It's goodbye from me

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by GTB, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    There's no need to be like that. :unhunh:
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    What a loser.

    "HAHA, LOL!" What are you, 5?

    "You post only lies." What are you afraid of? Teling the truth? Oh poor cry baby. You need an ego stroke?

    Go cry to mommy, you little baby. Until you grow up, people will not respect you as a person.
  3. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    The same could be said about you Carlos. The post above is one of the most childish, immature posts I've read in a very long time.
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  4. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Whoaaaaaa now Peggy. Why would anyone expect the same standards out of themselves as they do other people!

    That's just crazy talk!
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  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I can't believe YOU of all people - just said that David running you're SUCKS sites (and others) abusing everything in your path? Oh! And I know you side with Mark.B, you've been waiting to see things turn against me in this thread, I'm not stupid mate and can see your sly digs above, without trying to make it too obvious in Mark.B defence. And why you're now coming posting on my forum as Anthony Cea because of this thread, did you think I didn't know it was you posting as that abusive guest as well on my other Drupal site before. You make me laugh!!!

    And Peggy, no offence here. But find it a bit rich coming from you about Carlos. You can be very sarcastic toward people with things said, just like you've been for a while with me on purpose, let not play games any longer eh? Why I usually don't take you on anymore with replies since. You either have nothing to say, posting just a popcorn smiley trying to egg things on, or some short sarcastic comment. You always rub people up the wrong way, like recently on Admin Extra when another person took your remark their as being sarcastic and had a right go back at you - which it was!

    Same old people each time.... over and over again. Mark.B - is nothing but a lying troll, he always has been - he always will be, as Google Groups proves and he's lying about getting the police involved in that (why is it all still listed on Google Groups then)? I couldn't care less what you lot think, or anybody else for that matter, as long as I know what he is. He's come into this thread, like he always does trying to TWIST things around against you. Being the clever troll he is with years of experience doing it, well his game is up!

    If I see anymore abuse posted on my forum from Mark.B, I'll be contacting Virgin Media abuse department, giving them his IP address and asking that they disconnect him from the web. Take that as a serious warning Mark, because I'm being deadly serious in saying that!
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  6. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Dear Gary,

    This would be 100% incorrect.

    1. I used to run a network of SUCKS sites. I no longer do due to lack of time.
    2. I didn't take anyones side in this spat.
    3. Mark B has never "trolled" me as you'd say, so why would I troll him?
    4. I really don't have a #4, I just wanted to make this look more official
    5. I know you do this only to elicit responses from people.

    However you need to learn about trolling. You can't constantly troll everyone all the time and expect to be good at it. No one will take you serious. Which is exactly what has happened within the administration community with certain people. So Im not sure why you constantly take digs at me, when Im one of the only people on the entire interwebs (trust me there are a lot of people) who previously really had no issue with you. I may have even went as far as considering you an virtual friend of sorts.

    That was until you started to say I'm Anthony Cea for whatever reason again.

    So in closing you've obtained your goal in getting a response, but in the process you've also trolled for the last time. So now when your posting on your forum as other people, you can think to yourself "Jeeze, sure would be nice to have some assholes here on my [****][****][****][****][****][****][****] forum so I can be an [****][****][****][****][****][****][****] with". And you'll know why, no other assholes even want to be around.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    So... you're now saying those posts on my forum from Anthony Cea, that started getting posted last night are from me "talking myself". Don't make me laugh, I've not been adding any content on my forums for weeks on end, it's just been sitting their doing nothing and I've made no attempt to try and promote it. If you'd like to known, I've been playing FreeLancer online a lot again (most evenings). Why I'm not interested in the forum board anymore.. wasting my time posting on it when it won't make any difference anyhow if I did. I might post the odd thing now and then, that's it!

    So why now all of a sudden, would I start posting talking to myself on it. Give me a break, please. I'll admit I've done it before to see if it works, just like all forums owners do. But I don't do it now, and won't anymore either - it's stupid doing it and gets you nowhere anyway.

    If I wanted to post as fake users, like most forums do. I'd create some proper ones and use them posting proper discussion. Which I've not done, there is only me listed as a member their, that in itself should tell you enough. No fake members have been added, as you can see! I do allow guest posting, simply so anybody can post without having to join, there is no hidden agenda behind me doing that, it that simple - to allow anyone to post seeing as it's so hard to get members joining a community these days. Plus, I don't even run a forum board seriously anymore, so don't mind allowing guest posting one bit.

