It's goodbye from me

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by GTB, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Does this mean you two won't be exchanging christmas cards this year?
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  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    If this isn't true then don't let it bother you. If it is then man up to it. We've all done things that we are not proud of. When they are brought to light laugh them off and chalk it up as a learning experience.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well that's it Bob, I'm not even bothered really. I would have blocked him from accessing my sites ages ago if I was, but didn't because I'm not really that kind of person who cares too much about it all. But the thing with Mark, even now he'll argue to try and make YOU look wrong, still playing his games. And that's all it is to him, one big game to try and make YOU look a liar. No wonder he has 1000 games installed at BC Forums. :rolleyes:

    Now I've decided to give him a taste of his own treatment, that I've put up with for years from him done sly on my forums. Now he's got his knickers all in a twist over it. Typical, can dish it out, but can't take it back and man up.
  4. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    LOL Carlos. Just pure LOL.

    Thanks for the entertainment, I'll give you that, it was worth the read.
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  5. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    See? You've got nothing better to do! :)
    #@^& yourself.
    These kinds of games, or Mind Games, if you will - are for kids. If you don't want to play this game with him, ban his @$$. IP discourage his sorry @$$.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    It isn't true, and it doesn't bother me, because it isn't true.
    That doesn't mean I find it acceptable for people to post lies and present them as the truth. Not something I have ever stood for.
    It is also the mark of the weak, when all they can do is post lies.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    It is true, what reason would I lie for? You must be the weak person you talk about then, because you're lying again.

    Also, you never explained how comes you kept logging in from London and Manchester using two different ISP on your member account. Care to explain that one away, as you skipped the question before? But I guess you never did that one either, I'm making that up as well. Not that it really matters either way to me, but seeing as both was static landlines and you live in Manchester, around 300 miles away from London. So what was that one all about then? As it wasn't a proxy you used, but a BT static line based in London. While your Manchester one used mostly is Virgin Media same as me.

    Prime example that of you playing games before, and you knew I'd pick up on that. Knowing it makes it look as though two different people are logging in on your account from Virgin Media and BT landlines 300 miles apart. Just mind games, what you always liked playing on my forums with me for years. But do know how it can be done and not be in London, by using a cloned cable box.

    Not saying you have one, just that's how it can be done. But still... I'd like to hear your explanation for that? You don't work in London, and it's not like you're going travel 300 miles to do it? And we are talking about you logging in with both.
  8. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Bob we seriously do need a popcorn smiley here. awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_02cb3f135dfe972a2a0ee1798c4e4755.gif
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  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    What Mark conveniently forgets however, when saying he's not lying. Is that he has a bad track record when I've started a new forum of quickly posting his sly remarks on other forums like here before to be read. He seems to forget that one, that he's done it multiple times before for everyone to read on various other forums like here, Admin Extra and on vBulletin. But I suppose he'll say, that wasn't him, but another person instead? Maybe his long lost twin brother living in London? :rolleyes:
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Gary, let him lie about himself. Don't feed his trolls. If he wants to act like a little kid that has nothing better to do with his life, then let him. Let his own actions speak louder than words.

    Those who see his posts are just going to see through his lies by saying "I'm not doing this," followed by his laughs, such as "haha. lol" Which is why I rebutted at him with "see? nothing better to do." Because it's his tone that sets his lies apart from your truths.

    Laughing at other people's expense (like Mark did to me just now) just speaks volumes that he's more than just a troublemaker.

    Once you ignore anything he says, he stops. He will have nobody to pester.
  11. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    Ask and yea shall receive.

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  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    The thing with Mark you see, he's had his fun playing the slime-ball doing nasty tricks on forums like mine for years. But now he's suddenly got that staff badge at vBulletin thinking he's somebody to look up to, he wants to brush it all under the carpet as though he's never done anything wrong. Why he mentioned he's not posted on my forum since September, which is when he first started acting like "Support Staff" at vBulletin. He was most likely on a trial period then, and why he not only stopped spamming my forums (but also stopped posting on others soon after), and for no other reason. He must think we're all stupid!

    But now he has what he wanted, that vBulletin staff position in the bag. Now he's slowly started getting bored again, he's missing his trolling ways and has started posted on forums like here and Admin Extra once again. This is why I've come out with the TRUTH about him now, play Mark at his own game when he least wants it to happen. Not let him have everything his own way, like he's had for years spamming my forums being the troll he is. And this is why he's taken it so serious, coming out with lame threats trying to shut me up about him, because he can't stand the tables getting turned on him for once.

