So who did it, and preordered!

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by David, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jul 20, 2006
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    New York
    I would pre-order the suite for one of my sites however my advertisers are dragging their feet with renewal fees as usual. I guess that's gonna cost me an extra $100. :doh:
  2. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    Absolutely I wanted that deal and have purchased for both licenses.

    It was getting the funds together in two weeks after I was already half-way through the monthly spending cycle that really chapped me. I plan to stay mad about that, too, it wasn't pleasant. vb has to do something to make up for that. :devil:

    Much of the purchase decision was based on the better quality of the product since 3.7. Although I read carefully what was being offered in vb 4, there was no chance to demo the cms, or hear the experience of others who had used it. Same for the upgraded admin cp. That is a black box, have only vague rumors that there could be some significant differences and functions.

    I am not sure it would have been such a quick or sure decision if this was offered during 3.6 or earlier versions, with the same unknowns. I would have wanted to shop the options with other softwares. Didn't have as good an impression of the design approach to the earlier versions, not as friendly to the way I want to manage my forums.

    I think those who have to make group decisions are really against the wall! I'm relieved that wasn't the case for me. :eek:
  3. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    Oct 22, 2009
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    Just upgraded to suite for one license, the other license will stick with 3.8.x for now as it's soo lightly traffic/used probably not worth upgrading. The upgraded license will definitely make use of cms and blogs eventually :)

    As to folks not being able to afford it, that's what credit cards are for hehe.
  4. banger

    banger Addict

    Oct 23, 2009
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    So vBulletin will have the dubious distinction of having the most forums in foreclosure.
  5. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    I just have!

    I was going to wait until tomorrow (don't know why), then luckily I checked and saw the pre-sale ended on the 30th, and not the 31st like I thought :p
  6. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Just this second brought it =)

    I am now officially poor, good job my dads buying me Modern Warfare 2 on release date for me =)
  7. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    May 23, 2009
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    Chris, if he's still around, will be proud of me. :lol: I sold my vBulletin license many weeks ago. vB 4 is shaping up to look like a nice product.
  8. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    NO, can't justify the cost and will never pay IB a penny, moving my forums at a later date to another free software project.
  9. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Because vB was free?
  10. boatswife

    boatswife Regular Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Pensacola, FL
    I bit the bullet and paid for a license again, but if I'm not impressed there will be no 5.0 for me.
  11. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Me too. I just renewed my personal one w/blog no less and another business one. So ya it's a good thing for the 'American Express' don't leave home without it.
  12. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    No it’s because I have an owned licence, but unable to update my subscription, therefore I don't in effect get to see my product reach its natural EOL. And given the way IB has treated folks I am amazed that anyone is renewing, it’s the old divide and rule approach and many have fallen for it hook line and sinker. Do you really think it is legal in the UK to refuse to allow updates for some licence holders and allow it for others who buy a licence for another product? A product that is not available for immediate purchase. You are purchasing a licence for vb4, not 3, so who in their tin pot legal department told them their actions was legal under UK jurisdiction???

    Let me give you an example. Windows 7 was available to pre order since June 2009, at a lower price than the full retail cost. You could purchase the software then wait till 22 October 2009 before you got it right? However under UK trade laws Amazon and others could not legally take any money until the software was ready to be shipped. I did not have any funds taken from my account until October 20th, Are you following the logic here?

    I also notice IB has moved the jurisdiction from the UK to the US, fair enough as it’s a US company, however, my licence is under the jurisdiction of the UK contract laws and practice. Just to update I visited a local Community law centre here in the UK, here is something to wet your whistle, for those still in dispute with IB, I advise you take legal advice ASAP. I have already asked for their legal firm here in the UK, seems they do not want to provide the information.

    Fair trading, trade descriptions and Trading Standards
    It makes good business sense to treat your customers well and trade fairly.
    You need customers for your business to develop and become more profitable. If your customers trust you and appreciate the goods and services you sell, they will return - and also recommend you to others.
    But there are also many laws to protect customers from being treated unfairly. If you breach them, the penalties can be high and can even result in you losing your business.

    The Trading Standards Institute (TSI), which enforces many of these regulations, can help you stay within the law.
    Many existing consumer laws - including most of the Trade Descriptions Act - have been replaced by the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 since 26 May 2008. The new regulations ban traders in all sectors from engaging in unfair commercial (mainly marketing and selling) practices against consumers.

    The regulations also set out how commercial practices can be unfair by being misleading (by action or omission) or aggressive, and list 31 specific practices which are banned. The Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 has replaced the Trade Descriptions Act insofar as that Act protects businesses.
  13. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    I should also have added this as well given that those who buy a licence for vb4 have access to vb3 updates, yet those wishing to buy access for their vb3 product are denied unless they purchase a licence for a different product (IB words not mine)

    What is an unfair term?

    An unfair term in a contract covered by the UTCCRs is not binding on the consumer.
    Test of fairness

    A term is unfair if:
    contrary to the requirement of good faith it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations under the contract, to the detriment of consumers.
    'Good faith' means that you must deal fairly and openly with consumers. Standard terms may be drafted to protect commercial needs but must also take account of the interests and rights of consumers by going no further than is necessary to protect those legitimate commercial interests.
  14. KearaO

    KearaO Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
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    Ray Morgan left "good faith" behind quite some months ago. He really screwed some people over royally.

  15. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    No, I have not pre-ordered the vbulletin CMS.

    I have no plans on ordering it until I see a real working example and have a firm release date. I might even wait a few weeks (or months) after the release so I can read the reviews.
  16. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I will not preorder or even eventually order. Sadly my site will stop growing at 3.8...It has been a good run, i have really enjoyed the excitement of seeing the latest and greatest to come from team vbulletin. Since they have changed tactics and priced people out of their licenses, some of us will no longer be able to move forward. Maybe that is a good thing, i am not sure yet. I am sad however that i will not be seeing blog upgrades anymore, that program had allot of potential to become a great piece of software. Where vbulletin has forced me to stop my blog at, leaves allot to be desired. It isn't forum friendly, and is kind of hard to work with.
  17. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Its called a free enterprise market for a reason. Go get an Invision Power Board license and keep moving forward.

    There is only one direction, and that is forward. As long as you look backwards and say "its been a fun run" - your community is already dying.

    This starts a new journey, and a new path for you community. Hold your head up, smell the fresh air, and take your first step on a new path.
    2 people like this.
  18. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I will kevin, just pisses me off that i spent my renewal fee with vbulletin. I really don't have the money yet to move my website to another software company, but once i get enough saved up, i will make the move. I still would like to be able to complain, a little. hehehehe
  19. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    That's been my plan.

    I'm not giving any credence to v4. It's not appealing to me to see how some customers have shelled out blindly, imo. I don't mean to be rude, but that is how it seems to me. I'm referring to those that were upgrade types, not new purchases outright.

    v4 is going to lay the make or break of the *new* IB/vBS team. Right now, it's broke down on the side of the road.

    If I ever consider vB again, it will not be till v5. By then, the product will better be outstanding, to meet the legacy it once was before, but I shudder to think that. Ergo, the price then will be warranted.

    Right now, it's a bunch of bull with so much manure on people stinking it all up. /mildly perturbed :mad2:
  20. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I haven't shelled out blindly.

    Even if the CMS turned out to be useless, buying the upgrade at $130 represents a big saving on what I'd have paid under the leased license scheme, and that remains the case even if I didn't use the CMS.

    I did have an issue with the timing and the short notice though.

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