Also don't forget to make it noticeable, making a announcement should be good aswell since you can inform your members directer otherwise put a sticky on the post in the preferable board.
Brand new General Chat site running on vbulletin! Looking for dedicated members and tons of ideas! Possibly staff too!
I hope I am doing this the right way. I and 3 friends have a new chat forum opened up. one of us are truly experienced but we feel we are doing ok-we have over 150 members now and are gaining more, and we have quite a few that come on every day. We are also open to linking up and for people to give their views about it to us also, as we are all learners lol . We also have a Town Clerk-councillor on our forum and he has his own room where you can ask him direct questions and receive an honest answer here is the link Login hope I have done this right,please tell me if I have not thank you
I am keen to join with my sites. - a mothers parenting site, around 20/30 a day. Blokes 'n' - A fathers parenting site, around 20/30 a day. Weddings - Tell us about - A weddings site, in very newbie stages. Looking for new members. We used to get 60+ members on a day and hundreds of guests, but we've recently relaunched and have lost most of our old users.
I would love to help anyone out, please let me know and at the same time check out my forum, The Esoteric Den, and it is 2 weeks old, and I need to get more traffic on there. It has discussions involving the mysteries of life, and anything mystic as well as everyday stuff. Let me know if you are interested if swapping posts, PM me! Thanks. Mir