Have you ever used SMF?

Discussion in 'SMF Discussions' started by Tyler, May 30, 2009.

  1. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    Jun 7, 2009
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    SMF was the second forum I used after PHPBB. It was ok as the first time user but I so prefered the Vbulletin and saved in order to get the better one. I liked IPB as well but I saw more potential out of the VBulletin
  2. Bretteo

    Bretteo Newcomer

    Jun 11, 2009
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    I use SMF and love it, the only thing i dont like is the lack of skins for it, the mods have to be the most simple mods ever to use, all you have to do is upload the .zip through your ftp and import it through the acp and it installs its self.
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    What are your thoughts on SMF 2.x.x (when compared to v1.x.x)?
  4. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    SMF 2 still has a few bugs. The 'view member topics' query is sick-slow and something is up with the newsletter function. It is a bit faster overall, however, though the topic preview bit should really be an option - it's not even used in the default theme O_o

    Quick reply is default in 2.0, and members can now actually search for other members - including by IMs and e-mail if visible - which is quite awesome. Custom profile fields are now default, still no custom bbcode panel, unfortunately.

    Sphinx has been partially integrated, though I don't think it will be completely incorporated into 2.0... maybe 2.1? It would not take much work to make the default Sphinx plugin the rough equivalent of the $2k vB plugin, honestly. The administration panel has a setting search feature (way awesome) and the user search has been vastly improved.

    The addition of usergroup permission inheritance and forum permission profiles makes administrating complex forums like Elliquiy a lot easier.
  5. Bendo

    Bendo Novice

    Jun 9, 2009
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    They were in 1.0.
  6. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    'doh. Hate going from memory : /
  7. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    USA - oursrc.com
    I used SMF the first time I ever built a forum, and loved it. Since then, I've grown to absolutely hate the software, and don't go near any forum using it, litually...
  8. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Care to elaborate on your "change of heart"? :lol:
  9. Velocity

    Velocity Newcomer

    Jun 19, 2009
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    I tried it out and it was just way too user-unfriendly. The system for creating a new skin was utter chaos, and their whole usergroup deal remains a mystery to me. But it is free, so it's probably ungracious of me to complain about it. (I do wonder how many vB customers they're responsible for - a week with that board and I would have paid double what vB was asking at the time.)
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Wow, I'm really surprised how many people dislike SMF so much. Yes, I'm currently using SMF 2 RC1.2 right now. I have it installed both locally using WAMP, and as a live forum on-line. Not sure how many people here have used the newer SMF 2 version, but it's a lot better than the SMF 1.x.x series.

    My only gripe personally about SMF, is that there are a couple of features that are not very server friendly. Which on my local install (computer install) I have them all working perfectly fine.

    Spell Checker - Aspell is needed to be installed either locally, or at your server end for the built in spell checker option to work. I have this working locally by installing Aspell.

    Cache System - The are a number of cache systems you can choose from in the SMF settings, but on two different servers I rent (ASO and NameCheap). None of those cache settings show at working to choose in the admin cache setting, even though two of them are APC and eAccelerator. I have both working locally though with WAMP, and eAcellerator seems the faster.

    Friendly URL's - Again, this option doesn't seem to be very friendly with many server configurations you rent. It shows as not working with both my on-line servers again, but works fine locally using WAMP.

    In short, running SMF 2 locally everything works fine, every single setting can be used and activated. On-line though it's not the same story using a rented host. It still seems to run fast however, even though I have no cache system activated. And I'm looking forward to the next version with the new curve theme and bug fixes included.

    There are some neat new features in SMF 2 though. "Questions and Answers", which can be used alongside the Image Varification system for spam control. Paid Subscription option now there, auto checking Username Password during registration (like IPB does), the new WYSIWYG editor.

    If you want to see my install on-line, here is the link: Movie Reviews Forum

    I would still say SMF is best free forum software out there, I've used them all and played around with them. phpBB3 is way to limited, and the way they are currectly heading now in trying to add some new features to phpBB 3.0.6, shows they know it also.

