IPB VS Xenforo Review: 2 week perspective

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Superboy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I don't have to do anything for any type of response, except hit the quote button. You'll always reply because you can't help yourself.

    I am not losing the Plot of anything. You're trying to change the story to a whole new series.

    The PLOT is My difficult transition into XF, though i am actually picking stuff up easier, now....

    you decided to make it about my Choice to convert(keywords my choice) and then make it about my staff management skills. Again things that have nothing to do with my overall topic at hand really. How about you lose the arrogance and take it down a peg. I could take you more serious then.

    I am calling you a moron because to me that is what you are. It's not to elicit a response. I don't need to get a response of any sort really from some random person on the web who is merely data to me at best. It was just me stating my opinion as I do always.

    You find me to be some spoilt kid(spoilt no?) and I find you to be an utter moron of epic proportions. Glad we got that addressed. I can sleep better now.

    Do you have anything else to add or can we steer this back on topic to what the real topic is about...Micah's Perspective of IPB and XF and his efforts to get used to something a bit foreign and out of his usual comfort zone.
  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    OK, Superboy, you win. Now go fly off and stop replying back to me.
    Superboy likes this.
  3. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    Lafayette, IN, USA
    First Name:
    Ahh, so you do know of me then. <LOL>

    Apologies for trying especially hard to be polite. I'll try harder to address you by terms that will be a much better fit.

    Congratulations on your acceptance to a school of higher learning, and I do mean that sincerely. But being the old man I am, I cannot begin to tell you the number of 'intelligent' university students I have met who didn't have the good sense to come in out of the rain. Since we seem to be sharing life experiences with one another, I work at the local university, and for the most part, I am less than impressed with the common intelligence displayed by the student body. Perhaps you are the shining example that will rise to the top, and I do hope you are. But basing your level of intelligence on acceptance to university really proves naught to me. Frankly, introducing your acceptance is, as you say, unnecessary, and leaves me with the opinion that you are spin-doctoring. Again. Being a first term university student is certainly a good thing, but what does that have to do with your ill-considered move back to XenForo?

    Yet you take umbrage when I completely agree with you? What is the point you are trying to debate with me, again?

    Ahhh, so that is what you do best. Yes, you are quite right, this addled, old man is more than a little confused. Because from my perspective (gee, am I even allowed to have perspective in this discussion), what you do best is gripe. And complain. Is it OK with you, if I say I am just one who is tired of hearing all of it? I realize I am really taking a lot for granted, expressing my opinions as I am, so you be sure to tell me when I've over-stepped my bounds.

    Of course you aren't.

    Gee, thanks for helping this doddering, auld fool out, by explaining the painfully obvious.

    What you cannot seem to understand is that we all get it. Even in the throes of senility, I understand your plight. You, defender of all things IPB, converted to XenForo and are now unhappy with the decision you made. What you cannot seem to understand is many of us fail to see what you're complaints are about. You claim you once used XenForo and you disliked it enough to move to IPB. So why bother to return? I once made the mistake of purchasing IPB licenses and let me tell you, I'll never get that sour taste off my tongue. A team of draft horses couldn't drag me back to IPB, for any reason. If you hit your thumb with a hammer, will that be painful enough for you to want to do it again?

    You bleat and whine and moan that no one is helping you, but you cannot be bothered to help yourself. How many times have how many people, in this very thread, told you that the attitude you're bringing to the XenForo table is going to be your downfall? But hey, what would we know, because none of us are 19, none of us have attended school, none of us have ever held down jobs, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    What part of this is so hard for you to understand? Many of us took the time to research XenForo, to make sure it was a good fit for us. I even took the time to set up a test site, so the members of my live sites could give it a spin, so I would know it was going to work for them. We made the migration because we wanted something better. We've weighed the shortcomings against the pluses and have persevered.

    You, on the other hand, have rarely had anything good to say about XenForo, yet without putting it to the test, you converted a live site. What, we're somehow to blame for your ill-considered move? In the few days since you migrated, you've only been able to point out how disappointed you are with XenForo, and how badly you miss IPB. Yet, when we tell you that you are likely going to be happier running IPB, you are suddenly too busy and too stressed to even consider moving back to what you like. How you managed to find the time to convert to XenForo was nothing short of miraculous, aye? Rather than looking at the clear-cut strengths of XenForo, and reconciling them against some clear-cut weaknesses of IPB, you prattle on and on and on with your personal emotions. Did any of us hold a gun to your head, and force you to migrate to XenForo? If not, then why take your own frustrations over your own mistakes out on us? How silly are you really going to get with all this?

