What are they doing?

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by gnatster, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Down the hall
    First Name:
    This past Sunday as I always do on Sundays when there is a new Top Gear I downloaded the torrent right after the broadcast of the show and posted the avi. Before you judge, the BBC makes the torrent available, I just make it easier for my members that don't want to deal with torrents.

    Anyway, normally the Monday after it's posted I see a spike in data throughput as expected. On avg it jumps from 500MB daily to 30GB daily. This past Monday by noon it was over 200GB. Looking around at where it was all going I found my site was #4 on Google for the search "Top Gear Season 12 Episode 5". Thank you vBSEO, it really does work. Anyway these new-found downloads were headed to Malaysia, China and Russia. 180GB worth. The visitor level went from it's normal 20-30 to 75-80 and looking at the IP's were all from the same areas as the downloaders. Keep in mind this is primarily a US based site with 97%+ of registered users from the US.

    I quickly created a members only area moving all the threads with links to the avi files to that area with no redirect. On the server I created a new folder, moved the files into that folder and changed their names. This broke all downloads and got it back under control where only site members could access the download area.

    Now it seems I have lots of visitors from Malaysia, China and Russia on the site all the time. Where normally when looking at the visitor list you can see where they are on the site these all are blank.

    Now that I set all this up...

    What are all these visitors doing?

    I've gone and blocked thousands of IP ranges from the server as I've identified them but this is tedious. How can I stop all this extraneous traffic?

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