    You've no idea Carlos, with the kind of tricks this guy has played on my forums. I've not said everything he's done, because frankly I can't prove it and would only make me look daft saying it. And not just months doing it, but over a 4-6 year spell, and especially when I installed XenForo before. He really went to town doing his nasty tricks then, because he was peeved at me using it! People have a right to know about his antics, get to know the real Mark.B. Now if that sounds a little bitter on my part, so be it as I'm entitled to feel annoyed after years off putting up with this idiot causing no end of problem on all my forums run. He's a lunatic and a serial troller doing it for years...
  13. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Now you know how I feel about Paul M. I've been fighting with Paul M for months before I decided "That's it, I'll back off." So, when he got his Staff position, he [Paul M] has the same attitude as Mark B as to using his "status" as a shield. Then, not to be outdone, he comes over to xenForo to build up his brand, and tries to do the "right thing" by providing people with tools to make them happy and like him all at the same time. It's all a facade, dude. Fact is, Internet Brands is so stupid, that they'd rather have troublemakers on their own forums, and speak their brand message as "we're jerks, #@^& with us, or GTFO" So, if Mark B and Paul M would like to be known as individuals that were hired by Internet Brands as "the jerks" then more power to them, I guess! :D
    Karma's a #!t@& man, he'll get what's coming to him. He continues to dig his own grave over and over, and over again. As if being hired by Internet Brands wouldn't stop his appetite for trolling... He does it anyway. :) What goes around, comes around, man. Let him dig his own grave.
    Like I said, ignore him, and if he bothers your forum - ban him. All methods - until he's gone off the radar.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Oh! Don't worry, I had my fun before the forum board was taken down. I listed all his IP's under a robot name added Mark.B [Lurker], which showed him as being online each time he visited like Google and MSN bots, and logged his last visit time as a guest each time coming e.t.c. That was rather funny, must admit! He was a registered robot for a while, ranked higher than "Yahoo Slurp!" for forum hits, and that takes some beating!!! :lol2:

    Mark's dug his own grave on the web a long time ago, why he gets so much stick from everyone that knows him. You don't get labelled a troll by everyone for nothing.
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    The lies don't stop coming do they.
    I have never, ever "used my status as a shield", perhaps you'd care to post evidence of this instead of just presenting falsehoods as fact.
    Paul M is Paul M, I am not linked with him in any way other than the fact that we both carry out (different) work for the same company.
    You seem to fall into the common trap of thinking anyone who disagrees with you is "trolling". Here's some news for you - I will continue to post my own opinions, whether you like them or not. You are of course free to disagree with them as you see fit, but at the moment I don;t see any of that, I just see you posting insults, lies and falsehoods about me.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    But everyone disagrees with you Mark, to the point they even ridicule you, and that should tell you something. But it doesn't though, does it? Now of a sudden, you want everyone to take you seriously as vBulletin staff, we should all forget your past history! Well here's some Breaking News for YOU - it's not going to happen. You ain't the next Wayne Luke or Steve Machol, they earned the respect they have from people like me and others, plus they never trolled sites to earn a bad name like you. It really is that simple...

    To be fair to Paul.M though, he has released a lot of mods before he was even staff at There's a world of difference between him and Mark. I've never seen him release anything for people to use on vBulletin, nor help anybody out really. Marks always been "Me, Me, Me", all the time over the many years spent at vBulletin "taking, but never giving anything back". You can't say that about Paul.M, plus he does know his stuff.
  17. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Give it up Gary. I'm not going to sit here defending every lie you post about me.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Maybe you should have given it up, called it a day. When you was asked to stop playing stupid games on my forums "many times" by myself, but you still continued on for years doing the same thing regardless. So please... spare me your cry baby gripes now, I was talking to brick wall before asking you to stop it. Most people saw you doing it anyway, it's not like I'm telling them something new they don't already know. Same with your many posts made on different forums each time I started a new one, that people can read you saying. I don't need to prove anything at all here, your lies are out there to be read.

    You should have thought about that before, now you don't like same thing happening to you. Nothing of what I say is lies, it's all true, as well you know! You can keep playing the "I'm lying card" all you want, but everything I've said is true and most people know it anyhow.

    Unlike you, I will call it day now and give it rest, job done. What a pity you couldn't do same before 6 years had to pass, even then you was still at it.
  19. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    This is easily the most entertaining good bye thread i've ever read.

    When the time comes and I decide to part ways with the interwebs again, I can only hope mine turns this way also :D
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Actually, I'm thinking of changing my mind like Mark does. I might bring forum back later. :giggle:

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