Volunteer Website... Would you?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by torque, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Ok so down the road from my house I have a Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade, each year these guys and girls take time away from their families, away from family functions or get togethers, time of work, give up their annual leave to fight outrageous bush fires here in Australia.

    Earlier this year the whole station travelled to Victoria to fight a fire which tragically claimed the lives of almost 200 people, wiped out whole communities, burnt peoples houses to the ground, wiped out their live stock, their lively hood - and yet they do not get paid for it.

    I joined this brigade three years ago and have dealt with my fair share of fires, seen people lose their lives and was even hospitalized when we were caught up in a fire and ran out of war resulting in us being completely surrounded by smoke - kicking my asthma in and me spending four days in hospital along with my captain and other mates.

    The other day a couple of the members saw me browsing my sports website and approached me about creating a complete website and forum for them.

    They are wanting a front end where they can have the latest news etc for the general community where they can check up on scheduled fire reductions, know what the brigade is up to, find information about the brigade and how to join it - they also want a back end "forum" which will be entirely for the brigade members only to chat together, ask questions, ask help regarding fire tips etc, get the minutes from our last meeting find documents to download to further their studies etc.

    What I am asking is whether you would jump at the opportunity to set something like this up, I won't be getting paid for it and would probably have to pay everything out of pocket - including getting graphics designed for it by designers on here - and the domain name.

    If you would do it what type of things would you aim at for the forums, what mods if any would you install to help the guys and girls of the brigade enjoy time on a forum about a brigade they are all dedicated to?

    Sorry for the question am just trying to find information and ideas in regards to this!
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    To be honest, I would refrain from installing any sort of modifications. Keeping it clean is crucial - focusing on the actual appearance should be your primary goal.

    These individuals are hard-working, deserving people. Providing them with an environment that's comfortable, friendly, and 'relaxing' should be something that is considered during the creation process. For example: utilizing a color scheme incorporating familiar colors to them along with a mixture of others would work nicely (i.e. fire-related colors combined with something relaxing). In essence, your main goal should be to create a "chill zone" for these people.

    Keep it clean and simple. :)
  3. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    yea if it was for a bunch of people that put the lives on the line for us...i'd prolly be all over it..
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I would generally gladly accept such an offer, for the pure pride in setting something up for such a group of people.

    I would be very conservative in my setup - staying away from extensive modifications and hacks.
    A simple WordPress front end (for updates, some pages/articles, and posts) with a free forum solution back-end (like MyBB) with an elegant soothing theme should be fine. I honestly don't think you even need to invest in graphics very much... there are plenty of free themes and graphics.
  5. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    What do you mean "would" I do it? For the past year I have hosted a website for a local church. I bought the domain name for them, setup the site with wordpress, and host it on my dedicated server.

    When an update for wordpress is released, I update the site for them as well. This evening I am going to install a theme the guy asked about.

    So the only reward you get out of doing something is if you get paid for it?

    merk_aus - this is not a personal attack on you, its just something to think about.

    Are you married? If so, do you have to pay your partner to spend time with you?
    Do you have children? If so, do you make them pay you to spend time with them?
    Do you have parents? Do you have to pay them to spend time with you?
    Do you ever have a party? Do you have to pay your friends to come over?

    Some things in life, there is no way to put a dollar figure on. And in those things, you get the greatest reward.
  6. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I would totally do this one; even though there's nothing in it for you financially, there is still the recognition of your peers. Not to mention you would be strengthening communication and therefore social bonds in that community, which is a big thing when fighting a monstrous fire, am I right?

    I would personally stay away from flame imagery and hot colors; in fact I would go the opposite route and make it deliberately icey. (If any of your members suffer burns they will appreciate this.)

    And, I hate to say it, but plan in advance what you will do with members who pass away in the course of their duties. Plan for a memorial section where you can place their profiles.
  7. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    Like the rest, I would also take on this idea. If you're a dedicated member of this group, and you cherish each and every person in it, you would too.

    I wouldn't install any modifications. Especially if this group of people is new to the whole forum shibang. You'll want to keep it simple.

    A free script solution would be ideal, such as MyBB. You can also incorporate MyBB with Joomla, or WordPress, as Nick mentioned. The themes are endless, and the skinners are indefinite. You can either settle for custom, or settle for a free theme- and you can edit it to your liking.

    Keep us posted with this project, if you take it on, that is.
  8. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Haha, I kind don't feel I should repeat since it's been stressed out. I also think I would jump at it.

