Do you read all posts?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Nick, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. superfishnz

    superfishnz Novice

    Dec 4, 2009
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    I try to read as many posts as possible on my forum. I also check the site at least 2-3 times a day as well so to 'spread out' the time involved in reading posts. For me, I'm love computers (I also work as a computer systems engineer). So after spending 8 hours a day working with computers, I come home and spend another 2-3 hours checking forums and playing games :). Luckily my wife is very understand (most of the time) :).

    I also tend to read posts with zero replies and try to reply to them if I can so to not leave a forum post looking like it's 'dead' and that helps to promote participation and involvement.
  2. Outdoor-Fishing

    Outdoor-Fishing Adept

    Dec 25, 2009
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    You are just too lucky!;)
  3. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    Heck no, and neither do the mods. There are just too many coming too fast - some of the threads are almost like a chat room, they grow so fast. There are 100's of posts daily. :D If I did nothing all day but read posts I would not be able to read nearly all of them. :eek: And who would be making administrative decisions and taking background actions?

    Management reminds the members that all posts are not reviewed/read by moderators. Members are encouraged to use the post report button to help us ... and to not take any action on their own against posts they know are out of line. They are told that there is no swat team, member maturity shouldn't need it, action may be slow in coming, but it will get there. That said, some of our community pillars are good about notifying mods if faster action is needed in a downhill thread, and also about making reasonably diplomatic posts that such-and-such posting is against the rules and it would be better if it weren't happening.

    Mods and members are told that it doesn't matter if a day or two goes by before Ye Olde Mod Hammer falls, it still falls. There's no statute of limitations, the member is accountable whenever the infraction is found. :eek: :mad2:

  4. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    Aug 24, 2009
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    I try to, and I try to reply to majority of them, but sometimes I just have to manage my time and sift through the important and interesting threads. I eventually read them all, just not every day.
    2 people like this.
  5. Venom

    Venom Adept

    Sep 20, 2009
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    I always try to read as many posts as I can, but I do miss a few every now and then.

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