Xbox 360 Forum: Looking For Staff to Start

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Donkey, May 16, 2010.

  1. Donkey

    Donkey Addict

    Jul 22, 2009
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    First Name:
    I'm going to start an Xbox 360-related forum. I currently own a vBulletin license that will be used for the site. I'm very experienced with forums, but would like people with varying expertise to help me start up.

    Positions Available:
    Designer (1) - Design a suitable, attractive, and working vBulletin theme. You can choose whether you want to design for vBulletin 3.8 or 4. You will be given Administrator permissions and your role as a designer will be permenant. Must have experience, I'm not looking for a crappy job.

    Co-founder (1) - Must have a lot of experience with vBulletin. Your main job will be to advertise and bring in users. If you cannot satisfy this role, please do not apply as it is (in my view) very demanding. Additionally, this person must have an active interest in Xbox 360 related... stuff. MSN would be a useful bonus for contact reasons.

    Initial Head Moderator (1) - Must be an experienced, and balanced moderator. Preferably have a reference from previous jobs. Must hold a very strong interest in Xbox 360 related things, and own an Xbox 360 yourself. Preferably have Xbox Live Gold membership for online competitions.

    Now, these are paid jobs. Below is a pie chart showing all percentages of revenue you will earn via PayPal. A full word document will be mailed to you regarding this, should the job be yours. PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL. If you do not own a PayPal account, you can still fulfil the job without.


    If you wish to apply for any of the jobs, please use the following form and PM me:

    [U][B]Yes/No Questions[/B][/U] -
    [B]Do you own an Xbox 360?[/B]
    [B]Do you own an Xbox 360 Live Gold membership?[/B]
    [U][B]General Questions[/B][/U] -
    [B]How old are you?[/B]
    [B]Do you have a PayPal account?[/B]
    [B]Do you wish to be paid for the job?[/B]
    [B]Do you own an MSN account?[/B]
    [B]If so, what is your email address used for it?[/B]
    [B]Are you currently in full time or part time employment?[/B]
    [B]What forum communities are you currently an active member of?[/B]
    [U][B]Job-Related Questions[/B][/U] -
    [B]Job you are applying for:[/B]
    [B]Why you feel you are the best for the job:[/B]
    [B]Please provide as many examples of your work as possible below using links.[/B]
    [B]Please provide a reference from a previous job if you have one.[/B]
    Thankyou for applying, we'll get back to you ASAP.
    I will update this post if any vacancies have been filled. Currently none have, apply while you can!

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