    It's a nice gesture, plus you will feel great at the end of all. :)
  9. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Yes, I would BUT it depends on my availability and time to prior commitments, and in the end it comes down to what is going to put the bread and butter on my table and roof over my head. If i'm sitting around with loads of free time and nothing better to do, then I won't have a problem helping (Actually just made a website for a lady who donates who proceeds to local animal shelters). But if I don't have any free time, I generally try to avoid the free work.
  10. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Jan 30, 2008
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    It would be interesting and a little different. Good suggestions like WordPress though from the sound of it and only have chatting set to private. You might want to just consider a WordPress plugin for chatting instead. Take a look at WordPress MU. I have a family that uses that and the only thing I do is maintenance when a new version is released.
  11. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    No offense but asking if I only do something to get paid for it is a little rich isn't it? I have been a member of that brigade who wants the website for almost four years now - as I said in my original post - to those who could be bothered to read it - I have been hospitalized when fighting a fire with this brigade, my wedding party was made up with these guys and all were invited to everything to do with my wedding and other things.

    The Morale at the brigade has been at an all time low recently - I am not going to drag up issues - but for four years I was the webmaster for this brigade created them an original site with vbulletin forums etc etc then crap hit the fan and the members have been leaving - I have been one to think about it leaving in the last couple of months and then all of a sudden we have a new captain he wants to revitalize everything and start it all back up and I don't know if it is worth it any more.

    How dare you accuse me of only doing stuff to get paid - I injured my knee at a fire in the Blue Mountains in Sydney and haven't been able to work for two years and after countless surgeries and hours of physiotherapy - do I get paid for that NO.

    Do I get paid for any one of the countless hours I have been in the middle of a fire protecting lives, homes, and the environment - NO.

    Do I get paid for the number of family meetings, parties, get togethers that I have missed due to something being on at the Fire Brigade? NO!

    My brother passed away at the brigade when we were attending to a fire call and the driver of the truck was clipped by another (goods delivering) truck on a narrow road and went head on with a tree - did I get anything from that - NO!

    So don't you dare accuse me of doing things only to get paid you naive little boy... I post was asking whether it was worth taking the time to do it all.... again.... you show me where (outside of your fantasy world) I said anything about payment? I stated I wont be receiving anything and outlined things I would have to buy things for it and I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the step.
  12. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Yea, I figured you would get mad about that getting paid statement. Go back when your not so mad a re-read it. Its a life question, not a personal question.

    Think about it for a little bit, some people will not do anything if they are not getting paid. Their entire life revolves around "money." So the question is, are you one of those people? I guess by your reply that your not.

    But,, you should not be asking questions about if you should volunteer your time. Take the lead and set the example by which others follow. Dont ask, just do it.
  13. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    How about you ask the captain to make an announcement about how you'd like to be able to put up a site but can't afford all the expenses? You could make a list of each item & how much it will cost (domain name, logo) and maybe some members will pitch in. You could thank each in the first post on the new forum.
  14. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Thanks for all the replies people - the point of this post was mainly to see what you guys thought, what software you would recommend for it and what the overall thoughts were to make it fun eg: Mods/Hacks, Competitions etc.

    After speaking to someone on here that I admire, and whose opinion I hold highly I have decided to run with this and go for a Word Press theme (with all the information regarding the brigade etc) - once i find a decent theme for it, and will be using MYBB as the forum - after speaking to some of the brigade members and the member on here that I admire so much on here I have been able to organize a competition for the brigade members from two local businesses which include a monthly dinner for two giveaway and a monthly double pass to our local cinema.

    I would like to thank everyone for their messages, even if one infuriated me slightly, and would just like to add that if anyone can help out in anyway let me know - I don't mean buying the domain or anything I mean as someone who I can bounce ideas off, or someone who can recommend a decent skin for either mybb or word press or any other help let me know.

    I have never used MYBB before so it will be an experience!
  15. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    Glad you decided to take the offer on!

    I can't wait to see the finished product.
  16. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I'm new to MyBB also (FMB and I are using it for the Nutella Forum) but so far so good! I have to say it is much nicer than phpBB so far.
  17. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    thats great to hear lets both hope that FMB knows MyBB as she is the person i had talked about in my post!
  18. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    I know plenty of MyBB to defend myself! :P Haha ^^;; Thank you for the kind words!
  19. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Dont tip toe around the tulips, come out and say it - I pissed you off. But my post made you think, so it served its purpose.

    This is where I got the theme for my blog - WordPress Theme Park I use a theme called Paalam 2.0 but take a look at the "Intense" theme as well.

    Then there is WordPress Themes – The Best Of The Best! Blog Archive GodOfGates Theme Its a simple 2 column green theme. I used it for about 4 - 6 months.

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