Is xenForo Dying?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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  2. John

    John Regular Member

    May 23, 2009
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  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    That's why I didn't expect to see Jake get made a moderator, thought he would have been one before.

    Looks like you've just had your one warning only, after reading "Slavik" likes to be strict giving out "1" only, then banning people next.

    I'm disappointed in the way they've handled things at XenForo since things took an obvious turn for the worse. They could and should have communicated things across far better than they have with customers, but instead closed shop saying nothing and went missing for months leaving customers hanging in the wind asking questions. Just not the way to run a business!!! Now we see this extremely vague announcement posted by Ashley months later trying to put a "BRAVE FACE" on things (telling you little to nothing again), Think they are finished and just seeing things out collecting what money they can.

    Wouldn't surprise me if either in the process of filing for bankruptcy, agreeing terms to hand over ownership to Internet Brands, or just trying to sell the company on to another interested party. Sorry, but it's clear things are NOT right coming to an end! Sales are probably not good enough in 2012, they can no longer afford to fight court case and not earning a weekly wage out the company.
  4. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    I'm surprised that Slavik was made a moderator because his posts have been quite partisan in the past. But then maybe this is why, they don't want neutral people they want people with a track record of sticking their heads in the sand and denying there can be anything other than total devotion to the "Xenforo Way". I can't blame them for that and if the truth be known, I would have come down on that forum with an iron fist and removed a great deal of trolling members a long time ago. Although not the members people think I am talking about, I mean the ones who jump on customers expressing a valid, but alternative, opinion.

    I think we all need to understand it's a customer facing forum intended to showcase the product and support customers, so maybe it is totally unrealistic to expect Xenforo bad mouthing as they put it (no matter how well justified or well intentioned we claim to be) given any free reign there. vBulletin and IPB both moderate content like that quite strictly, whilst allowing some small amount of constructive criticism to stand.

    Still, it is always sad that a paying customer asking where Kier and Mike are is seen as such a threat that needs removal, instead of an opportunity to help that customer, support them, and reassure the community. Because I am sure that for every one customer expressing a concern, there are dozens more who feel the same but do not post. Ultimately no changing of the moderators can deflect customer concern for very long.

    Jake's Free Brogan avatar is ironic in the sense that, in a few weeks at the hands of Slavik with his new-found super powers to censor, the community will be petitioning for his return! Come back Brogan, all is forgiven.

    But let's try and be positive. Despite our being forced to use alternative forums to discuss this away from censorship, and despite us quite wrongly being labelled as anti- Xenforo (more irony there, since we probably like the product more than the fanbois, it is why we are so passionate about it), this whole episode might have been the cold, hard, reality SLAP IN THE FACE the company needed. From here they have an amazing opportunity to get the community back on track....
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Being honest I think Slavik said the right thing after me just posting this, which was a bit harsh but I'm just telling the true how many customers do feel right now. I cannot fault his moderation style there! Of course the fan-boys jumped on my post afterwards and don't seem to understand I'm giving some "honest feedback" there for the XenForo Devs to think hard about, then start correcting things before it's too late for many customers. I don't even waste my time now replying back to the fan-boys if I can help it, although annoying at times. Even though one just referred to me as an Idiot, that fan-boy "Saeed" dude who pipes up with his dummy sucking baby dribble - every single time.

    I like Jake, he makes me laugh and he's one of the good guys in my book, that avatar just makes me laugh because it's Jake all over and his sense of humour! I think they need Brogan back as well, if anything because of his knowledge in helping people. Even if coming back again "as a none moderator role" just helping people now and then like Jake did before being made up. Plus "Jake and Brogan" bounce off one another.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    This is precisely what I mean. His post won't be pulled, but try calling him an idiot back and watch what happens.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Mark, I've been called worst things than an "Idiot" in my time, water of a ducks back and only proves how utterly pathetic some are in trying to get a rise out you. Anyone with half a pea-sized brain can see that post was only ever intended to get a "negative" response back from me.
  8. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Posted by Kier: "Development of XenForo is ongoing. It never stopped. Thank you all for your support."
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well that goes some way in clearing things up. But wish he'd at least make a reference in saying: "XenForo 1.2 is still coming soon". You know, actually refer to something specific that cannot be taken out of context. I'm not trying to nitpick or anything, but to me while being more clear than the announcement posted by Ashley, it still falls well short in confirming 100% that 1.2 will arrive.

