Modern Warfare 2

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by tech, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Modern Warfare 2

    Whos getting the most anticipated game of the year? And possibly the best..


    Modern Warfare 2 Worldwide Reveal Trailer

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Worldwide Reveal Trailer (Official HD)[/nomedia]

    Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Gameplay Uncut: Flag Runner

    [ame=""]YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Gameplay Uncut: Flag Runner (Official HD)[/ame]

    Modern Warfare 2 Infamy

    [ame=""]YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Infamy (Official HD)[/ame]

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Launch Trailer

    [ame=""]YouTube- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Launch Trailer (Official HD)[/ame]

    Imo the launch trailer fails..they should of used the Infamy trailer for TV Adverts..

    Im personally getting it for PC tomorrow from Argos reserved the last one =)

    Who else is getting it?
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Personally have never liked war games.

    IW is getting some bad press for the PC side of things b/c they have decided to not have dedicated servers, only listen servers. There are petitions (futile) out to request them to provide them.

    No game is worth $60 either, or even $40. ;)

    Didn't mean to rain on your parade. People will still have good time with it due to its following, but I think the PC side of the community will be...struggling.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Yup, IW say this is the biggest investment into the PC version of the game and they've made it total crp, they should of just left the multiplayer side like CoD4..

    Also there is another video of a multiplayer gameplay officially from IW on youtube, however a modder took copyright action to get it removed as in CoD4 he modded an AC-130 plane so that its playable in multiplayer and thats exactly what you can do in MW2..

    The video also got removed..
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    Already got it and completed it although not on veteran just yet, its a great game although it could have been longer to complete.

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