Mentally Deficient Users

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Wayne Luke, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    I would say mental deficiency, as the term is being used here, isn't actually the measure of whether people can 'learn' to function well on a forum. I have some very smart people on my forum that can't learn the rules, or they learn them but can't learn to moderate their own behavior to follow them. Why they don't learn doesn't really matter, and neither does their IQ test score, or medications or whatever. All that matters is their behavior with the other members.

    The staff and I have tried from time to time to find some sort of limited role for people who are loyal but not fitting in well. Sorry to be discouraging but it just hasn't gone very well. Our good intentions can't fix their deeper issues. They bring their issues to every role, every project, every conversation. No matter how hard we try.

    Sadly I no longer value their contributions and their potential as I used to. I'm seeing the problems they cause with other members is overcoming their good intentions. And ... frequent posters they may be, but if they are not around or not posting as much, others with fewer issues step in and fill that gap. They are not the only 'good' members on the forum. Sometimes loosing one of them makes way for someone else who was holding back because they did not want to get involved in the nattering with the member with issues.

    Just a thought.

    Another thought - I rather like it that some of the older threads are refreshed with new relevant experiences. Kind of sharing the learning curve that happens on different forums, very helpful to keep perspective.

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