Answer to all those questions?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by cory_booth, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Poutsaras

    Poutsaras Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Hi, I'm new. Pretty nice community you have here :)

    Could you point me to the post(s) you are talking about (for the reasons you thought xenforo was doomed from day 1)?

  2. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Many of them have been deleted. Negative threads / posts dont always have a long life over there...
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I've been reading that "Ask Questions of KAM" thread on XenForo, along with what's posted in that other on Admin Extra. A few points I think need bringing up here, ones which people seem to be overlooking. For starters, it was Slavik who came up with the idea of submitting questions to KAM. I've not read anywhere were (KAM) have agreed to answer any questions put together by the mods (big difference). So I wouldn't hold you breath they'll get answered by them. Even if they do, expect them to be "heavily groomed" questions, ones they only want to answer. Which will defeat the whole object of that thread.

    Also, why has Slavik not put a "closing date" on the Questions and Answers? Instead, he's left it open to drag on for as long they want before submitting to KAM. People want answers ASAP, he should have put a week closing date on it and then submitted for answering. There's only a handful of questions for asking anyhow really, all was asked in the first 5-10 pages in that thread. Now since it's gone "Off Topic" and a few have even said it be closed, job done and submit to KAM. But the mods are ignoring being asked to close it.

    Another thing, why does Slavik or Jake even need to be submitting Q/A to KAM? Why can't Kier, Ashley and Mike answer them on the fly themselves in that thread (daily on the forums) when they can? Being honest, it just looks like another "delay" smoke screen to me in trying to get people talking their about XenForo instead of other sites like Admin Extra they can't (damage control) until the court date arrives. They started that Q/A thread just after they've spotted how popular that one on Admin Extra has become with many XF customers posting in it.

    What people should be saying now on XenForo. "OK, you have 17 pages of questions and things have now gone off topic. Close it and submit to KAM and we'll expect answers in the next week". See what Slavik and Jake have to say to that?
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    You answered your own question. While Slavik and Jake might actually compile said list the all and mighty Kier will not lower himself down to mere mortal level to answer them. Don't you think that is why the thread is not closed or no end date added?

    This probably wasn't even something that Kier and gang even want. My bet is Slavik and Jake came up with this without any go ahead from the grand poobah.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I'd say that's pretty much it, don't expect anything to come of that thread really. And even if KAM do answer some questions posed, you know it's only going to be ones they want to answer, meaning the biggest questions will still go unanswered. Looks to me like they are trying to buy time with customers, keep them hanging on until court date arrives on Jan, 2013.That thread is a diversion, I'd say that's it's real intended purpose. They've put everything on hold pending the outcome of that US case.

    Slavik has posted in that thread on Admin Extra now:
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    You know what strikes me as odd.

    Why does Slavik and Jake have to compile the list, give it to the exalted one and then post his answers?
    Why can't he just post them himself?
    Will it actually be god answering those questions or is it just a ruse to grab more money until the door slams shut?

    Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well, looking at the way things have gone the past few months. KAM are trying hard not to show themselves as being present much on the forum using Anon mode, they don't want questions fired at them being seen online a lot. If they did that, what you said. Then they would have to come out Anon mode a hell of a lot all of a sudden, not ideal for them. I don't know? But I just don't buy into that Q/A thread one bit.

    It's already run it's course and gone way off topic, so why are they leaving it open now and not closing and submitting the "main questions" in it to KAM. Pretty obvious I think, it's being used as a diversion thread.
  8. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Look at what ashley posted:

    Notice he doesnt actually say anything new?

    WTF is that?

    Look, this isnt that complicated. How hard would it be to say this for example:

    When your non communicative and vague, expect rumors and pissed off customers.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Yeah! I've read what Ashley said and agree it's vague, but still. It is something extra to go off for now and does tell you one or two things if you read it more carefully. Up until this week, I wasn't aware about the personal marriage breakup issues Kier is going through, which is common knowledge everyone knows now. I'm cutting him some slack for those first few months being absent, been through the same myself and know the effect it can have on a person when your kids and house are on the line, everything else comes second (right or wrong).