    Here's proof it's Anthony Cea and not me.

    View attachment 2253


    Attached Files:

  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Argue that David. As you can see it's a US based ISP, while I come from England, UK. The IP range changes, he doesn't always use same static IP each time. He does always use same ISP, has done for years. It only looks (the way it looks), because I play along with Anthony Cea. If anything, I find him amusing at best in what he says.

    As for what I said above before, can't be bothered anymore arguing this here and listening to lies. No need to talk about reporting Mark to his ISP, instead I've banned his static Virgin Media IP from accessing my forum in the future, he can expect his others added as well. That ends this argument for me, I'll deal with this that way now.
  9. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    You know me as a fighter. You know I fight back with a vengeance. That post is me acting nasty. Not to be outdone, Mark B likes your post because it is a "good" thing for him. You're actually helping his case.

    My motto has always been this: If you can't stop that person in his tracks, join his antics. For example, I play Call of Duty every day, and when I come across a camper, I get mad. Instead of "rage quitting" like a lot of people do - I get even. If he wants to camp, then I'll camp to get even.

    If Mark B can't stop acting like a 5 year old, then I guess I should show him just how nasty I can be.

    But since David is saying that both Mark B and GTB is the same person, not only have I stopped posting here, I've lost a lot of respect for GTB because I've always known MrGTB as a nice, helpful guy at xenForo. Only to find out he doesn't have a life.

    If Mark B and GTB is the same person, that's just #@^&ing SAD. That's... just dumb.

    I thought I've seen everything on message boards. This one takes the cake. I'm sorry, that's just retarded.

    Both of you need to get a life, really. This.... I can't...

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  10. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    May 29, 2011
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    This has to be one of the best reads (in so far as comedic quality) I've had on a forum in a long while. Just saying.
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  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Take my word for it Carlos, I most certainly ain't Mark.B posting in this thread. David, has no idea what's he's talking about if saying that to you. But where did he actually say that anyway? I don't see him saying that in this thread?
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    So can I take it Carlos, that David has told you that in a Private Message? Because he's not said it in this thread anywhere, I'd appreciate an answer after reading your posts saying what you said, claiming David has told you I'm both GTB and Mark.B posting in this thread?

    The least you can do after all the help I've given you with graphics. I've sent you a PM about it as well on another forum, answer me in that if want.
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Neither of you are helping your own case. I'm helping neither of you because I think you're both acting highly immature.
    Mark shouldn't have liked my post, because I don't think he's acting any better.

    Truthfully I feel like I'm reading the rants of two 13 yr olds. :pop2:
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  14. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    Oct 21, 2009
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    I thought you gave up forums and wanted to stop posting here too but then you decided to carry on a row with someone who make comments at ANOTHER forum that you have already told us you would no longer post there since you stated at post #1 this line:

    Here you are FIVE days later and you are still posting in forums.

    Too funny......
  15. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    Oct 21, 2009
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  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Two words for you: #@^& off..
    Yes, he PM'ed me telling me that.
    I'm busy. I have a life outside of bickering [such as this thread]. I run more than 4 websites, I play online multiplayer almost all the time to promote my brand, and have fun... Lately, I've been visiting my family in another part of California, and I also go out clubbing. Which none of you are doing. Living a life.
    2 people like this.
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Thanks for that Carlos, exactly what I wanted to know and proves everything I thought about David McHenry.

    He's a lying sod telling you that. And if you take note also, even Mark.B has avoided replying in this thread "confirming it was him" who posted himself. What chumps they both are, and David only lied telling you that because you backed me up in this thread at times. Something he couldn't stand seeing "Mr Anthony Cea" troll himself. Yeah, go ahead and deny it David, or better still stay hidden!

    So you sent Carlos a PM telling him I was posting as Mark.B in this thread, just to get him to turn against me posting what he did above. What a madman, when you knew very well that isn't the case at all. Well done, just proves everything and I'm glad you did it. Now I know for sure with you!

    That's me done now in this thread, anybody reading it can see things for themselves what's been going on.
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    They are not on the same IP.
  19. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Wait a second. Contents of a private message were revealed?!?!?!?

    Omfg the end of the internets!!!!

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  20. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    Oct 21, 2009
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    Carlos classy reply to my harmless and low key comment:

    You deserve this:
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