New Profile Posts

  1. CricketWeb
    CricketWeb TrumpetMaster
    1. CricketWeb
      Jul 19, 2013
  2. ComputerGuy
    Happy to be here!
  3. IcEWoLF
  4. Kaslinhooks
  5. Liam W
    Liam W digitalpoint
    Huh, I didn't know you're a member here...

    That's 2 mutual forums, as well as me being a premium member of DP...
  6. lordi
  7. Brandon
    Brandon BamaStangGuy
    didn't you have some mod like "show users in the last 24 hours" ? is it compatible with 1.2? thx
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Brandon
      btw, does it work with the widget framework? - thx
      Jul 17, 2013
    3. BamaStangGuy
      Yes it does.
      Jul 17, 2013
    4. Brandon
      haha, crap, paid with echeck
      I'll check it out next week ;)
      Jul 17, 2013
  8. Ba'al
    Status.....We don't need no stinkin status.
  9. Brandon
    Brandon Lizard King
    Welcome to the forum Mert.
    I'll setup your account so you have full access..
    Enjoy the place
  10. Brandon
    Brandon Decado
    Thanks for signing up Ian, I've setup your account to have full access

    Enjoy :)
  11. Brandon
    Brandon thomas1
    I'm pretty sure I remember your name from years of forums, I've setup your account to have full access. Thanks for joining us.
    1. thomas1
      Thanks Brandon, vB2 veteran and usually lurker for the lack of time. I appreciate it.
      Jul 16, 2013