at vB.org apparently :-\
  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    I really don't care what the screen shots are. Until further information is presented regarding further details of what it means to jump on the 4.x merry-go-round, I've got absolutely no use for it, even if it were free.
  7. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    OK, since the price of just keeping your license current will be $175 with 4.0 according to this post and the Suite is $130 as I have a valid current license I'll save $45 by updating to the suite with the 4.0 presale.

    With this information it becomes a no brainer to purchase at this time. Yeah vB 3.8.x works fine but as a dev it's going to have to be the cost of doing business.

    The really interesting part is how much work is going to be involved in porting all the vBdynamic content in my article system. Oh and how PhotoPost will integrate, and getting new styles made and and and...

    Wonder what the total cost in $ and time this is going to run and if the income level of some of the less monetized forums will be able to afford this.
  8. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    THAT blows. I just barely bought it.


    Well, that settles that, they will get no more of my money until I have to.


    They had to have known they were phasing it out.

  9. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I'm curious about the CMS. Does it completely replace vBA CMPS?

    In other words, I'm constructing a site that will have custom functions, and I'm using CMPS (so far) to create it with php modules.

    Will I be able to do something similar within the vB4 Suite by default?
  10. The Voice

    The Voice Addict

    vBA is just a homepage....
  11. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I know that vBa is not your typical CMS, and doesn't really have a lot of the functions that a normal CMS has, but it's more than "just a homepage". I use it on all of my sites to one degree or another, and have ever since 2005.

    LaCombe Consulting
  12. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    5 or 6 of them.
  13. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Curious.. What additional information do you require?
  14. danrak

    danrak Addict

    I am willing to bet that their Business end of the year is Oct 31st. So they are pushing people to buy now, to improve profit margins and help the stock grow.
  15. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    I'd take your money....

    IB is publicly traded so its easy to see what the numbers are.

    Looks like a standard fiscal year coincides with the calendar year.

    Buy a single share of stock, you get the annual report and get to vote too, not that a single vote will move any mountains.

    Full Disclosure, I do own a single share of IB stock.
  16. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Ok I'm tired of reading the absolute uproar taking place at vb.com.
    So here I am........ :D
  17. danrak

    danrak Addict

    Internet Brands, Inc. to Report Third Quarter 2009 Results on October 28, 2009. This usually means their quarter ended last month. Now, will they throw in there about the sales of October have increased? Guess you can listen in. The conference call is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm Pacific Time (4:30 pm Eastern Time) on October 28, 2009. Participants may access the call by dialing 877-941-1428 (domestic) or 480-629-9665 (international).
    2 people like this.
  18. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Thank you very much for asking.

    First of all it is my belief that vb has done a huge number of things correctly, and the support staff is awesome. However there are some details that I really need before committing because it is my understanding that I can continue to use 3.8.x until the end of time, especially if a software person can keep things secure or make other changes.

    Regarding 4.x:
    1. What minimum period of time will it be supported with bug fixes, minor enhancements, and security patches - tied to a calender. That needs to be in the TOS/License agreement.
    2. Clarify in simple terms in the TOS/License agreement how long 4.x may be used legally, because 3.x.x can be used forever, can 4.x once it is legally downloaded?
    3. If the upgrade from 3.8.x for active licenses to 4.x Forum only makes no sense because 4.x suite deal is uber low, then just say that, or let us know what the price is.
    4. Clarify that the vb.com forums will always be available to anyone who has ever owned a license, or if the 4.x section will be unavailable for non-4.x licenses, just say that.

    Many things were executed well, some details are still missing, and for the 'not so good' input there are thousands of other posts to read.

    As always, I'm trying to be as focused as possible on the good things. I really don't mind the $ issues, licensing changes (once clarified), vaporware, 2 weeks upgrade window, or all the other things people are upset about.
  19. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Points # 1, 2, & 4 in my prior post are critical to me.

    It is my understanding once software/database is upgraded, and that forum has information/posts added to it, that there is no going back to the prior version of software.

    The only recourse it to go back to the backup of the database prior to the upgrade which will loose all the posts added after the upgrade.

    It is a one way ticket, no going back, and I need to be sure about this.
  20. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    You don't want this in the terms of service. Trust me. It will give legal a good date to end support. Minimum life of the series? 2 years. You'll receive support until 5.1 is released. Not saying it would that 5.1 will be released in 2 years. I am basing that on the historical lifespan of vBulletin products. We need to release faster but you cannot release versions too fast.

    Indefinitely. You are under no Obligation to upgrade to 5.X nor is vBulletin Solutions under any obligation to provide indefinite support. However you can use the software you purchased indefinitely even after support expires.

    It is $175. I have posted this ad nasuem all over the vBulletin forums. The upgrade to the suite is $250.00 though it is currently on sale with a substantial discount to active customers. Current the upgrade to the Suite with discounts is about $130.00. If you have additional renewal years, you can get additional discounts until it is free.
    Not sure what the question is here. I'll take a guess. Anyone with an active license will be able to download vBulletin 4.0 Forums until their license expires. They will be able to use that software under the terms of their current software e.g. indefinite use if owned. If they choose to upgrade after their license expires, they will need to purchase the appropriate product at the going rate. For expired leased licenses, they need to purchase a new license if they don't upgrade before expiration.

    Published rates can be affected by coupons, sales, and other discounts through time as well. That is something never available in the previous shopping cart.

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