Will 2012 be the end of the world?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by David, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Not sure how many people read up on things like tis, but do you think it will end in 2012?

    Its a pretty interesting subject, I'm in the process of making a site about it, but just wanted some ordinary people's opionon.
  2. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    -_- Not fair... just 6 days before my b-day not fair!!!

    Nope, I don't believe.
  3. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Someone has too much time on their hands. I remember the big scare back in 1974.
    Then again in 1976 at the bicentennial.
    THEN it was the millenium.

    Now it's 2012?

    Sure, why not. :frown: :doh:
  4. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Sep 1, 2009
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    This time it's because of the Mayan Calendar. Their calendar ceases sometime in late 2012. I forgot the exact date.

    But their calendar has been very accurate thus far. ;)

    Sorry, I don't really believe ANYthing supernatural. ;)
  5. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    Aug 24, 2009
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    Dont know enough to make a judgement on this
  6. paulh

    paulh Novice

    Aug 10, 2009
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    I think (without having looked it up) that it is 12/12/2012 or 12/12/12 if you want to make it look even more spooky. Now that's a mighty convenient date considering it is based on two totally different calender systems. Call me a cynic but it is just a bit too convenient. It would all have been out of kilter had Jesus been born 10 years later!
    All I can say is take as many bets as you can from people who reckon it will end then!
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    In today's world, every four years is a leap year to make up for the .25 of a day that is in each year (a year is 365.25 days long). They say that the Mayans did things differently: they went through long time periods that lasted several years (maybe even centuries; I cannot recall) and at the end of these long periods, some sort of destruction happened that caused everything to restart.
    Apparently, 2012 marks the end of one of these periods, and the start of something new.

    I don't believe any of it, but who am I to judge? Certainly not a psychic or a scientist. :P
  8. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    I honestly dont think it will, it is a prediction of the world coming to an end in the next four years, looking around me I really doubt that just yet :lol2:
  9. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    No. I've heard this kind of stuff before, and the sheer amount of times the 'world was going to end' and didn't pretty much suggests 2012 won't be that time either. Remember, people believed similar stuff of similar amounts of evidence back in the middle ages, and all we know how that worked out (didn't happen, lots feeling somewhat gutted after having sold all Earthly belongings...)
  10. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Depends on which theory you're looking at...

    Mayan Calendar? Long Count ends on December 21st, 2012. There have been exactly 11 Long Counts before this one. Each one lasts about 394.3 years. It is called a B'ak'tun. After a Long Count ends a new calendar starts. The entire doomsday revelation is based on the first three creations in the Mayan Mythology. Basically it goes like this... The gods created the Earth and everything on it. They weren't exactly pleased with the results and so destroyed it. They did this four times altogether with Mankind being in the fourth creation. Each of the previous creations lasted until the beginning of the 13th b'ak'tun (long count year). We are in the 12th b'ak'tun right now and the 13th starts on December 21st after 9:47 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The theory is that the gods will destroy this creation and start anew. Or they will be pleased with this creation and keep it.

    The issue is that the actual Mayans were wiped out and dispersed centuries ago. So we are going on oral tradition, interpretation of runes and hieroglyphs and speculation. Most believe that the 13th B'ak'tun will start without incident. Though I would add that the Mayan culture continues to influence Latin North and Central America to this day.

    The other proposed apocalypse is the Nibiru Collision. In an ancient Babylonian poem it tells of a large brown planet inhabited by a war-crazed race. It has a long elliptical orbit and only passes Earth rarely. The premise is that because of its size and close proximity to Earth in [strike]May 2003, err oh wait,[/strike] December 2012 that it will stop the rotation of the Earth for 5 days and reverse the rotation and the poles. During the 5 days that it is in orbit the red aliens will abduct humans to assist them in their war against the grey aliens. I am thinking this corresponds to the Goa'uld and Asgard conflict perpetrated in the Stargate Television series, but I digress.

    The only problem with this theory is that even with a budget that allows NASA's NEC (Near-Earth Collision) group to scan about 1% of the sky, we would see it coming. Reports have the size of Nibiru ranging between 4 times the size of Earth and the size of Jupiter. In fact most astronomers concede that the planet referred to in the Babylonian poem is in fact a perfect description of Jupiter as seen from the Middle East in a time with primitive opticals or by the naked eye.