    If you well and truly do not like XenForo, then migrate back to what you do like. If XenForo is such a hassle for you to use, then eliminate the source of stress and migrate back to some you are comfortable using. It's not like this is rocket science, it is just common sense. Before telling me again how book-smart you are, try applying some common sense and kwityerbitchin'. Before telling me again what a hassle it would be to migrate back to XenForo, let this doddering, drooling auld git point out that you could have easily converted back to IPB in much less time than you have spent here, griping about your own rotten decision-making. One of these days, you'll finally be smart enough to see migrating back to IPB just might have preserved a bit of your dignity, as well.

    Two questions immediately come to mind. Do you seriously think this is going to be the most challenging time of your life? And what in the world does your ongoing self-aggrandizement have to do with your questionable decision-making?

    Laddie, I spent a lot of years working two jobs, whilst furthering my own education, whilst operating nearly a dozen Web sites, and did it all as a single parent, so you're going to have to excuse me for not being in awe of your life accomplishments. When you get to the point where you can tell me how you worked a 16-hour day, then came home to prepare dinner, do laundry, and do dishes with one hand, whilst changing diapers or helping a child do homework with the other, then I'll give you the respect you deserve. You tell me how 'rough' you have it, but what you aren't seeing is how many of us wish we had it so good.
    thewhatami and GTB like this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I wanted to give that a triple LIKE... exactly. Enjoy school while you can Superboy, seriously hope you get out of it - what you can to get a very good job (although... don't know why you keep throwing the educational achievements) out to us, like you own some "War Medals" for acts of heroism on the front-line? But anyway... once you leave college... the good old "lazy days" are well and truly over with and "real life" starts for you then. Some of us didn't have the luxury of extended education into college (being lazy for longer), it wasn't really an option. We had to find work at 16 years old, become a man earlier.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  5. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    Lafayette, IN, USA
    First Name:
    Well, not everyone. Some are just whiny-arsed, snot-nosed kids, but I do try to be polite on (rare) occasion. No. Really, I do. Why are you snickering like that?

    I'm just thankful I am only 60 and have the day off, so I can look after my 6 year-old granddaughter, do laundry, do dishes, clean house, pay bills, take care of updating a half-dozen WordPress sites and look after my own forums. And gods be praised, I'm only at 20 hours without sleep, with maybe another 6 or 7 to go. If my schedule was as jammed as that of a 19 year-old, I would just never have time to do anything.

    Pass me my cane, I need to make shift. Thanks again for the birthday wishes. Did you bake me a cake, perchance? Being that your schedule is so free, all of the time.
  6. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    *sniggers louder*

    Yeah, I made it in between the screams of "Cody's just done *insert something random here*" and the constant picking up of rubbish :D
  7. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I just can't get over how defensive you people get over XF. I mean the fact that you literally feel the need to tear down and literally pick apart my opinions and then try to speak to me as i am some idiot...It's really pathetic. I've never seen this with any type of forum software.
    I feel the same way about Older people who are thought to be Wised and "Seasoned" due to life's struggles and hardships. I expect such....class and a sense of decency from older folks and I have a tendency to be disappointed when I come in contact with them.

    What I discover is, they really are no different than people my own age. Difference being
    Stubborn and Unwilling to yield due to inexperience(my age) and Stubborn and Unwilling to Yield due to a perceived sense of superiority because of life experiences I've yet to experience(example...your age group).

    We aren't sharing life stories. I just do not appreciate being spoken down to as some ignorant person because I am younger than you. Your whole post(s) screams of condescendence and arrogance with a tinge of superiority. I don't need to be spoken to like I am some child because I am not some child. If you feel the need to speak to me, then speak to me with the same respect you'd want in return for yourself or not at all.

