The account setup reminder is VERY ANNOYING!

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Gregman, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Honestly Carlos, no comment on that. You obviously shouldn't be in the forum game then. So if every person on your forums starts answering you back, you going to ban them all because you don't like it.
    BamaStangGuy likes this.
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    It's all about attitude. It's okay constructive criticism - but civilly. What you did was antagonize the moderator for not filling in the info while he was trying to help you understand. All you did was "bullshit, you don't have info filled in!"

    All that I'm saying, man... Chill out. @Cerberus was trying to help.

    Are you a nice guy? If so, then prove it.
  3. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Now now children LOL .. Though, I do appreciate the support Carlos :) But, no worries either way..

    And @Brandon Nice Batman drop LOL
    boatswife and Brandon like this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Hmm, if you still have that mod active here, then there is big problem with it.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2013
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Yes we still have it enabled and no there is nothing wrong with it. ;)
    It has been altered as so not to be so "annoying" but it is still in place, you'll see info pertaining to it in the side column if there are task for you still.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Think so do you? Then I'll let you figure it out for yourself then. But here's is a huge hint though. I removed fields and still no longer see that message. And no, I ain't ads blocking it and nothing is displayed to me in sidebar for it! ;)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2013
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I'll report it to the developer when I get a few mins, thanks.
  8. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    Just to give a bit of feedback, I didn't have any issues with the mod. It didn't stop me from posting but it encouraged me to give a little info about myself when I had a couple of minutes to spare. Seems quite reasonable really but each to their own.
    boatswife, GTB and Brandon like this.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    :agreed: :thumbsup:
    boatswife and GTB like this.
  10. Gregman

    Gregman Regular Member

    I am a member of 70+ forums and I like to get a feel for the forum before I keep posting. People should post what ever they want to post and not be forced to make posts to make a annoying sign go away. But your right its less annoying, but personally I would not run it on my forum.

  11. boatswife

    boatswife Regular Member

    I don't even know what you're talking about.......I guess I already filled it out. :thumbsup:
    Brandon likes this.
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