vBulletin Announces Extended Pre-Sale Period for New 4.0 Publishing Suite

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ruiner, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Come on Shelley that attachment is rather unfair.

    By the time I spoke to Ray, Wayne had already sorted out my vbulletin.org access. That was all I actually needed to be able to keep running my site.

    But I felt it was time to attempt a full resolution. Things had gone too far. I didn't beg Ray, or anyone, for the ban to be lifted, it just came out as a result of our conversation.

    What's wrong with an amicable resolution to a problem? It doesn't mean I suddenly think everything they have ever done is wonderful, but it does mean I can draw a line under it and move on.

    Life doesn't have to be all about constant conflict.
  2. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    I've removed the attachment mark. The attachment was a little unfair.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Not for some. :D
  4. ptwiggens

    ptwiggens Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
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    Are you serious? Extend the presale but raise the price?

  5. banger

    banger Addict

    Oct 23, 2009
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    The current pre-sale offer expires at midnight Pacific Time tonight. The pre-sale extension announced today will begin at midnight Pacific Time October 31, 2009 and will continue through 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on November 16, 2009.

    If the current presale is extended then prices should have remained the SAME.

    vBulletin is the world leader in forum and community publishing software. Customers have created vibrant communities on vBulletin's stable and mature platform for more than 10 years.

    vBulletin was founded in the year 2000 making it nine years, not ten. And it sure as heck wasn't stable when they started to program it in 2000!!!
  6. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    What I know about and what I can talk about are two different things. During the entire presale, I did tell customers that there was the possibility of future discounts and sales. However the $130 would be the best deal offered to them. I don't think we'll ever go that low again except maybe to get customers to upgrade to 5 when it is released.

    And yes, there will most likely be other sales and discounts available in the future. We would never rule that out.
  7. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Personally I did interpret your words correctly and made purchasing decisions accordingly Wayne. Thank you.
  8. banger

    banger Addict

    Oct 23, 2009
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    No offense, but who gives a damn at that price? I think the company has a lot more questions to answer like why it screwed over its most loyal customers.

    Why did Internet Brands not let any of us know it was going to punish us if our maintenance was not current?? So my maintenance just expires and one day I wake up and I am told my choice is to pay $190 and now over $200?? No courtesy email?

    Why is an upgrade from vBulletin 3 to vBulletin 4 so much money?? $175?? Totally insane. So my license is worth squat because a new one costs $195. So the company did this on purpose?

    Wayne, I'm really sorry but I think that the company has a lot it needs to correct and explain with version 4 before most of us even think of any version 5. I doubt anything is going to happen and i am sure nobody is going to get a refund from this pressure sale. I understand you may not be in a position to comment but I just dont know how much of this presale talk I can manage. :)
    2 people like this.
  9. Haltech

    Haltech Novice

    Nov 1, 2009
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    First Name:
    Wayne, you have no idea how many customers you guys are on the brink of losing over this. This is really a shame and i thought VB was going to take care of the loyal people who made their brand name popular. If 4.0 doesn't live up to its task, you guys will be hit hard financially. I feel like i was kicked in the balls more then anything over this.
  10. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    May 29, 2009
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    I think Wayne and the others will be the first to know how many people jumped ship and how many didn't. They have the numbers, we have only what we perceive.

    Having had time to think about it, I don't think the damage to the customer base will be as much as some people say.
    Sure, there are people who are moving. Maybe even a big number. But I don't think vBulletin is gonna get destroyed over this, not even close.
    Quite the oposite: If vB4 becomes everything that they are saying, vBulletin may rise to a whole new level.
    It all depends on the software and on how the management handles things from now on.
    Things like the incentives for mod-developers are gonna go a long way, I believe. IF they happen.
    My only issue right now is: can I believe a word of it - having been lied to?
  11. banger

    banger Addict

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Right on target. The arrogance of Internet Brands is incredible but they know they have a reasonably good chance of practically scamming the customers and getting away with it. This is because you have a lot of people very hesitant to move their forums to another product since it isnt as simple as changing bread. Then you have the group of brain dead idiot fans who love the product and will believe whatever they want you to believe. New customers only care about their deals and if they look good may not care even if it is sold to them by the internet mafia. And then when the product finally comes out, and it may be ok, the machine will roll on and they will proclaim that Jesus himself used vbulletin to preach to the masses. but nothing is for sure and we will see if continued flaming around the internet will drive the traffic elsewhere as it is now.

    the only hope is that some government agency takes a good look at what just happened and deals with it. maybe someone in the sec or the attorney general of the state that they are in. or maybe someone goes to a lawyer and starts a lawsuit and has everybody who had expired renewal tag along.

    the only bright side to this whole picture is that we now know what is a corrupt enterprise and can choose to stay away before it gets worse. the economy is bad. it is going to get worse. people are out of jobs. this isnt a corporate product. you know who is going to get hit again. vbulletin 5??? please. vbulletin 4.5 is going to be the new vbulletin 5 when they realize that they cant go 18 to 24 months without serious revenue growth. they took the money now, got record bonuses, and if it all falls over it will be some other jerks responsibility while they move upwards in the chain. but no matter what happens, they held you up and put money in their pockets at the worst time in our economy.
  12. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Thank you for the notification - but I am not interested until I see a final working product.
  13. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    I've rode your coat tails on this too, and here I am again.

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