    Sure, I've read some others like Deebs saying "life goes on" at Admin Extra. But not every person handles that kind of serious personal issue the same way as another would, everybody is different and especially when kids are involved. Also, this made me realise that not only does Kier face a problem with the court case, but also having to sort other things out that will be an extra financial burden now. Top that with he left vBulletin employment (no fixed weekly wage), only earning money from XenForo sales unless finding another job. You can see the real problems faced, things have happened very untimely indeed for Kier. I can sympathise fully with that, your pretty heartless if you can't.
  10. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    The Kier divorce has been common knowledge since someone posted a tweet by his wife telling everyone it's over with them.

    Having been through a divorce I can tell you that you don't just forget about making a living. I had quit my job the year before and started a consulting business. I did not leave my clients high and dry. I kept on plugging away and continued to build a larger client base.

    There is absolutely no excuse for not keeping the customers informed about the state of xenforo. Anyone that makes excuses for them is either disillusion or downright stupid.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I wasn't aware of it until late last week after somebody mention it in that thread on AX. Sure, I was aware of some personal issues for ages, but didn't know what it was about though until now.

    Great you could do that, but not everyone deals with that kind of thing the same way. You have to keep in mind also, this came at a time having the court case to deal with and no longer having a fixed weekly guaranteed "good wage" coming in the house employed by vBulletin to fall back on. It's bad enough having one thing to contend with, but having other things on-top adding more pressure makes it all much worse. XenForo is a new company, it's not exactly going to be paying 3 people a fantastic weekly wage I wouldn't have thought at this point in time, they don't even have enough yearly renewals in place at the moment to fall back on - making up for slack weekly sales.

    So I get when Mike was on the XF forums alone before, that he was most likely filling in for Kier's absence at the time because it all. What I don't get now, if Mike and Kier have parted company since - why? That actually makes Mike look more like the bad guy to me, along with Brogan. Leaving a work mate in the lurch when he needs their help most.

    Brogan dropped a hint before on AX, he said: Kier is living in a dream world. I took that as meaning XenForo isn't selling enough copies to pay 3 different wages (maybe)? So is that why Mike and Brogan left then, they deserted what they considered to be a sinking ship leaving Kier alone at the helm?
  12. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    No I didn't.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Hmm, seems your correct and must have been another person that said it then. Just been through all your posts in that thread on AX to find and can't, did think it was you who said it though, mustn't have been then.
  14. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    What happened there was, someone made a post that included the phrase "Kier is living in a dreamworld" along with some other stuff. Later, someone asked for "the truth" and brogan replied with a link to that post.
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  15. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    That is exactly how it happened. Good memory there Mark.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I've been reading your recent post on XenForo this morning. I think you've hit a raw nerve with Jake Bunce, but you handled his replies well and he was trying to bait you it seemed. I'm seeing a different side to Jake of late.

    Read you brought up what Brogan said, that it's ridiculous to say their legal team would advise they say (nothing at all). Which I agree with, it really is ridiculous and no solicitor wouldn't ever advice you do that, not when it needs to be functioning to pay their bills and your own wages. They know communication is vital to keep any business functioning earning money, all they might advise is refrain from making any further comments about the court case in public, or doing something stupid giving them excuse to delay the court case again further. But reading some of the excuses being given now has become a joke, it's comical reading what some are coming out with.

    Also read SmackLan asking Slavik to close that thread now and submit Q/A to Kier. What I said before! But.. even though Slavik replied agreeing he's made no mention he's submitted them to KAM and the thread is still running. What's that all about? Thought that thread was created purely just to get some Q/A for KAM to answer, have I missed something? Because Slavik agreed with SmackLan all Q/A was asked in the first 3 pages of that thread and was now being rehashed - so why is he leaving it running then?

    Reply to SmackLan from Slavik:
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Mark, who are you talking about there? I don't see anyone abusing you in previous replies made on XF. :blink:

    Or, are you just having a *drama queen* moment there? ;)

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  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Well it seems we should have those answers in due course. They have been submitted to Ashley and he will be posting the answers in the near future. Jake knows the answers, but, as he says and rightfully so it's not his place to post them.

    So in the next 6 months or so if pattern holds true we will get our answers. Until then we can all speculate, dissect and debate the xenforo state of affairs.
  19. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    It might take him that long to get the necessary tap dance and soft shoe lessons to answer the questions fully wihtout actually answering anything, as is the Xenforo way it appears...
  20. Poutsaras

    Poutsaras Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Why don't you like Kier? I tried asking this via PM, but I got a full inbox error/notice.

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