That yellowish admin talk skin = Devil

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Cerberus, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    If I revert the page_container template will that take it back to the peachy style or will that revert to the default xenforo style?
  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Same here. "Undefined Error" when submitting a new post, editing or hitting more options. Submitting a new post actually shows it posted on page refresh.

    Somehow I got to the more options page and the editor box was straight HTML. I tried using HTML to make a line break but it just displayed in plain text.

    It's back to the default skin for me -- I like it anyhow. :)
  3. Audentio

    Audentio Regular Member

  4. Audentio

    Audentio Regular Member

    Brandon, when you make that change, something very strange happens. It removes necessary javascript. I am getting XenForo support for it here.

    I will let you know what they say, but for the time being leave in the page title.
  5. Audentio

    Audentio Regular Member

    Im not seeing any issues with the skin.
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I just disabled the skin today..
  7. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I'm a little discouraged here. I see that Audentio has been quick to respond and try to solve the problem. However, it seems like a solution hasn't been reached. :unsure:

    It would have been nice if audentio leaves WYSIG alone in all of it's skins. I see Audentio doing a lot of coding on the user-end of things at their own forums - I really don't like that kind of habit.

    I was thinking to myself when I browsed through their forums, "ah. Nice. But I think this is a bit much." And then, while in awaiting activation phase, I wasn't able to do much of anything, let alone start a thread, I thought it was a software problem. And then I was activated, I can post.

    Eh. I think Audentio do great skins, but with xenForo, I don't think that they've learned that "Don't fix what ain't broke." applies.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    lol if you call a 10 day break before replies quick then..
    The issue is actually something outside the style now "so I've been told" cc: @Audentio
    I have the style disabled on this site until we can find a fix and allow me to have the title tags how I want them.
  9. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Shame it's buggy :( it is a very nice style
  10. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ya it is, I'd love to give this as an option
  11. Audentio

    Audentio Regular Member

    It is not buggy. I am sorry but I have found absolutely nothing that links this skin to any bugs. The problem arose with a template modification, not the original skin. When I made the change personally, it worked fine.

    If you need support you can use my website, but please do not say that I am not quick to respond when I have done nothing but go out of my way by signing on here to help.
  12. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I never saw an update to the thread you started at (liked to above) so IMO the style is still unusable for me, and that's why it's disabled.

    I'd love to get it fixed but I don't have anymore time to investigate why this skin for some reason doesn't play well with a very small template edit that works as expected on the default skin and others I've tried it on.
  13. Audentio

    Audentio Regular Member

    As I said above, I made the change myself and didn't have any issues locally. When I made the change here (and yes this is the most up to date version of the skin), I had an issue which I fixed myself. You'll notice that when you switch to the skin, the <title> tag no longer contains the site name as per your edit request.
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ah, last time I checked we're still getting the html is post so I disabled the style..

    I guess I'll try and figure out why it's affecting this skin and not others, thanks for your time on this.
  15. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Is the Xenforo skin the only one available right now? Nothing against it but from the earlier screenshots in this thread the other skin looks slick. :)
  16. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ya peachy was nice and I think I still have a license, one of these days I'll check it out again :)
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've added peachy keen again
    I think one of the issues we're having before was that I wasn't happy with the way the portal looked with it. Well since I've removed that I figured I should give this a try again.
    You can select the style in the style chooser near the bottom left of your screen.
    cpvr and Monster like this.
  18. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Hey, peachy keen looks nice, and the fixed-width guys will have an option. :laugh:
    Brandon likes this.
  19. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    It looks good, prefer it to the default theme.
    Brandon likes this.
  20. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've added the missing side blocks and have set it as default.

    Now to see if anything
    Dan Hutter likes this.

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