From the unofficial president of

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lil'Jeffery34, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If I remember correctly, he mentioned he had a summer job; he was not going to have easy access to a computer ; and he would be back when school started in the Fall. Kinda the old "See you in September, see you when the summer's through..."
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh hope he comes back soon.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not too soon! You want him to enjoy his summer vacation even if he has to work! LOL The school term will be starting soon enough! They are already advertising back to school specials here. Nothing like rushing the season. Our winters are long enough without reminding us on TV that September is right around the corner. We really only have 6 weeks of "summer weather" left before we start to freeze to death again! I despise winter!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    That's true, with this weather it seems like summer is going to last forever. The heat, humidity, then the rain storms.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Forever is still too short of a summer season for me - surf, sand and beauties in bikinis! Gotta love it!
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The only attraction is the Bikini's otherwise it sucks.
  7. Smalls_101

    Smalls_101 Regular Member

    I know he doesnt have a computer at his house so yeah i talk to him every day and night
  8. Smalls_101

    Smalls_101 Regular Member

    He doesnt have a job just yet but he will
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Tell him I send a big hello!!!
  10. Smalls_101

    Smalls_101 Regular Member

    Ok i will as soon as i call him... So what do you guys talk about on here im trying to get some knowlegde
    lol im dumb
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You are not dumb. You are just a :newbie:

    We talk about all sorts of topics. Just click new posts on the top right hand side of the page and you will see the topics. In addition you can go to the top of the page on the left side and see "forums". There you will find a list of topics to be discussed. Some may interest you; some may not. Good luck!
  12. Smalls_101

    Smalls_101 Regular Member

  13. Smalls_101

    Smalls_101 Regular Member

    Why cant i find the my one and only

  14. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    Hey I never would of thought to see you here again.
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