W3C Helps You Build a Better Web With ‘Web Platform Docs’

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Brandon, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    The W3C, the group that oversees the development of HTML and other web standards, is moving beyond dry, boring specifications with a new venture into developer documentation. The W3C has just launched an alpha preview of Web Platform Docs, a community-driven site the W3C is hoping will become the go-to source for learning how to build the web.

    In other words the W3C is competing with Webmonkey.

    We’re okay with that because there’s no such thing as too much high-quality, accurate info on the latest in HTML5, CSS 3 and other W3C standards. And quite frankly, HTML and CSS have grown considerably since the days when Webmonkey’s cheat sheets could tell you everything you needed to know.

    Now there’s a plethora of resources for learning how to build the web — the Mozilla Developer Network, the Opera Developer Network and Microsoft’s developer site, to say nothing of the thousands of tutorials on developer blogs. But while there’s plenty out there to teach you what you need to know, finding exactly what you need to know can be challenging. You’re a web developer; you should spend your time building a better web, not searching Google for accurate info on web standards.
    The goal of the W3C’s Web Platform Docs is twofold: get tons of great documentation all under one roof, and then — the most challenging part — make sure that it stays up to date. Solving the second problem is no small task. The web is currently littered with great tutorials on CSS Flexbox, which are, unfortunately, all wrong now that the Flexbox spec has been changed. The same is true of Web Sockets tutorials, Indexdb tutorials and any other tutorial on a spec that has changed or might change in the future.

    cpvr, Monster and (deleted member) like this.
  2. SimplySidy

    SimplySidy Website Consultant, Developer and Strategist

    Dec 9, 2012
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    Bhubaneswar, India
    Thanks for this informational post here. What I did was actually, I hopped on to the site and found that the beginner's guide as of now is completely incomplete. I mean though they have put up the first page and the second page, the next pages are still not available.

    But that said, it is definitely a great step as the details would come from the horse's mouth. Though I do understand that they are planning it the wiki way but I still do hope that the content would be moderated and only correct information would be available on the location. Lets hope that this happens and I am sure many would benefit for sure.

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