    This is what I mean about communicating proper, you have to be much more specific about things really and a lot less vague. Which only end-up with people questioning what it really meant later, then come the arguments next disagreeing with one another over that announcement.

    This what Kier said below, we can ignore the rest because it just talks about Mods being made up.

    Now this is what Ashley said before him.

    Tell me, what's the huge difference really between both? Both are short, brief and vague.

    Why not say this instead. At least then he'd be confirming that XF 1.2 is coming 100% for sure, end of all rumours and what people have been asking to be confirmed for months - because XenForo 1.2 is directly mentioned in it.

  10. Riess

    Riess Regular Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I can bet bunch of nuts against gold that then you would be posting "Why is it so vague? Could they write in more details of what is being developed?"
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Which is why I won't post it there, I'd just get jumped on for saying that without a shadow of a doubt. But hey, each to their own. I'd just like to see something a little more concrete posted than that to go off.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well would you believe it, he's at it again! This clown just can't stop trying his dam hardest to get a reply back from us. And to think some like him have the cheek to call "us" trolls!

    Maybe I should hand him a mirror to look in - then again he might scare himself to death?

  13. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    That's the problem, if we're seen as "troublemakers" then it's even worse than I thought.

    I heartily dislike web forums when they descend into this chaos. All dissent from the "common opinion" is classed as trolling and the posters are "troublemakers". Bores me.

    Main problem is far too many teenagers and suchlike, no life experience, no experience of not getting their own way, and it shows. Look how many of them pounced on Floren within minutes of his "contentious" post last week.

    It's difficult for Kier and Mike, they can't simply "ban" all these people, but I do wish these posters would respect the fact that others have the right not to agree with them.
  14. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    I dont really follow any of this xenforo vBulletin stuff much anymore, but is anyone really surprised?

    Or was no one around when those guys were in charge of vBulletin? Granted communication was never bad like this, but its never been a strong point for any of them.
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    It didn't really matter there though. they were just the developers. Many of the current vB developers never post either (though some do).
    vB had (and still does have) staff whose job it was/is to do the communication.

    XenForo's problem is that they seem to have tried the same tactic there, when it's their own business, which is always going to fail.

    Thing is though, I don't buy this "it's just the way they are" stuff, there's something connected with the ;lawsuit that has caused this retreat and the series of vague, minimalist messages that have been coming out. I can't profess to know what it is, but one thing I *can* be certain of, is that it will all come out in the wash someday.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    What just read this on Admin Talk from somebody else, they seem to have a different take on it all.

  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Oh my god! I've just been catching up on all the negative fan-boy replies aimed my way since posting this.

    It's got to the point now were you cannot air a view that doesn't go in favour of XenForo, say anything otherwise and not only will you get pounced on, but you get insulting remarks posting your way allowed to stand. Think it's time for me to stop posting for the most part on XenForo now, spend more time reading and hell of a lot less time posting anything there for the time being.

    I'm going to leave the children to fight among themselves.
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I have admit Slavik sounds like he will do a fine job at moderating and keeping things inline. This is what they need. A calming voice that will be strict when needed until the cone of silence is totally lifted. Kier and Ashley have somewhat cracked the cone with the tidbits they posted. It's a step in the right direction. Maybe Brogan resigning, this thread and similar threads at other forums have brought about some good. I can only hope since I said before I like the software. At this point in time I just have no faith in the company.

    Gary, let the fanboys comments roll off your back. They don't matter too much anyway. Look at this way trying to reason with them is like banging your head off a wall. All it does is make your head hurt and accomplishes nothing.
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Na! Can't be bothered with XenForo for the time being Bob. It's got boring now listening to the fan-boys same daily dribble, plus XenForo these days reading most posts sounds like it's been overrun by 13 year year old teens! KAM - are playing mind games with customers on purpose reading those last 2 announcement made, very obvious that much to me! So I'm doing same as you and Mark, hardly posting much there
  20. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Brogan's post was interesting and confirms things were not that rosy: Brogan Post. I'm not sure Xenforo really appreciated just how instrumental Brogan was in keeping the community going while Kier and Mike went AWOL. If it wasn't for Brogan's posts, what would have been left of the community?

    Meanwhile on Xenforo, does Mike actually still work there? This was brought up in a thread (nicely, as in, be nice for Mike to say hello) and was jumped on by all the fanbois and trashed/trolled as usual. But that does not change the fact that Mike has not posted since March 20. It is now May.

    Why do I feel the changing of moderators is just smoke and mirrors?
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