Looking for a social networking map system.

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by The Wizard of BC, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. The Wizard of BC

    The Wizard of BC Newcomer

    Dec 8, 2009
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    Hi all,

    I am looking for a graphic map similar to google maps that members can use to post events and get-togethers.

    I am running vb ver 3.8.4

    My forum is about Kilts and our members hold "Kilt Nights" at local pubs.
    We currently have sub-forums for all 50 US states, all the Canadian Provences, The UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
    That is a lot of sub-forums. I would like to replace the sub-forums with a map where members can stick a pin similar to GoogleMaps stickpins.
    The pins would be able to have the:

    Up-loadable photo
    Date of the event
    Time of Start
    Name of Pub
    Address and contact info

    The Pins would need to have a dated expiration setting to remove a pin after a set date so we would not need a dedicated Mod to do all the work.

    We would also like to have the ability to design our own pins for the map. Sort of like a custom smilies set.

    We would also need a dedicated map just for our members. We would not want the world to see it and have everyone adding stuff to it.

    I have looked at MyGuestmap - The first and only Google Maps Guestmap Service!

    and this is along the lines of what I would like. Unfortunatly this site seems to be out of date. I have attempted to contact the admin and after two weeks of emails I have had no response.

    Does anyone have, or has seen, an add-on similar to this that would integrate with vb?
  2. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    May 25, 2009
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