The general view seems to be that SMF is more secure than MyBB. Don't ask me why, but from what I read on the web about this on many sites. Poeple seem to have that view. What I will say, is that unlike MyBB. SMF do make use of a lot of .htaccess files in the default download forum package designed to block access from files and folders to make your forum more secure by default. Something I've noticed MyBB doesn't include by default, but maybe should to help protect certain directory's a little better just like SMF do. SMF also seem to take a very long time between releases made, giving the impression they like to double check all is secure. Instead of just wanting to rush version after version out the door ASAP. Keep in mind too, there are a lot more SMF board than MyBB boards out there live on the web being used by people. So even though you might see more SMF boards getting hacked than MyBB boards. Means nothing because of the numbers in use.
SMF's development has pretty much collapsed. It seems a new project is forming at SMF Friends - Index
Interesting. I wouldn't say that that means nothing. Quite the contrary... Take Windows and Linux/MacOS as an example. Windows is targeted by viruses a LOT more than the other two combined, because it is virtually the only OS used by home computer users. If it were Linux that held the number one spot with such a huge margin - it would not have the reputation of this incredibly secure OS it has now. Because for the most part only computer savvy users and professionals use Linux. As for MacOS - there are two reasons, why nobody writes viruses for us Mac users: - there are not enough of us to be relevant - if you do write a virus, the fanboys among us will fanboy you to death So come back to the point... SMF is a far more interesting target than MyBB. So for small board users, that could be a factor. Because if my board is not relevant to hackers, I'm happy.
Well that is a bummer. I did wonder why 2.0 was taking so gosh darn long. This quote seems to indicate that it is beyond repair: I left SMF primarily because their themes were awful and hated the quote background color AND their bbc was not up to date. But I understand that many like it and that is why it will be very much missed if the splinter group fails to pick up the pieces and rebuild again.
Most of the time when you get hacked, it so much down to the software itself. More down to either installing plug-in with security vulnerabilities, or your server host having weakness in letting them in. But people always are fast to blame the forum software first for it.
Twice there was a spamming problem and a hacker problem but it was always from the server side.My forum running on myBB software has never had a hacker or spam problem and beleive me my forum is VERY unpopular with a lot of people. I now have a few security tricks set up in the cPANEL to make it much harder for losers to exploit.