Webpreneur Forums

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by maksim, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Dirty Jersey
    This is a funny story. I bought the domain 3 years ago from someone on TAZ, even though it was dirt cheap, a lot of the posts were from post exchanges, and just plain ol fluff. I did not do much with it, it was on mybb. Security issues, and at that time, I was focusing on my main forum. I eventually lt it lapse, at which point someone registered it from a drop list, and turned into a parked page..... and then it got dropped by them.

    So I got it back.

    Entrepreneurship, internet and finance are some of my favorite topics, and as such, decided to get serious about this forum. I converted it from mybb to IPB and will be doing further updates and modifications to make it a tad prettier.

    In any case, check it out, register, stop by and say hello.

    Brandon likes this.

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