Purging Member Introduction Threads

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Techie, May 8, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Well thats what I would do then in your case, as introductions are important.
    Very good point lucas, thats why I have a forum for it, and I dont like when other forums have a thread instead of a introductions forum because it does go unnoticed, and members dont get welcomed properly, and it turns into one huge thread.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Does anyone here actually purge their member's introduction topics or not really?
  3. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    Not I.
    I don't see any reason to.

    It's not harming anything.
    It is the very first forum on the list of my forums(Hello & Goodbye) where members can post their goodbye messages and Intros.

    I see some forums that have one thread and i think that is just sort of lame because you're throwing everyone together in one topic and what happens if you have a big site and one member falls through the cracks and their post is missed. They'll have a negative experience.

    By adding your OWN thread it allows them their on topic to do whatever and some of the topics have turned into real long discussions between Newbies and Vets which is always good(i lock it eventually if it gets too long. One thread recently went to 8 pages).

    Deleting them is irrelevant as it doesn't do any harm to have them.
  4. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    London, England
    I can't think of one reason why you'd want to do this but several why you wouldn't.

    Why diminish your forum post count or risk incurring the wrath of members because their post count has diminished. Your forum content is your forum's history, why would you want to erase it? Introduction threads are an indication that a forum wants and cares for the member's input, why delete it?

    Those are just a few reasons why this is a bad idea, there are many more.
    cpvr and Superboy like this.
  5. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Same here, the only threads that I delete or move are topics created by spammers. Other than that, we don't purge any topics. We also allow gravedigging/bumping of older topics as well, we don't mind when users decide to stir up discussion again on an older topic.
    zappaDPJ likes this.

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