Has IB turned the ship around?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by David, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    It's his privilege if he wants to voice his concern a little longer than others. I'm sure he put years of time and spent money and doing business with this company for years. When trust is broken it affects people in different ways.

    And for looking for other alternatives, nobody should have to look at other sources after years of time, loyalty and commitment to their sites. Some people have lost more than others which warrants their longer allocated time to vent and express themselves.

    No I don't care about others sites but they did. ;)

    @hotwheels - ignore people if you don't like hearing. Nothing anyone says here should affect you. Admin addict is a place to show concern. It's certainly not breaking rules and doesn't warrant a ban.
  2. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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  3. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Down the hall
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    I'm not trying to bash anyone. What I'm trying to do is make some of you see that the constant stating the same facts over and over doesn't change the facts. You are smart people, use that smarts and energy to mount a real attack. Look into laws or statutes that may have been violated. Look for an angle to right that fact you feel you have been wronged. Posting here is not getting your message in front if the eyes that can possibly do something. Focus the energy where it can do some good.
  4. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    You don't have to defend your actions gnatster. You are a moderator now, so use it to your advantage and control content. Some are still to sensitive to accept that fact that all is not well and we actually had a place to discuss this. Instead, you get tired of reading the post's, and feel like making things personal. You have stated in 2 threads now, how what we are doing bothers you........

    I am done, give a cheer gnatster........You have made this site like the rest of them. We either have to except the changes or move on. Well to help you out gnatster so you can use your fist of authority, i ban myself........
  5. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    And why should individuals just roll over and accept this unethical practice? They shouldn't.

    6 years, countless referred clients, lemme tell ya,very bad impression.
  6. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Sadly, i am still pissed........I have thought about this for endless hours and no matter how i go over it in my head, i am pissed. There are allot of reasons i am still pissed, but one of the main is the fact that i paid money to renew my license, and afterwards, i was told i would no longer receive any blog updates. My blog license was merged into my forum software license. When i express my displeasure, i was banned. I submit a ticket for a refund, i am ignored. I submit a BBB complaint (no response yet), and i will be told the same thing as others, it's my fault i am not getting my money back.

    Of course it would be easier to just do as i am told, here too and just take the A** raping like a man. Just push all my anger deep inside like a real man and just accept the fact that i will not receive a refund, just pay the extra money for a suite i don't need, that way i can just shut off the things i won't use...........Good deal, I can't believe i overlooked man'in up.
  7. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    I bet Congressman only make their argument known 1 time and the move on.

    I understand gnatster's concept there, however, your position (gnatster) is relative to the parties that still make it a point that the situation remains valid to them.

    Thus, albeit repeatedly said arguments/claims/complaints/etc., can still benefit others that come into the conversation mid-sentence b/c they've had their head in the ground.

    Now all of a sudden they can see what is going on is still very much active and not over and done with.

    As admins, using your reference from another place I saw, you know what substance to pay attention to and consume. Or...one person's garbage is another's gold. :D

    This was not to be directed solely at gnatster. Others have made similar type statements for the same reasons. I try not to assume b/c you know what that means?!?!?
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    *Sigh* -- Why do things have to be so difficult? Why can we not voice our opinions in a mature and organized manner? Is it too difficult to be constructive, mature and perhaps reserved? You can voice your concerns, but you don't always have to do so in such a negative and belligerent manner.

    I am so close to wanting to close this thread, but I have a feeling of hope that from this point forward, many of you will be able to contain yourselves.

    Many cheap shots have been taken, especially personally towards Wayne Luke. Well guess what? He's decided to no longer be a part of the community because of the personal attacks made towards him and his colleagues. An invaluable resource and member - gone in a matter of seconds. *Thanks guys!*
    Calling these people "a** holes" and every other word in the urban dictionary, gets everybody nowhere but backwards.

    Sometimes I think it would be just easier to disallow all of this type of discussion and keep the peace. But I'm trying to avoid that so you guys can still have a place to voice your opinion.

    Yes, these threads have been given a separate sub-forum, but it's not the cafeteria with closed doors for you to continue your food fight.

