Random PM's?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by FullMetalBabe, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Seemingly the one who pm'ed me wanted image help/for me to make a theme. He contacted me on an E-mail saying what he wanted. I told him if he hadn't spammed me I would have answered. He said I thought I wouldn't answer so he created other accounts. =\ I don't see the point to not say it directly "Can you make me a theme?" or "can you make me....?". I really hope this is about the last time I encounter something like this, it's annoying.[Though I know it won't be! :P]
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Odd things like this certainly aren't worth my time (and shouldn't be worth yours, either). Just ignore it, put the user(s) on your block list and move on.
  3. Lynne

    Lynne Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Home Sweet Home!
    I was getting these really weird messages (that I probably can't post here) from the Contact Us form addressed to me. The guy would try changing his username/email on the form and didn't realize that it would still send me the details or who he really was. He was also posting in our help forum asking for help and every time I saw him posting I couldn't get those messages out of my mind knowing he didn't know I knew who he was. Finally I replied to one of the Contact Us messages and left the info in at the bottom so he could see that I knew who he was. I haven't gotten a message from him since. :)
  4. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    May 23, 2009
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    What a bunch of lonely buggers. :lol:
  5. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    I have gotten more than one e-mail/PM like this, on numerous boards.

    One girl once PM'd me saying something like, "Ohaithar, wanna have cyber fun bby?"

    I'm like ":rofl:" *delete.*
  6. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Oct 23, 2009
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    not telling anyone ;)
    i have had some very strange pm's.

    not just ones asking for help doing things for the forum, or asking to be mod......and i wasnt even staff!!!! one of these was on the support forum for my forum host, which was strange, and another was on a forum i have been on for years and have far more posts than anyone else, and i wrote the faq thread and tutorials on important stuff, so people presumed i was mod.

    ive had another few strange ones, one from this really strange guy who kept telling me i was beautiful and asking whether i had a boyfriend and whether i would be his girlfriend....:eek:. in the end i lied and told him i had a boyfriend.

    then there was this weird guy who kept emailing me his holiday pictures on the contact email i use on forums.........i barely know him and loads of others say hes a weirdo :eek:

    and i got a friends request on fb, with a message saying
    "Hi pretty,how are you,i saw your profile on facebook and i'm impress,pretty would you give me the chance of knowing you?if you do i promise that you won't be dissapointed,my name is _________, I reside in _____________,here is ny mobile num ____________ u can call or reply my mail, I CARE "

    my immediate thought was weirdo and i didnt accept his friends request :eek:
  7. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    Sep 18, 2009
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    Yesterday, I would have told you that the strangest "random" private message I ever received was a Buddhist advertisement, which I later noticed other forums receiving from the same spam bot. However, a few hours ago, I logged into a forum I haven't visited in weeks to find out that I received a private message advertising download-able media, complete with fancy graphics.

    What about "random" private messages from actual members? I would say the guy who private messaged me just to get my lengthy opinion on any of his posts from another forum. The reason he was asking was because he was dying for feedback, which struck me as strange and attention desperate.

    You know what, as I type this, I keep remembering even stranger examples. OK, I remember a career troll who plagued my forum, and sent me the strangest private messages. For example, I once asked him for a URL to what I supposed to be a news article he posted in the Headlines sub-section. He indeed provided it, but not before going on this bizarre, multi-paragraph armchair psycho-analyst rant about my motives, and even criticizing me for being more likely to post topics than to reply to them (in fact, out of my 2,182 posts, just over 800 have opened topics). Also, he once private messaged me asking "[a]re ya havin fun yet?" in regard to the topic where I was trying to work out a petty issue he was having involving a locked topic. When he private messaged me again, he said "You don't need to explain yourself. You are fairly transparent." That second sentence was one of his favorite passive-aggressive insults: he was referring to my character, which he perceived as most despicable, being as it is influenced by a "social liberal" or "Socialist" worldview. The topic he was complaining about had nothing to do with anything even remotely related to that, by the way.

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