vB Coding

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Nathaniel Altere, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Nathaniel Altere

    Nathaniel Altere Newcomer

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I apologize ahead of time if I posted this thread in the wrong section.

    Hi I've been using vB for a while now, while coding on the side I never got up the courage to ask for help on how to incorporate my style of coding with vB.
    I learn best by visual representation and I was wondering if someone could a snippet of an example code that I provide, and rebuild it so that it fits the qualifications of vB.
    Actually several little codes so that I can get the gist of how to do it myself, anyway here are the examples I need to be shown to translate into vB:

    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username='$loggedinname'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $num = mysql_numrows($result);
    //Loop out code
    while ($i < 1) {
    $website = stripslashes($website);
    I am trying to pick out codes that I know I need to use I need to make sure that I know how to write them correctly.

    I realize my style of PHP is far from the effenciency that vB uses, which is why I am having so much trouble grasping it without visual representation.

    if($act=="changesettings" and $action==""){ $action="";}
    if($act=="changesettings" and $action=="1"){
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=1'><b>Profile Design</b></a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=2'>Contact Info</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=3'>Personal Info</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=4'>Display Pictue</a>
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=5'>Friends</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=6'>Signature</a>
    elseif($act=="changesettings" and $action=="2"){
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=1'>Profile Design</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=2'><b>Contact Info</b></a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=3'>Personal Info</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=4'>Display Pictue</a>
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=5'>Friends</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=6'>Signature</a>
    <form name='form1' method='post' action='accountpost.php'>
    <p>Forum signature, a max character limit of 800 is in effect:<br />
    <textarea name='signature' type='text' id='signature' cols='40' rows='3'>".$signature."</textarea><br>
    <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='changesettings'>
    <input name='action' type='hidden' id='action' value='6'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit Details'>
    elseif($act=="changesettings" and $action==""){
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=1'>Profile Design</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=2'>Contact Info</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=3'>Personal Info</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=4'>Display Pictue</a>
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=5'>Friends</a>-
    <a href='?act=changesettings&action=6'>Signature</a>
    Again I am trying to see how to translate the common things. Any suggestions that you can offer would be helpfull, I learn quickly and I like to try and teach myself but I also know when I am in above my head. So I am seeking help.

    Also, As I mentioned before, I work best with visual representation. If there are any coders out there experienced enough with working with vB, please PM if you can help this new comer get started. I can't do this properly if I don't have someone who can answer my questions and better understand the coding that goes with vBulletin. All help is appreciated.

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