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Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by IPS News And Updates, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    Do you have IP.SEO installed already?
  2. Jura

    Jura Regular Member

    Oct 25, 2012
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    Forever Young likes this.
  3. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    no i don't....i thought it was built into 3.4?
  4. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I'm going to upgrade tomorrow sometime. Not interested in doing so right now, too much time and effort required and it'd annoy my forum's userbase too much.
    Brandon likes this.
  5. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    how did your upgrade go?
    mine went smoothly aside from a mistake i made.
  6. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    The IP.SEO functions are all part of the core now.
  7. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    Security Update: 7th February 2013

    A cross-site-scripting (XSS) exploit has been discovered in IP.Gallery. We are releasing a security update for versions 4.2.x and 5.0.x today to patch this issue.

    Patching is very easy;

    1. Identify the version of IP.Gallery you are running.
    2. Download and unzip the appropriate patch file below that matches your version.
    3. Upload the contents of the zip to your /public/js directory, overwriting the existing file.

    IP.Gallery 4.2.x
    . 831bytes 0 downloads

    IP.Gallery 5.0.x
    . 2.41K 5 downloads

    • When you apply the security update the bulletin in your AdminCP will still display. We keep the bulletin in place for at least a week after a security release.
    • Our main software packages accessed via the client area have already been updated with this security update.

    Our thanks to Mohamed Ramadan ( / ) for bringing this to our attention.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  8. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    We have launched our new blog The Development Channel to allow our development staff to more frequently update our clients on everything that goes on behind the scenes. From the technical aspects, to fun insights, and new feature announcements you can follow The Development Channel to follow our software being made.

    View the full article

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  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    Isn't that just a blog category?
  10. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    It is just a category but there's some stuff starting to appear in it now.
  11. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    While we introduced some of our basic plans for 4.0 many months ago, we wanted to touch base again on some of these plans and expand upon some of our motivations behind decisions we have or will make for our upcoming 4.0 software release.

    Before we get too far, let me just state now that there is no expected (or even estimated) release date for 4.0 yet. While we always have internal guidelines, timeframes and milestones, we do not communicate these publicly until we are absolutely sure they are as accurate as possible. The 4.0 Suite will be a major overhaul, effectively a rewrite of most areas from the ground up, and there are many factors that can affect delivering within expected due dates.

    You may also have noticed the title of this blog entry uses a term for the suite you may not have seen used previously. We have decided to name the 4.0 Suite (which we will often refer to as "4.0 Suite" or "Social Suite", informally), officially as the IPS Social Suite. We feel that as we expand our line up and remove community-related dependencies, it is important that our main product release reflect the fact that our software can power more than just traditional communities.

    Formalities out of the way now, here are a few of our driving motivations behind 4.0...

    Modernize the interface
    The skin delivered for 3.0 and again for 3.2 was great, but several years have since passed. It is time we modernize the user interface in our software lineup once again. Features have been added, trends on the web have shifted, and technologies have advanced. Some specific points you may be interested to know:
    • All areas of the suite will support the mobile interface.
    • We are heavily investigating using a "response design" for 4.0.
    • We will be switching to jQuery
    • We will be embracing HTML 5 fully

    Modernize the underlying codebase
    While 4.0 will not technically be a "complete rewrite", most of the underlying codebase will be rewritten in some manner, and all of the code will at least be updated to work within the new framework we are developing. There is a lot to go over for those of you who may be interested in the developer side of things, and I'll point you to the right place later in this entry, but as a general outline here are some things you can expect to see:
    • PHP 5.3 will be the minimum supported version of PHP
    • MySQL 5.0.3 will be the minimum supported version of MySQL
    • IP.Board will fully utilize namespaces in PHP
    • The entire directory structure, class naming structure and more will be completely overhauled
    • Applications will truly be self-contained within their own folders (currently javascript, skin and language files, for instance, are scattered throughout miscellaneous directories)
    • The entire code base will be modernized. More use of formal design patterns will be employed, where appropriate. Dumping ground classes (such as IPSLib) will be avoided at all costs. More consistency between how applications implement functionality will be seen. Naming conventions will be more consistent.
    • The way hooks work will be completely rewritten, making things simpler for us and for developers, and making hook usage behind the scenes more reliable (no more loadLibrary calls - everything is handled automatically by the framework instead).