    I plan to be :) I rose to the top already in many cases and I do my best to not perpetuate and engage in the typical behaviors and activities of people my own age. I do invite you to actually speak to me outside of a conversation that has nothing to do with forum software, you may be surprised with the outcome :)

    There goes that condescendence. I never said I was unhappy with the decision I made, so much as various things frustrate me and were easier for me to do on IPB. If i truly was unhappy I'd leave. Right now I am confused, Felt a little lost and I am trying to learn and give it an open mind.

    I didn't like Xenforo last year because the software was weak and heavily reliant on 3rd party add-ons. Now a year later and that is less of an issue. I returned due to not liking where IPB was heading in 4.0 and wanting to get serious about my site instead of it just being a hobbyist forum.

    I can't be bothered to help myself? Most of the questions I've had, I answered myself by finding them through bing. I struggled with permissions and for the most part, I got them. I taught myself the user promotions.

    Again reading Comprehension seems to be something both you and @GTB lack. I've already acknowledged several mistakes I have made and I even admitted that my perception of XF users as a whole causes me to discriminate against genuine people who actually DO want to help. I shouldn't judge an entire community based on a vocal minority that i can't stand to associate with.

    I never once said anything about Age or anything like that. Once again, that arrogance of yours. Why does Age need to be an argument? It's quite amusing how arrogant many XF users are. Several circumstances have happened in the past months where my opinion apparently mattered less because I am young.
    At what point did I insinuate blame on anyone for my choice? What I love is the fact you are coming down on me for focusing on all the negative aspects of Xenforo and harping on them without looking at the positives.

    Same thing you're doing now.
    My post started out with various things I truly like about XF that IPB lacks or wasn't as well thought out. I even ended my complaints with a bittersweet positive note...I am not giving up just yet.

    You're focusing on one aspect of my review just like I am focusing on the negative of XF.....you are being a hypocrite Mike. Instead of picking apart pieces of the review look at the overall review.

    "He made a rushed decision and is having trouble adjusting and he is complaining. But he also sees potential in it as well and is open to exploring that potential."

    Which is pretty much the whole issue. I am having trouble adjusting.

    You and GTB are absolutely ridiculous. At what point did I insinuate that anyone forced me or held a gun to my head to migrate?
    Of course I prattle on with my personal emotions. ITS MY REVIEW...MY RANT....MY TOPIC.

    Whose emotions am I supposed to use? Justin Bieber's?
    I found the time to do the Migration because it is summer time and i have less to do now. Simple as that...i stayed up the entire night and did it myself.
    I absolutely love the fact I made the post and I haven't really complained since. In fact, I am getting use to some things since posting the review initially. You people are hilarious when it comes to what you perceive.

    I never said it was a hassle for me. Nor did I say it was stressing me out.

    I stand by my choice of XF, begrudgingly but still willing, to master it. I made that choice in the original post.
    When did I say I had it rough? Again, you read what you want to read and interpret what you wish. At no point did i say i had it rough.
    In fact my life is actually pretty awesome for the most part.

    What I say was I busy? Did i say i think this is the most challenging time I will ever face?
    No. Did I imply that? No.

    I implied my life is quite busy or will be soon. I have already faced quite a few challenges already and life is not fun without facing even more as my life progresses.
    I never once thought you needed to be in awe of my accomplishments. I was merely stating that my time was limited and i didn't have the desire to do that at the moment because I had enough obligations already.

    As I asked GTB, do you have anything of use to add? As in helping me with XF or do you wish to continue debating back & forth my choice, my writing style and these perceived notions of what i said/an doing even though you pulled them out your ass? Because if it is the latter, I can do without that.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I'll help you with XenForo then.

    Looking at your forum just now, it looks nicer visually than it did before on IPB. It scrolls smooth moving down the long forum list on homepage, site seems much faster overall than when you used IPB. The site frankly was running crap on IPB, scrolling was very jerky (it wasn't loading fast enough) on homepage due to too may forums listed. So regardless of features it might lack compared to when using IPB, you'd be better off just "sucking it up" and staying as you are with XenForo.

