Does your first forum still exist today?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Soliloquy, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  2. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    at least he's not wearing chain mail... :)
  3. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    :rolleyes: - ;)
  4. sbfc93

    sbfc93 Novice

    No, I deleted it because I had the option of doing so on invisionfree.
  5. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Newcomer

    First forum still exists (from November '08). Same software and domain. Though we may be changing the domain name and rebranding it as part of migration with a larger site.
  6. Tac

    Tac Newcomer

    I deleted my first forum cause there was like inactive.
  7. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    Yep, but it's in a greatly different form (and technically a different forum altogether). RCTgo was originally founded in January of 2005 under the name Belloman Studios on InvisionFree. I eventually restarted the forum with MyBB PR2 on a real hosting account. At some point we changed names to RCTgo. We changed URLs several times. We eventually obtained, until that expired and we lost control of it entirely (Chris, you should remember those issues). We were offline for a few months (hosting account was still there, just no domain). We reemerged with, and over 4 years later, here we are today. :)
  8. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Ah, I see. Did you make any attempt(s) to revive this community?
  9. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I remember that, Justin.

    Neat little history you have. :)
  10. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    The first forum I was serious about exists today and is my main forum. Another forum I was serious about I sold due to time constraints and it's still kicking along.

    In between the first forum I was serious about and now, I have many failed forums that I've long since trashed generally just due to lack of time for promotion.
  11. Rellie

    Rellie Newcomer

    Nope. My first forum got hacked and I didn't have the time or patience to get it back under my control.
  12. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Did you delete them, or sell the database and domain? If I decided to give up on a forum I would try to find a buyer first.
  13. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    That's no fun. Was it a fairly active forum?
  14. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Nope. It was an IPB 1.3.1 on a free Lycos account. Initially wanted to transfer the database, when I shifted to payed hosting. Sadly, I accidently some important tables, when I was exploring PMA for the first time :lol:
  15. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I remember Lycos! Are they still around?
  16. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    "Nope, I accidently the database. I was sad."

    This is some kind of 4chan/failblog/internet lingo type thing, correct? I see too many people doing this now, it's hard to tell if they were doing it on purpose or it was a typo, lol.
  17. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Yes :)
  18. kev

    kev Regular Member

    :( No it went bye - bye a long time ago. And I spent a lot of time working on it. I wish I knew 1/2 of what I know now and my current sites would be a lot further along.

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