Partner/Fellow Admin wanted

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by lordtopcat, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. lordtopcat

    lordtopcat Adept

    Mar 18, 2009
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    Hey Guys,

    After about a year out of the forum business due to work and various other factors, I've decided it's ready to start a new forum.

    Now guaranteed every TV show you watch has a fan forum, but after doing a bit of research I have found that there is only one, fairly active 'dedicated' forum to The Big Bang Theory. There is definitely a gap for a good quality fan forum and IMO, TBBT is the best comedy sitcom since Friends, and I can see it running for a while.

    So with that I present: The Big Bang Theory Forums - The Front Page

    Pretty good Domain name too. What I'm looking for is someone who is interested with the program, has a good knowledge of vBulletin and someone who is laid back. I'm not interested in a forum which has a rules page a metre long, nor am I interested in communist moderating.

    Presently it is running vB 4 but after a play around I'll probably look at going back to 3.8 because frankly, I don't like 4.

    If you are interested in this project, you can PM me here or email me [email protected].

    Kia Ora,
  2. lordtopcat

    lordtopcat Adept

    Mar 18, 2009
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    Found someone thanks.

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