Site too big and struggling to find staff?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by thespi, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. thespi

    thespi Newcomer

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Has this happened to you? We have set our goals pretty high from the off and we see to just about be managing but I am finding it difficult to find Admins I can trust & will work long time.

    We have an open invitation to join the site team but its the Admins that come first they can then handle moderator positions on an as is basis.

    I've tried this to encourage site users to join the team:
    An invitation to join the team..

    but again for admins who can I trust. All I can think of is fishing these Admin forums to see if I can get find a good team.
  2. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    May 20, 2009
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    In my experience, there is usually no shortage of people who wish to become staff, but there is always the need to thoroughly vet potential admins. I completely understand the dilemma as I'm about as paranoid as can be with admin privileges. Under ideal circumstances, I'd recommend promoting moderators to admins as they should have proven themselves trustworthy. But in the case of a rapidly expanding site, you may want to bring in temporary admins from other boards or friends who you trust.

    I think searching admin sites like AA is a good start as most of the people are pretty competent and we're all in the same boat for admin trust. Otherwise you are limited to the existing forum population and not everybody is up to the task.
  3. eVoXTRM

    eVoXTRM Newcomer

    Jan 4, 2011
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    Team is recurited now.... :D
  4. SimpleMan

    SimpleMan Adept

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Could you share some insight? :)
  5. Joshuad

    Joshuad Newcomer

    Mar 19, 2011
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    First Name:
    I've recently become really hesitant to recruit staff from webmaster sites like this (I'm new here, not so new at other webmaster forums). I've found it much easier to recruit within. While those particular people might not know their way around, most are more than willing to learn. After a few good tours as a moderator, an administrator role is far less daunting.

    Pretty much, my experiences of recruiting staff externally have always caused me to find people who are either not interested in your site, too busy with their own, only log in once daily MAYBE, or a combination of all of the above. It's just not worth the headache.

    Of course, starting new projects with seasoned admins at webmaster forums is a different ball park altogether ;)
  6. Keylogged

    Keylogged Addict

    May 18, 2011
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    My site is not that big at the moment.
    But here are some tips: Browse through a bit and see if there's some users who have a kind and helpfull nature, but also a bit strict to correct peoples mistakes. Then PM them to ask if they want to be part of your staff. If they say yes you should ask them some questions to see if they're really serious about it.
  7. onlineearner123

    onlineearner123 Regular Member

    May 17, 2011
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    well......if the forum start gaining traffic and in other works
    it becomes "big" then automatically u start getting active members
    also people just voluntarily apply for staff positions
    so it is not a big deal to get the staff persons

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