Is xenForo Dying?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    BTW I never PM users if I delete a post, unless there's a very good reason to do so. The rules are there to be read, just as on any community.
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I am but it's unclear if he's actually going to quit. I hope not.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    At the time when vbulletin was going through what xenforo is now there was only Steve and Wayne and I'm not so sure they were paid staff at the time although they probably were because James and John knew that volunteers just wouldn't cut it if things got dicey which they did. Floris and the others where only customers back then.

    Being the only staff and with the absence of everyone else they had to deal with all the users. At the time there was probably 60 or 70 thousand of us. Brogan has to deal with what 4 thousand users.

    I just can't give Brogan any credit or defend his actions. He is in way too deep.
  4. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Seriously, you can't give him *any* credit? Have you not seen all the support queries he answers like they were simple arithmetic?
    Who's going to do that if he goes? There's Jake Bunce, who isn't even official staff, he's brilliant at it too but that's pretty much your lot.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well putting it like that, if in fact there was only Steve and Wayne then. This is before my time at vBulletin, I only joined later. You could argue they had 35,000 members each to look after (70,000). Compared to 4,000 on XenForo Brogan is coping with. But still, when you get paid to do a job, money as an incentive makes things very different - compared to doing the same job for free. A massive humongous difference!!!!
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Mark, first rule of thumb when trying to start a successful business is make sure you have the proper people in place and pay them to do their job. A company that depends on volunteers is doomed to failure. John and James knew this and shortly after vbulletin was released they hired Wayne. Not long after Steve was brought on. It was only after vbulletin 3 was finally released that Floris and the rest were hired.

    And there you see the difference. James knew how to build a successful business. John knew programming. Kier and Mike know programming, but, don't know how to run a successful business and have no one in place that does.
  7. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't dispute any of that, but that isn't Brogan's fault and neither is it a reason he should quit.

    That said, if it is making him feel how I suspect it is making him feel, then he may have no option. You can't let your health suffer like that.
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    And Brogan can run and hide since he doesn't get paid to do what he is doing. If he did quit no one would blame him. I damn sure wouldn't want to be the only one trying to bail out a sinking ship.

    If I was Kier and gang I would pay Brogan and Jake a salary starting right now. People only allow themselves to be abused for a short time. Sooner or later both Jake and Brogan will give up. When that happens the fate of xenforo will be sealed if it isn't already.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You can't argue that really, they should be paying them something at least. Like you say, if your doing something for FREE as a favour getting too much hassle, it's only a matter of time before you'll get pissed-off with it all. There no incentive to keep putting up with it.

    Give it Floris, he'll do it free no matter how much stick he gets. So long as he can claim fame being a mod and talks to Kier and Mike personally each day he's chuffed as a butty. He's been begging on all fours to be a free mod at XF from day one... :lol2:
  10. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Don't get me started on Floris. That's another story altogether. I'll just say when you look up backstabber and boot licker in the dictionary you see Floris picture.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Floris - ended-up with one of my vBulletin licences for free when he was staff at vBulletin, I was new and naive back then to see the little trick he pulled on me when offering my license for free posted on vB forums.

    Which I wanted to go to a person "in real need of one, somebody with no license wanting one but couldn't afford it".

    Posted thread then next minute he contacts me via PM at vBulletin (using staff position) right away, asking if he can give it away as a prize draw on his own forum he was running soon. Like a fool I said YES, then he asks me if it's OK to put license in his name, he need my permission to do it. Again like a fool I said Yes (not thinking) and now I known why. Nobody ever won that free license, he wanted it in his own name to use for himself and his vB forum network. No wonder he had so many free vBulletin licenses pulling stunts like that, the guy was a sly one. He never needed it in his own name to give away as a free prize draw, all that could have been done later with me transferring name ownership to winner.

    That's why I've no love for Floris, he pulled a very sly one on me at the expense of that vB license not going to a person in real need of one.
  12. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    I have to say, from what I see I think Brogan is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Kier & Co are probably telling him little or nothing, and the customer base is relentless at this point. He's taking all the heat and I would bet he himself doesnt completely disagree with the customer base. Situations like that can be frustrating.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    The customer base right now has backed off big time asking anything for nearly a week. They did ever since Brogan posted that message saying all further threads asking questions about development will be locked. Things have been easy of late for him to be honest, compared to before.
  14. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Someone sent me a link to a post on Brogans profile. Thanks for that. I responded to it. I fully expect it to be deleted as is his style. If by chance he should prove me wrong and wants to man up and challenge my opinion of his moderation style and his online persona then I'm here and ready. I am also man enough to say I'm wrong and apologize if what I interpret about him from his actions are wrong.

    Lets see what happens.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Not sure it's such a wise idea to start doing that on XenForo with him in his profile, after all your a XenForo customer and they could decide to do you a "thick one". Just read what's been said by you both, I really don't know what to say to be honest.
  16. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Think that was a bit OTT to be honest Bob. Not really fair.
  17. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I rarely go there, maybe once a week and only to see if there is any new information about 1.2, and only went there today to defend myself after getting a link to the comment by him.

    I do realize I am a customer, but, I will not stand idly by while people trash me. They don't have the balls to come here so I went there, said my piece and now I'm done. Any further discussion by me will only take place here.
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Mark one thing I have always done right or wrong is speak my mind. I have no problem replying at other sites either to defend myself. If I was the one being trashed here I would have been in the this thread defending myself from the git go.

    I disliked what I read on his profile and I responded. Over the top? Hell you should have seen my first draft. I have never been one to mince words. I defend myself and my opinion with passion and at times go a little far. Did I this time. Hell no he got what he deserves and if he can't take it too bad.
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member


    Sorry, but I couldn't resist it!
    2 people like this.
  20. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I would have done the same thing. LOL.
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