vbsmiley.com (W.I.P)

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Shelley, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    I do like the colours but they are hard to sit and look at for very long for me. The design is nice and clean.
  2. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Thanks for the feedback FMB. A great in-depth review.

    To touch up on some of your questions.

    The reason why the smiley place and complimentary smileys are not intergreated is because the smiley place as a whole is for the community to post their works, tutorials and creations and to also talk about things smiley.

    The complimentary smilies forum will be growing, I'm yet to add more areas and this is a place where I will be the only person to post pre-made custom packs which members are able to download smiley packs. I haven't added anything yet but soon there will be a few emoticon packs to download it's a resource area along the same lines as the database area at vbimageworks.

    Yeah, The matting issues. I had to compomise here, because I'm using a gradient image as a background there was no way for me to get the exact mattte right for the animated emoticons. And, because the gradient differs and people using smilies in different locations on the page the smilies will sit on a different part of the gradient pending where the user uses the smiliey and what resolution they use.

    It's something I didn't like and had I used a solid colour background rather than a two toned gradient life would have been easier and no matting issues would have occurred. As you can see though, for the static images I've used png and these show perfectly without any matting problems unless your using internet explorer 6 though I planned on not supporting this browsing from the start.

    I have to agree with the contrast in the logo, I will def work on that and try to iron out those things you mentioned.

    Yeah, those posticons seemed to have been overlooked, I'll be shooting them out the window before opening the site. :)

    Again, thanks for such a good critique I'll work on those things you mentioned amongst other issues which another members at the org pointed out and hopefully I can get this style one step closer to completion. Thanks again FMB. :D

    A jar of nutella coming your way.
  3. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Nutella!!!! Wooot!!!! No problem! ^^

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