    So you guys choose your own destiny: Maintain the conversations yourself, keep calm and cool, be respectful while simultaneously voicing your concerns, and make life easy for us all --OR-- keep up the way you are, and I'll be forced to take care of this the unpleasant way. Your choice. You can let me know what you choose by getting your act together [or not].
  9. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    To be fair Gnaster hasn't forced you to leave. I think is follow up comment was sound and made sense to all. If I left everytime someone tried to advise me or dictate (which gnaster hasn't) I wouldn't let it worry me. Enjoy the place, it has a lot more to offer than vbulletin type concerns which is what I think gnaster was trying to convey across. Not defending anyone here because I don't think anyone needs defending. And, what is quite funny, why we bicker amongst ourselves is laughable when the source of the problem is the software company that houses our content.

    I think when people say " use an alternative software" it tends to rattle people up. I know that some people are prity much tied to vbulletin and some people have all the hassle of moving their sites and migrating them seamlessy to another product which is indeed a project in itself or can be pending on the site you have.
  10. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    You are 100% correct my friend.............and nick, i will stop using names of staff from over there. Is it okay if i just refer to staff instead of individuals?
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    It's not just the names. It's the hate and personal attacks geared towards people and entities. It's really not necessary in any form to get your point across. There are productive ways of doing that. ;)
  12. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    That's fine, if it works, but it's been proven not to work.

    While that's his choice, he's had the chance to say something, but has chosen not to. Personally, I've been nothing but pleasant to Wayne, as I've been given no reason to be anything else.

    Once again:
    This has been proven not to work. What, do you think that this wouldn't have been tried? This type of "discussion" has been going on for 6 months. The facts are that IB is refusing to listen to "calm and cool". They don't give a damn about "respectful", they don't give a damn about anything but their almighty dollar.

    IB has made a drastic decision here, and it must suffer the consequences of this decision. What, should they be allowed to just pull one over on customers without those customers speaking their mind? You want "peaceful"? Sure, you keep that illusion going that "peaceful" will do something. It aint gonna happen! IB has proven, repeatedly that they care about nothing but the bottom line. They'll alienate anyone that they think is bad.
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    IB has nothing to do with the way I run my forum. I don't know why you keep bringing up the point that what they have done is wrong. Quite frankly, I don't care. That is, when it becomes a major problem on the forum.

    What do you mean it has been proven not to work? I disallow the crude discussion, people decide to go elsewhere, and we're left with the people who know how to post pleasantly. What doesn't work about that?
  14. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    So you guys resort to name calling like little kids do in Kindergarden. X3 Funneh.
  15. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Huntsville, AL
    If I want to bitch about vBulletin for another 10 years I will. vBulletin has royally screwed over the software I use to make income and I'll be damned if I don't fight IB and the idiots over at vBulletin.com to try to get it back to what it was before. Even if it wasn't where I wanted it to be a year before IB bought it, it is a hell of a lot better than where it is now.

    If you get sick of hearing it, ignore us. There comes a time where when one person's posts become to annoying to you and you must 'man up' and just ignore them. :yes:
  16. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    What exactly are those consequences? Diminishing the quality of AdminAddict? Is that the solution to the problems that will get them to realize their problems?
  17. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    I feel that names have to mentioned to give other unsuspecting potential customers insight who they deal with. The guides here's give a good reference in determining what software someone uses to drive their forum.

    I know I wouldn't sleep at night if wayne (for example) provided a unsuspecting potential customer false or inaccurate information forcing them to be tied to a product they worked effortlessly for years.

    Productivity can be seen in all it's formats and glory from positive to negative feedback and believe it or not highly disgruntled customers.
  18. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    But when the entire forum becomes flooded with the bitching posts, and everybody wants everybody else on ignore, how is that a reasonable solution? It's not.

    This is a site-wide issue; not just one or two people who don't want to hear the complaining.
  19. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    You're right,just keep things tempered down, don't actually allow discussion about truth. Life is all fuzzy bunnies
  20. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Huntsville, AL
    Well, when the entire site is filled with people bitching about vB and IB, I think that says something. Else I am missing your point?

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