24 hour Stand Down on all Passionate vB Topics?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Anonymous, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    That is actually a great idea.......
  2. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    My comment towards paul was the truth. But I'm not here to argue or make life difficult for you nick. Had I called him a lazy git that leaves vbulletin.org to stagnate and ride the success of the forum off the contributors backs then that would be another story though I wouldn't say such a thing. ;)

    FYI: I was joking with regards to the other comment in this thread.
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  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    whooaa I have an infraction. *swoons*
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  4. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Really?????? I just clicked on liking your post so hopefully you will gain some more of those little green things.
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    That's considered abuse of the system. Abusers have their abilities to use the system revoked.

    Fair warning. :)
  6. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Gotcha, sorry man........
  7. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Yeah you shouldn't like my posts too much or atleast keep that information to yourself. Not to worry, you can show your appreciation in other ways, like dis-liking my posts. ;)
  8. Slinky

    Slinky Addict

    Nov 5, 2009
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    I had hoped to settle in after making my point clear but I think I'm going to head out for a break. I personally cannot stand when threads are closed unless there is a real necessity.

    To Brandon Sheley and the closed thread - for the second time, it's clear I don't believe you were ever intentionally part of any marketing blitz or self-serving action. My only point is that if you're going to cause a big spectacle and attract all this attention to you and your site, you should consider sharing that notice and details with the public. Educating us on how easy it is to spoof an email and how worthless the email is doesn't really explain why you decided share it in private with vBulletin. Look, I understand your business is dependent upon their success and I appreciate your position. Perhaps contacting parties directly in the first place in retrospect might have been best and I'm guessing you are thinking this now. Yet I still don't put anything past spin masters, and I've seen some of the best and you wouldn't believe what kind of gall they have with their efforts.

    With regard to how I think you should handle things, Nick - I think personal attacks on members here is obviously not acceptable. Wayne shouldn't deal with derision. But the problem he has is that wherever he shows his face, other than vBulletin, he's going to be called to answer some questions about his actions. He'll have to make it clear if he is just a messenger and politely explain that he can't discuss it. But what continues to happen - just like vBulletin.com - is the avoidance of dealing with issues altogether, hoping that if you ignore the problem for several weeks that it will go away by itself. Imagine what happens if all the promises, rumors and fiddle faddle that Ray pumps in the forums doesn't come to fruition. You'll have Wayne in the same position again being targeted to explain the next misfire.

    With regard to third parties, I don't think it's so out of line to tear into them a little provided it's not outrageous, malicious profane. The "dirt bag" comment that offended anyone seemed particularly ridiculous and innocuous. You'll never make everyone happy but if some complain that comments like those about non-members are over the line, then you'll just have to tell some of your members to grow a thicker skin.

    Anyways guys, it has been a lot of fun. Maybe I'll drop in. I have a lot of things to do these days and it seems preference here might be that some of us who are more opinionated are preferred to keep a distance and let things simmer. Truth is I need to concentrate on my site and am troubled by what to do with vBulletin, which I've invested in for almost 9 years. If you think I'm wearing a tin foil hat, then I'll just say that you haven't had the privilege of seeing what I already have - first hand. ;) On that note, I wish all of you well and best of luck with your efforts and forums. Hope I'll be seeing you soon either here or elsewhere in cyberspace.
  9. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    If discussions are reasonable, matter-of-fact in tone and produce constructive thoughts, suggestions and ideas, there's no need for a stand-down. Seems to me, anyway. :cool:

    Maybe that is a big "if?" :eek:

    So if discussions are actually overly-emotional bashing diatribes (at least partly) and nothing done will ever satisfy the posters (some of them,) how will a stand-down change that?
  10. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    May 23, 2009
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    Am I the only one that is more bothered by the spelling of 'passionate' in the title of this thread than what this thread is about?
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    If people feel a company has "wronged" them, then of course they will "bash" them. I hate the way that term is used as if it is a bad thing. Are people only supposed to say nice things about companies, and if they can't they should say nothing?

    People *will* get emotional about matters such as the vBulletin situation. However whilst I abhor personal attacks and posts full of abuse, I have no problem with people "venting their spleen" because it's of interest to me to read other people's take on things.

    What some seem to be trying to do is to attempt to persuade AA to control the types of opinions on here, and that is just as wrong as anything vBulletin are alleged to have done. Thankfully AA is not going down that road.

    Whatever one's own opinions about vBulletin Solutions Inc, (and I have no major issues now), people have to be allowed to say their piece. This site, rightly or wrongly, has become an important outlet for that because the affected people, again rightly or wrongly, feel that they cannot put those views across on vbulletin.com. Now, it isn't AA's reason for existence and it won't and shouldn't become their main focus, but the site does provide a neutral outlet which is vital.

    And the reason there are so many such posts at the moment are threefold:

    1. It remains a major "news story" at the moment..
    2. The site handles everything in a neutral, unbiased and professional way
    3. The site was linked to from The Register's articles on the subject, and The Register is pretty high traffic.
    In due course it will die down somewhat and threads on more typical AA content will resume. There are still actually plenty going on. But the best advice I can give to anyone who would prefer to see more non-vb threads is - start some! If they are interesting, people will reply. The site owners can't start all the threads, the members have to do that. As forum admins we surely know that, do we not say the same sort of thing to our own members? I do whenever anyone says my site is "boring" or something!

    I've said it before but the reason the vB discussion is largely going on here is a measure of how well respected this site has become. It should be praised, not knocked. It won't dominate it forever, it's just a hot topic at the moment and will probably continue to be so until pretty much up to the vB4 Gold release.
  12. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    That's not true, and it's nothing more than a false perception. Users who have strong opinions and users who have no opinions are welcomed alike.

    You are one that I highly respected for your mature manner of posting and getting your point across, and I really appreciate that. I even mentioned this to you in another thread.

    By now, I'm used to members leaving because they don't get what they want here, so it's not that big of a bother to me. Suit yourself, and I guess we'll see you around whenever.
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    By the way, anybody who seriously thinks a thread with 17 posts of arguing between just two users (very comparable to personal attacks) shouldn't be closed (even after being warned by a moderator) mustn't know what it's like to run a forum.

    Seriously - who leaves a thread open where two members are bickering back and forth?

    And you don't even give me credit despite the fact that I re-opened the thread the following morning after deleting the inappropriate posts.
  14. techit

    techit Addict

    Oct 25, 2009
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    you are doing a great job Nick and don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)

  15. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    lol, i didn't even notice that...........
  16. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Down the hall
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    Drive me nuts too....

    Wait..I can fix it DOH!
  17. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Since a lot of folks don't seem to like reading this stuff, I'd recommend making this forum an opt-in forum and creating a joinable usergroup that gives access to this forum. I have one of my sites set up this way for a politics subforum. Just a thought.
  18. coolsuji

    coolsuji Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    nice discussion........

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