Absent mods... how long before you demote?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Soliloquy, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I don't have a set time-limit. It's when I start to feel insecure in the moderator's performance that I will take a particular interest in their duty. Ultimately, it depends on their situation.

    LOL I had a moderator that resigned long ago. I think it was around January, and I just removed her from the Moderator usergroup (and revoked her power) a couple of days ago.
    So my average response time is about 6 months. :lol:
    If it were a more serious matter where the moderator did something wrong, I would act immediately. But this was a case of personal issues, and I hoped she would come back, but she never did. :(
  2. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    Shelly, more excellent points. :)

    This thread greatly helped me formulate my new mod agreement. The existing mods came on without any agreements, just generalized expectations. There has been little accountability for doing their stuff or disappearing for short and long periods. So they must now opt into the agreement the includes the below clause, or get a good-by hug and handshake as they return to regular member status. Disappearing mods will know better what response they can expect from management.

    The absence clause (still in draft) ...
    (Some people will be more in the category of volunteer than staff, on temp projects with limited or no mod forum access.)

    Absences from volunteer/staff duties
    Blab completely understands that sometimes a staff member’s personal priorities must take precedence over Blab. Here’s how Blab will give some latitude for personal needs while making sure we’re covered.
    - Please post (or have someone do it for you) and let us know that you can’t take care of your normal Blab staff activities, with an eta when you’ll be back on board if you know it. You don’t have to say why but of course we appreciate the chance to support you – or cheer on your vacation.
    - If you can’t cover your activities for 90+ days, but want to stay on staff, we may need to take steps to cover for you. This may mean changes in roles, on a case by case basis, working with the staff member.
    - Should there be no word, no assigned activity and no posts in the relevant management forum for 90+ days, there will be an automatic move back to the prior member status, with an explanatory PM.
    - Should a volunteer/staff member not be performing their activities for 30+ days without offering an explanation to management, management will make an inquiry, and may make changes in volunteer/staff status as needed. (Of course we take into account if an activity or project isn’t active for a period of time.)
    - Blab management will make immediate changes as needed.
    2 people like this.

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