Answer to all those questions?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by cory_booth, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    Older than that I believe.
  2. BullsNet

    BullsNet Regular Member

    Apr 4, 2012
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    I logged into XF today and was reading forums and i read a thread about XF being better than IPB.....

    I laughed for about 3 mins straight at the fact that one of their reasoning the software was better because the people are "friendlier"...*goes back and looks at about 10 threads of xf customers turning on another*

    good laugh for the day :D just wanted to share that tidbit

    and thanks AWS!
  3. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    That's it? ppfffttt... :zzz:
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    There was a bit more to it than that. Mark first came running over posting on Admin Extra he'd been banned by Slavik after posting a reply to a sales question putting that person off (coming out with stuff about XF not being developed) no doubt, which must have been deleted by Slavik. Of course, we all thought he had been banned saying it in public on AX. But then after a few posts talking more about it, Slavik came over and posted Mark had not been banned at all, think he'd stuck Mark in moderation queuing instead. And that Mark faked it himself by changing his avatar to one that had a Banned Message displayed in it, also changed his profile to private viewing. So with Slavik coming over saying that, it was like "WTF" is Mark playing at then?

    Things after that got more funny, because Slavik started a thread on XenForo next saying Mark was not banned after he said people kept contacting him in private about it. Then later on Lawrence logged in late and must have seen something reported about Mark (or whatever), because he then give Mark enough warning points to do a 12 month ban, but then spotted the thread Slavik had started on XenForo (closed since). So Lawrence then posted a last reply in that already closed thread apologising for what he'd done to other mods, but said he'd had enough of Mark. LMAO!!!

    It was funny because Mark got sussed faking a ban, but the mods at XenForo also didn't seem to know what the next one was doing about him, and ended up with Mark finally getting banned many hours later.
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  5. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Funny stuff.
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  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

  7. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I didn't fake any ban. I found myself "moderated", then banned, then moderated again, at which point I gave up and added a "Banned" avatar while I still could to prevent any further lies being told.

    Then Slavik posted publicly saying I hadn't been banned, and less than seven minutes later another moderator, Lawrence, posted saying I had been banned.

    I still don't know if I'm banned or not. I would hope they have deleted my account since that's what I have asked to be done.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Fair enough, although don't get how he could have Banned you, then took you out Ban status afterwards (would have though only KAM can revert a ban back). Slavik said they don't have power as mods to ban, but then again would seem they do seeing as Lawrence was able to do it with you giving so many warning points. Not sure, maybe he could have removed some warning points and that would have lifted ban, who's knows?

    Your account has not been deleted, just read some of your posts listed on XenForo with your name attached, plus that banned avatar is still getting shown. Hard to tell if you are still banned, because your profile says same as mine when trying to view it: "this person has limited who can their profile".

    There's no easy way to tell if a person is banned on XenForo, not that I've seen? It's been designed that way so the forum doesn't look bad showing up loads of banned users, people visiting thinking WTF with all the banned users here.
  9. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I didn't expect they would delete the account. I don't really care to be honest.
    I have no idea if I am still banned - the Banned avatar means nothing of course, since I put it there. The profile being blocked also means nothing as I set it like that many months ago to stop trolls following all my posts (though it doesn't make it impossible, just a bit more difficult).

    Again frankly I don't care.They have proved themselves to be utterly disingenuous in the way they do business (or don't as the case may be), and worse still when they encounter someone like myself who is not fooled by their lies their solution is to ban me AND put my head on a stick by breaking with established protocol and posting a gloating thread about it. IN which even their own staff contradict each other.

    I've seen better behaviour on teenage gaming forums to be honest.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I've made a new post on my forum, go read it. Brad has locked another XenForo post on AX, he did same day before with another one. So go read what I've said posted on mine now.
  11. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    lol you gotta admit though, those threads far out lived their purposes for a while. Im more surprised they stayed open that long. Everoyne knew they were gonna get closed eventually.
  12. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Im still wondering whatever happened to that magical thread where KAM was going to answer their customers' questions.... :)
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    No one except for K/A/M can delete your account.
  14. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    It's coming soon... its rough finding 15 seconds to post the answers that are already ready already. Especially when it's for something you dont have a care in the world about.
  15. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    One thing I am really curious about...

    I cant imagine why development would be place on hold if the lawsuit was "the reason" except in 2 instances....

    1. The next development cycle would provide evidence that KAM had done some of what IB alleges;

    - and / or -

    2. KAM believes there is a strong chance of their losing the lawsuit, and investing further time and resources into development might be fruitless.
  16. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I think 1 and 2 are both feasible. There was a rumor, not sure if it is true, going around that Mike wanted to settle, but, Kier and Ashley didn't.

    Why would someone consider settling if they knew they were in the clear?

    I have always said this is not about using stealing code. It's about stealing ideas. The argument from all the wannabee lawyers and *cough* legal experts always go back to the side by side comparison of the code as a reason why xenforo will win this case. They cannot seem to grasp the concept that anything planned while in IB employ is IB property. If only one of those ideas made it into xenforo they are done. End game.
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Was reading today though, Jake say KAM are considering releasing the Resource Manager for XF 1.1, which I would imagine if that happens they'd have to update the current forum version used now to use the RM with it. So you'd see both RM and another XF 1.1.x version released. Not sure of course, but would have thought so.

    Thought I'd say in-case you've missed that latest one.
  18. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I would think that another very feasible reason (most likely the main reason) would be that they've had to get outside jobs to make ends meet, since they're probably not making enough to take a salary at this point. Haven't been for months I would think.
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  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    ummm to get out from under the legal mess? It fees have to be killing them. I would certainly consider it.
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  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    This is what a court case can do. Push moral to breaking point and cause a rift between KAM. Each one of them is different and has their own take on things. Maybe one was struggling more than other two in getting by financially. That person could have been Mike, decided he needed to look for a full time job and wanted out the whole mess he was in or them settle with IB. Who knows?

    I never did think come that second year when all the vBulletin users had already jumped ship to XF. That sales would be good enough to pay all 3 of them a decent enough wage each week. Said a long time ago in that 1st year, the "telling year" was going to be the 2nd one for XenForo and seems it has been.

    For starters, I don't think the forum sales market is what it was 5-6 years ago in vBulletin heyday. I actually don't agree with AWS what made the owners sell vBulletin. I think the owners looked at sales figures and saw things was on the decline and it was time to sell the company before being worth a fraction of it current value years on. I think they was just clever business men, they saw the shift happening in the market and knew it was the right time to sell up.

    I think it's been a combination of everything really, pressure of court case causing a rift and difference of opinion between KAM, and sales not really being what they hoped for in that second year.

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