Upgrading to vB4?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by John, Jun 6, 2009.


Will you upgrade to vB4?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    14 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    0 vote(s)
  1. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    That's true...however, I've got Blog and PT on my site, which I've already paid for. To continue using them I'll need to pay for the suite which is expected to be in the region of $300.

    Plus it isn't a one time payment....it will only cover version 4.x. If they move to 5.x I'll need to pay it again. It has been suggested we may see a new "major" version every 12 to 18 months because of this as it'll mean a wad of cash coming in.

    Sharp business practices, and a shameful abandonment of the very customers who got vB where it is, in favour of the "big bucks" corporate enterprise sites. :(
  2. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    A few misconceptions here.
    Your current investment in an active license will be accounted for in any licensing changes. You would not have to pay $300.00
    If anything the leaked changes would result in a lower cost to you because you would not be paying $100.00 per year to maintain your license. Yearly fees would be a thing of the past. With 18-24 months planned just for the rewrites in vBulletin, let alone adding new features, your time estimate is a little off.

    Plus, their "wad of cash" will most likely come from an ongoing marketing campaign. The weird thing about vBulletin is that as many customers as it has, it has never been actively advertised before. Not even an Adwords campaign. That will be changing.

    Existing active customers will be well taken care of in any upgrade paths.

    That is part of the problem with the leaked thread. It was one thread out of dozens talking about vBulletin 4 and the releases. The thread in question was the result of one meeting out of dozens with ongoing discussion and additional information. In fact, we just had one last Tuesday and while things are closer there are still issues to work out. Yes, official announcements haven't been made because there isn't a single thing in the leaked thread that was finalized when it was leaked. I realize you're frustrated but you are making assumptions on faulty information. When the legal hurdles and other issues are overcome than there will be official announcements made.
    5 people like this.
  3. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Wayne, thank you for that information.

    Based on what you've said, I shall revise my position and reserve judgement until I see the final detail.
  4. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    That's good, but does it take into account the licenses for the add-ons as well?

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