    MyBB - Mmmm, I'm currently in the middle of installing it to take another peep at it. Last time I installed it (ages ago), I didn't like it. It's feature rich like SMF, but for me there is just something about SMF which is much more appealing to use.
  11. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    I'm like that. Except I never loved it :doh:

    If I land on a forum using it 99% of the time I automatically leave :o
  12. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    If SMF were to utilize a superior permissions system, I'd consider giving it a second chance - I just can't find myself grasping their current concept.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    What do you not like about the new SMF Permission system? At first I couldn't understand it either, and though (what the hell). But now I feel very differently indeed, because I fully understand how it all works now. Did you know you can even revoke individual users permissions with it if you activate a certain setting.

    All you need to do for each new board you create, is also create a new "custom permission group" (which automatically includes all user-groups in it). For example, I can create a new forum called "Guest Coffee Shop", then I create a new custom permission group (cloned from the Default one) also called "Guest Coffee Shop". Now I assign that customer permission group to that forum board and configure each usergroup in it (Admin, Mods, Members, Guests) etc. Depending on what access I want them to have for the Guest Coffee Shop board. Like not allowing Members to start new threads there, but reply to Guest posts who have access to start new threads there and reply also.

    You just do this with each new forum you add, so you then have an individual set of permissions for each board you create. By doing this you can then configure user-group rights totally independent of each other on every board. Giving you very powerful permission control. You never have to worry now about changing lets say a Members user-group permission on one board, having any effect on the other boards.

    In short, you never use any of the default permission groups that come with SMF. You create customers ones for each board (cloned from one of the default ones), just to get you started permission wise. Then make your own changes to it, and assign it to a board. Repeating the same proceedure for each new board so they all use there own custom permission group, that includes all user-groups in them.

    It does take a bit of getting your head around it at first, I felt the same way. But once you understand it, you can really start to understand that it is very powerful indeed - just very confusing at first. Even I neally though sod this. But I decided to hang-in and try and understand it more. Now I'm glad I did.
  14. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    I have used SMF in the past, and likely practically every other piece of forum software bar vBulletin I've used (including phpBB, Invision, etc), I didn't particularly like it. It was easy enough to set up and manage in some aspects, it's just the style is not my thing, and is rather awkward to edit if I may say so myself, with me preferring the style manager type layout of vBulletin to make simple changes rather than having to edit templates or such like.

    Not sure why else I don't like it... just not my cup of tea.
  15. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    Note that this is just emulating vBulletin/phpBB/MyBB. It sort of misses the point. I have a hundred and fifty forums.

    I only have a half dozen forum permission profiles, however, making it very manageable. It's awesome. In terms of time alone, it's kept vB off my list of software to consider.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well you can do the same with SMF. If you have 50 boards out of 150 that all use the same permissions rights per usergroup. Just create one custom permission group, and then assign it to those 50 boards. You only need create a custom permission group for each board if you want different rights for each individual forum board your create. Like members can start threads on one board but not another etc.

    When you create a new custom permission group that includes all usergroups in it, your not limited to how many boards can make use of it. You can choose 1 , 5, 50 etc
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Oh sorry, I see you use SMF. Anyway I made that point also, which I think you was trying to point out. :)
  18. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Jan 30, 2008
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    I personally like it better than some of the other free forum software and a heck of a lot betthe that phpBB. I've had no problems with the user or admin features.
  19. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    Oct 21, 2009
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    Kevin writes:

    I am learning about this very problem,and they never bother to make that known.Now I have small errors in various places,that needs to be fixed,but I am a newbie and have no idea how to do that.

    Now that any NEW themes I want to add,will have to be modified to accept ALL of the downloaded mods,to plug into.That is a problem because the default theme is ordinary,and naturally I want to use nicer themes in it's place.

    The smilies group is bad,the hyperlink button is primitive and the convoluted theme problem.It seems that parts of SMF is like looking at a forum from 1998,old and clunky looking.I am amazed that SMF has not upgraded the Hyperlink button and improved the smiles after all these years.

    Now I am looking at myBB as a replacement of SMF,that has become a disappointment over time.Maybe their 2.0 version might make a difference,but I am wondering if it is worth the wait?
  20. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Because by the time SMF 2.0 is out maybe MyBB 1.6 might be out, hell, MyBB 2.0! 10x better.

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