Usergroups Explained

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by AWS, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    There are a number of user groups that we use at Admin Addict for various purposes and to prevent spam. Some are more restrictive than others and as you become a trusted member you move into a group that isn't restricted.

    Here is a breakdown of each group and what a member of each group can or cannot do.

    Administrators - No explanation needed here.​

    Founders - This group is for the previous owners of Admin Addict.​

    Moderators - They are the people that keep the forums running in an orderly fashion by making sure the community remains spam free and that discussions are carried on in a civil manner. They should be your first to contact if you have any problems with other users or what is posted.​

    Premium Members - This is a a legacy group that may be activated in the future. It is for members that support the site by buying a premium membership. As of now they get no special privileges.​

    Mentors - This group is for people that show an expertise or are staff members of any of the forum software communities.​

    Members - This is the default user group when you join Admin Addict. As a member of this group you cannot have a signature, cannot post links and cannot update you status. It is a limited group that allows a new user to post threads and reply to threads and not much more. Once you reach 15 posts that contribute to the community you will be promoted to a new group with full privileges.​

    Registered Members - This is the group that has full privileges on Admin Addict. Members are promoted to this group as soon as they contribute 25 posts.​

    Facebook and Twitter - These 2 groups are for users that create an account using Facebook or Twitter login. They have the same privileges as the Member group and the same promotion system works for them.​

    Banned - If you are a problem member or a spammer you could end up in this group. No further explanation needed.​

    Validating - This is the group you are put in until you verify your email address. Once verified you are added to the member group. Users that don't validate in 14 days are automatically removed.​

    If you have any questions on the group hierarchy we use here feel free to post.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    I've made a change to the default member group. That group now can use the PM system. You can only add 1 person to the conversation ands can only save 10 PM's.

    I made this change to make it easier for people that buy and sell to contact new members.

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