    Make things more consistent
    We are also working towards making all of our applications more consistent. The approach to this actually has much more to do with planning and how we approach new functionality than it does any specific technical aspect of software development. In a nutshell, we will have one "suite" release moving forward starting at 4.0. Every application will be on the same versioning system and share the same version number, and every release will include every application (although you will only have access to the applications you have purchased, of course). What we will do as we implement new features is implement new functionality suite-wide from the start. If we were to add a new feature to 4.0, we would not add the functionality to the forums and then roll this change out to other applications as they see updates. Instead, we will be implementing changes suite-wide from the start, which has several benefits:
    • From a user standpoint, the software will be more consistent. You won't have situations where a feature is available in Application X but not in Application Y.
    • From a technological standpoint, we will be forced to implement functionality in an optimal manner where it can be utilized by all areas of the suite. There will be less application-dependencies for features that are intended to be suite-wide. There will be much, much less duplicated code as features will be designed from the start to work in multiple areas.
    • Point #2 above will also benefit modders - APIs will be much more robust, yet more generic and reusable, for features implemented suite-wide rather than features implemented for one application and then shared across others.

    Beyond changing our approach to functional changes in the software itself, we will also be focusing on consistency while redesigning the interface, and throughout every facet of development of 4.0.

    Want to hear more specifics?
    We have recently launched our new development blog where we will routinely be posting about the nitty-gritty of our day to day development duties here at IPS. While this blog is not at all intended to be specific to the development of 4.0, you will find us posting about upcoming changes and decisions made in 4.0 quite regularly. We welcome you to follow The Development Channel blog if you are interested in reading about these changes. If not, don't worry - any major announcements will be blogged about here in our company blog as well in due course.

    If you aren't sure, just to be clear....development of 4.0 is definitely underway. A lot of planning and discussion took place prior to ever writing a single line of code for 4.0, however we are definitely working on 4.0 now and you will likely see blog entries about upcoming changes before long. Stay tuned!

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  12. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
    First Name:
    ooo, this sounds interesting.
    It would be great to get some screenshots of the new UI
  13. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    This sounds pretty good. I especially like the features being consistent and all software having the same license version and what not.
  14. Jura

    Jura Regular Member

    Oct 25, 2012
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    Ten editor modes and 5 rows of BBcode/HTML buttons that can't be easily removed.
  15. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    Hopefully IPS 4 will be much more intuitive than IPS is now.
    Brandon likes this.
  16. Miner

    Miner Forum Theme designer

    Aug 25, 2012
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    This is what i call good planning and i like how they keep their customers updated with in depth of things they are working at back end.

    For now we have IPS giving some hope for the forum future and glad it is moving in right direction.
  17. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    This sounds like a great update, there's some really interesting stuff being posted to the dev blog
  18. 2dub

    2dub Regular Member

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Moyock, NC
    I'm looking forward to it :thumbsup:
  19. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the following applications:
    • IP.Board 3.4.3
    • IP.Blog 2.6.2
    • IP.Calendar 3.3.3
    • IP.Chat 1.4.3
    • IP.Content 2.3.5
    • IP.Downloads 2.5.3
    • IP.Gallery 5.0.4
    • IP.Nexus 1.5.7

    IP.Board 3.4.3

    IP.Board is a fully featured community platform including forums, members profiles, calendar, status system, integration, and much, much more.

    The release of IP.Board 3.4.3 is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes.

    IP.Blog 2.6.2

    IP.Blog enables users to create and maintain their own individual or group blogs right from within your community, to share ideas & thoughts.

    The release of IP.Blog 2.6.2 is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes.

    IP.Calendar 3.3.3

    IP.Calendar is an integrated calendar and event management for your IP.Board.

    The release of IP.Calendar 3.3.3 is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes.

    IP.Chat 1.4.3

    IP.Chat is integrated chat software for your forum. Allow your members to chat to each other in real time.

    The release of IP.Chat 1.4.3 is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes.

    IP.Content 2.3.5

    IP.Content is our community content management platform for IP.Board allowing you to create content for your site ranging from a simple portal to a full website with custom databases and more - the possibilities are endless!

    The release of IP.Content 2.3.5 is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes.

    IP.Downloads 2.5.3

    IP.Downloads is an integrated download management for IP.Board allowing you and your members to upload files for sharing in an organized category listing with permissions, version control, and more.

    The release of IP.Downloads 2.5.3 is a maintenance release and includes

    IP.Gallery 5.0.4

    IP.Gallery is a fully-featured photo and multimedia sharing app for the IPS Community Suite. Create albums, upload photos, discuss the hottest shots and much more.

    The release of IP.Gallery 5.0.4 is a maintenance release and includes

    IP.Nexus 1.5.7

    IP.Nexus is our fully featured commerce system to sell products, membership access, advertising, digital downloads, and more. Includes tools like a support desk to help manage your clients.

    The release of IP.Nexus 1.5.7 is a maintenance release and includes

    How to Upgrade

    To upgrade simply log into your client area, click on "Purchases" from the menu and select the community you wish to upgrade and click "Upgrade Now". You can read more about upgrading in our documentation.

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  20. Carsten

    Carsten Regular Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Brisbane, Australia
    I can't wait for it to come out.
    This is the one thing I really appreciate about IPS they are just more transperant than most and keep us up to date on what is happening, even if you aren't a current customer.
    ragtek likes this.

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