    Why, because you'll get members more likely to join the way things are now with it, compared to how things was before running IPB. Whether or not the jerkiness was related to the cutom theme used (and not IPS software), don't know. You'd have to use IPS stock theme and see if same problem happens when having a long list of forums? If the problem isn't there, then use a different theme with it.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  9. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    I'm going to ignore all the bickering again and just quote this bit :)

    Amidst all the back and forth, no one can help you until you actually tell us what parts you want help with :) Ask specific questions - I'm happy to help.. and I know @Sheldon is too, and I'm pretty sure everyone else will chip in as well.. but we can't help you if you don't word those questions.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Have a question about XenForo aimed at Lisa above. I see you have two private forums same as me, movies and off topic - but notice even though those boards are visible now (they wasn't before). There is no post or topic count displayed, so a guest has no idea if anything is posted on them with no permission to read those forums. Have you set those boards up that way on purpose, not display it, or is it not possible when being private forums to do it with XenForo?

    I ask because on my forum I can display topic count and even show last poster name (topic title name is removed though) for guest with no permission to view and read topics.
  11. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    I haven't really looked into it, to be honest. It's not something I've done a lot of messing with, but it looks like there are two ways (without tweaking templates) you can do it.

    You can either have it set the way we have where there's no indication of the amount of posts or you can set it so that the threadlisting can be seen, but the thread content can't. With that said, I would say that if you wanted to show the postcount on forumhome, it would only be a quick template modification to make it work. You've got me curious now :)
  12. Andrew B.

    Andrew B. Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    Hell hath no fury like a Xenforo fan scorned.
  13. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dreamsmasher

    Jan 13, 2014
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    Curious who the "Xenforo fan scorned" is in this entire thread?

    Or is this one of those normal XF vs IPB vs VB mantra's that turn into everyone calling each other a "fanboy" of whatever software the person they are arguing with is using? What is likely the most overused adjective in forums these days...
  14. Andrew B.

    Andrew B. Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    I was sort of hanging in there until it went to nitpicking Superboy's writing ability and then on to psychoanalyzing him. I can't tell if this is an admin topic, a writer's workshop, or group therapy. And no, I do not see this as routine fan enthusiasm. At least not in the world of forum software.
  15. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dreamsmasher

    Jan 13, 2014
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    I haven't paid any attention to any of that... I'm just trying to see what his concerns and issues were, and offering help. He has yet to post any, instead focusing on the back and forth with everything else.
  16. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    It's a XF thing :P
    I am used to it lol
    (it's far worse on TAZ, didn't quite expect it here on AT, then again...that's a lie, considering some of the people involved and the stupidity they displayed in past arguments, i am not surprised and it should be expected) :D

    you know your argument has no merit when you move from discussing the topic at hand to discussing Age, Staff management skills, My forum is failing, My Age and "Inexperience", and various things :)
    As I said before, I have gotten into debates with fans of various platforms about their software
    (I even argue a lot with Android fans about Windows Phone vs Android and Microsoft vs Google)

    And rarely ever do I come across an entire group of people who feel the need to rip into someone based on their opinions and instead of educating them, they call it "criticism" when in reality it's just a need to stroke your ego and flaunt "mine is bigger" type of argument.

    Yet someheow I get blamed for my opinion of XF users(This was said on TAZ) because I alienated myself from them. Which is fine by me. But I don't usually judge people for no reason so if i have a particular opinion of someone/something it's because they gave it to me. :)
    As i said before on TAZ, as long as you're singing praises for XF people are okay.

    Don't point out obvious flaws/weaknesses and don't dare say another Platform does it better because then they have to spend that time trying to tell you "Well, I can't imagine ever going back to IPB because of this or that. XF is perfect to me."
    ^okay then. And then they wonder why people refer to them as such :)

    I already said i would....give me time :) I have a tendency to argue with people I deem stupid and/or ignorant or just for the sake of amusement. I can't help myself sometimes.
  17. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dreamsmasher

    Jan 13, 2014
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    That right there will be your undoing when you are asking for help. Just a heads up.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Remember... you now use XenForo. You abandoned IPB in favour of using XenForo instead. :whistle:
  19. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I can be nice when i ask for help :)
    I have been nice/respectful when i asked for help.
  20. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    Do I? Jesus, I thought i was using VB5.....

    That is also one of the negatives I initially stated when converting. I didn't want to be apart of what many others view as XF "overzealous"(i was being nice) userbase and I didn't want to be thrown in with them.

    Thankfully that is not too big of an issue for me.

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