The "My vBulletin Life" Thread

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Rumsfeld™, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Hi all, :ufo:

    Couldn't find a thread like this when I searched, so here it is: instead of having all this info. scattered spontaneously in other regions aboard the AlienSoup Mothership, I think it would be a cool idea to have it here in a concentrated area.

    Tell everyone the reason you chose your vB name and avatar, along with an explanation of your siggy as well if you want. Since these replies might be a bit long :P we should probably keep the volume of posts down to like 1 or 2 a person.

    Here's mine!
    » Rumsfeld (tm) - I am a fan of Donald Rumsfeld, the current secretary of defense in the U.S., and love hearing his speeches. Other people may differ on this, since politics can be a bit touchy. Before he was SoD, he did a lot of work in NATO. Bio.

    » My avatar is a small pic of him, and I would have chose something else, but this came up on a google img search and looked very friendly.

    » My sig is a quote from the book "The 13 Clocks" by James Thurber. The Golux is a very unique character in the book and I thought that line he said in my sig below was a classic.
  2. psi

    psi Regular Member

    May 22, 2002
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    Breath of the wind, Ray of the sky, Spray of dew, I am not the end, I am the psi

    Name: I'm after the Alpha (beginning) and come just right before the Omega (end). To compare psi I would be the letter "Y" In a sense I've been around and will up to the near end. I am not the end since that is the final point in the arrow of time and if I existed then the arrow wouldn't be there.

    Avatar: My avatar is of the Pleiades. The seven stars.

    Signature: It's the caveat to life. Your part of life. Maybe you can make a difference if not for the world maybe for yourself. "It's what you do that matters."

    The More Than Anyone Deserves is a link to it's lyrics which I will leave it at that with no explanation.
  3. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    there's already threads for name and avatar somewhere, but it's nice to put it all together and have it for the n00bs ;)

    Name: it was a spur-of-the-moment choice in high school when i had to choose my directory name for an angelfire web page. i was taking french at the time and it seemed logical. when i signed up for alien soup (and had no intention of posting) it popped into my head and i signed up. i've wished at certain points that it was something else, but now it's part of me so there's no point in changing :)

    Avatar: It's a picture of "The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight" from the cartoon show "the tick" - he's a hilarious character and i've always liked it... my avatar has gone through significant changes, and the current one is pretty much completely re-drawn from the original so it looks better, with shading.

    Signature: 1) my web site - i haven't updated it in almost two years. 2) cold weather self-confusionists club - an alliance with mthrlangl... we both appreciate cold weather, and we frequently confuse ourselves. 3) enforcer of the broke procrastinators' guild - an alliance with prox, who is no longer broke and who doesn't procrastinate as much as he used to. new members sought! 4) great quote from kns... i just can't bear to take it down
  4. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    May 10, 2000
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    Avatar: It's a MJ original. I have always loved the yin yang and when I decided to switch the upside down flag which was confusing too manypeople I put out a request for a good one, and that is what I got.

    sig 1) back when I was in college I was the king of procrastination so I formed a club with my partner in crime as we were both totaly broke and did what ever we could to never do work. Unfortunatly the real world happened and if I procrastinate I get fired, sucks but oh well I am still a broke procrastinator at heart 2) random quote that came out of my mouth at work and everyone laughed so I thought it would make a good sig quote.

    nothin to special here
  5. psi

    psi Regular Member

    May 22, 2002
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    Well I was insisted to explain the lyric link at bottom of my signature. If you do get chance to read the lyrics do notice the wording. It is represented of someone close to me in my past that I lost dearly. And I still carry her in my heart always no matter the probabilities and the possibilities...(notice custom title under my name..... the mathematics make it infinite when there is absence even) She was, is, and still will be everything to me! :inlove:

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