Do you have any other plugins on that hook? The preview is being pulled twice it seems but my code would only add it once. Anyway to fix the...
Looks correct. You would put the variable $threadinfo[preview] where you want it to show in the template.
vBulletin already has an RSS bot built into it by default. Besides the company that made that script has disappeared. Their domain goes to a...
How well do you know PHP? Plugins can be simple like the one above or complex. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. The key...
You sure they know that they will be stopped? Makes me wonder why they are spending millions on their new On Demand book printing business as well...
What are the contents of that template?
You'll love the CMS layout manager than.
To do this would need a plugin on the fetch_threadinfo_query hook. The reason is that the post snippet is not stored as a variable but is created...
Not really, if one drops out of school than they will most likely stay at home until they are 30 and cost me about $10,000 a year in support....
If it is recorded and played back at 1080p, than it will be no different than the original broadcast. Many computer monitors are capable of 1080p...
Not in the UK. If they broadcast it here in the US, I doubt I would watch it to begin with. If I did watch it, then it would be after it went...
Microsoft had a presale on licenses back in June and July on their website. That was the price they offered it at. I got three copies. My mother...
It is pulling it from my User Albums at I guess if you're not a member there then you can't see it. I'll see about uploading it...
Already bought three copies through the presale. Only got two copies of the Premium version though as it fits my needs really. Since they were...
You need to get new eyeballs on your forum and get them posting. Can be difficult. Do you have friends and family that can help stir traffic and...
Easiest way... delete the guest message from your forum home and move it to the notices system. [vB 3.8] Move Guest Message to Notices -...
Integrate your forums into your site. Currently they are two different sites with different looks. Not very professional in my opinion. When I...
They get indexed. Just not instantly. I recommend downloading vBSEO's free sitemap generator from and installing that. At least...
vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Automatically Quote Post / Thread Title
Separate names with a comma.