    Though I don't know why we need outside theories as to why the world is going to be destroyed and humanity's reign on it will be ended. We seem to be doing that job well enough on our own. Pollution, Resource Depletion, War, Violence, Disease, Diet, etc... We'll all be dead long before something rips the planet apart.
  11. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I knew Wayne would give us a history lesson!

    Your posts are always interesting Wayne, thanks. :D
  12. paulh

    paulh Novice

    Aug 10, 2009
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    If you Gearch 12/12/12 this will come up
    December 12, 2012: Why and What is Significant About 12/12/12? with all sorts of weird coincidences regarding the date and/or planetary alignments.

    ok you cannot believe everything you read on the internet but this source says unequivocally that the date to watch out for is 12/12/12....having said that the footnote on the first link from the page talks about "the long date finishing 2 days later on Dec 23rd" so December 21st or 23rd does feature somehow. Very confusing.

    it would be a bit of a b***er if you had made plans up until 21st December and everything went and finished 9 days earlier
  13. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    The Mayan calendar is riddled with multiple calendars and cycles.

    The main calendar it self only suggest an epic event is going to take place, not necessarily the destruction of the planet. These events range from small to large and have generally aligned with major events in world history like WWI, WWII, Vietnam etc. A lot of scholars predict these events are leading up to the next major event and will take place in 2012. This could be anything from an earthquake to some flu pandemic for all we know. I honestly believe if this happens it want be due to mans doing unless he starts using nukes.

    War and Pollution has been a part of this planet since day one. Volcanoes and people farting release more gas into the atmosphere than anything else. Mt Krakatau has blackened out the sky more than once through out history and that is just one volcano. And we have recorded wars as far back as 3,000 years or more.

    The only thing I really think our planet has to fear is comets and asteroids. There is large number of asteroids able to take us out that is scheduled to come real close in the coming years...One in 2012 and some more around 2030. Heck, some has already passed between us and the moon. And there isn't much we can do if one does happen to impact the Earth other than pray.

    Now me personally, I take one day at a time. I don't buy into a lot of the Y2K and Swine Pandemic hysteria. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, in the mean time I'll be first in line to see the 2012 movie :p
  14. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    May 22, 2009
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    Nope, world will never end.
  15. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    When most people refer to the end of the world, they are actually referring to the end of civilization as we know it. Anything that happens after that is relatively moot. We can't say that our current civilization or even humanity will never end. We're a pretty violent and self-destructive species.
  16. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    Along with being self destructive and destructing the planet theres people out there (crazy IMO) willing to off themselves or never have children just to help "save the planet" :rolleyes:
  17. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I have a theory that the Mayan astronomer tasked with calculating the calendar simply couldn't be bothered to continue past 2012. That must have seemed like an unimaginably long time away to someone back then, so they probably thought there would be no harm in putting the equivalent of "here be dragons" in. They'd probably have been shocked to discover so many people taking it seriously centuries later, I'm guessing.

    Even the Maya are getting sick of 2012 hype - Science- msnbc.com

    AK Worm, the world will certainly end one day. Even if humanity survives global warming, asteroids, nuclear holocaust or natural disasters, eventually our sun will burn out. After that, there's the heat death of the universe. Don't worry, this is all billions of years in the future.
  18. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Complete and utter BS mate. There's always another date beyond the current one once we pass the date. Only in America would you be able to pass off this sort of suggestion.

    I like it how you say "just wanted some ordinary people's opinion" which suggest anybody who thinks the world will end in 2012 is a complete nutter, which is so so true!

    The world won't end any time soon for any reason other than some mad comet and we know there's nothing heading our way for a long time now, the nearest one recently was a few years back and it was a million or so light years away from us, and that apparently was close and had some nutters worrying.

    I wouldn't do a website about it, you'll only attract people with mental issues I think. And law of attraction sort of says attract what you want, and you don't want to be mental Dave mate.

    Though it takes all people to make a world mate.
  19. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Billions of Billions. We would be sucked into the gravity of the sun before it burnt out due to it increasing in size as it turns from a red dwarf into a yellow something or other (sorry, can't remember the terminology) (or the other way around). Or so the Discovery channel said. :p

    I had a dream once after watching the discovery channel that was related to us suddenly loosing earth's gravitational pull and everything started to float. Was very weird. I tend to avoid watching that sort of documentary late at night now whilst eating cheese. - haha
  20. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Oct 23, 2009
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    not telling anyone ;)
    no, i dont think the world will end in 2012, theres been so many times that its been predicted to finish, but if it happens, it happens, no use worrying about it only to find out it doesnt happen

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