
Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by tech, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Forum URL: JetGaming - Official Forums

    Forum Name: JetGaming Official Forums

    Launch Date: January, Proper launch after Paid hosting, March 30th

    Posts/Threads/Members: Threads: 307, Posts: 1,044, Members: 79

    Forum Software: Vbulletin 3.8.3

    Description: JetGaming.Org Official Forums

    Other Info/Points of Interest: JetGaming TV, Weekly Updates, News letter, V.I.P Membership.

    Home URL: JetGaming - Gaming Mayhem

    :) :confused:
  2. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    First Name:
    + The guy in the headers on the left give it a more unique look
    + Latest threads on left side is a good feature, maybe you can add the post time too?
    + It reads pleasantly colourwise
    + Loads quickly
    - The SF Europe link in the header has an unnecessary "
    - I think you have way too many forums for a board with just over 1000 posts
    - Announcements not visible for guests?
    - Thanks in postbit should have the same markup as the other info like posts
    2 people like this.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Fixed SF Euro Link

    Fixed Announcement Guests

    The SF Europe was removed from the index because i wanted to reduce the size, but what else do you think could go?, thinking of taking some of the Main Site aswell.

    Cleaned up the boards a bit, removed unnecessary ones.

    Thanks :cheers:
  4. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    Very nice looking forum! Maybe you could spice up your status icons a bit though.
    2 people like this.
  5. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    First Impressions: Nice looking forum, instantly can know it's about gaming, those who know Assassins Creed that is.

    Forum Content
    Quantity of Forums: I think maybe you have a little too much. The cheat reviews you can make them into one, though it just came to mind since there are so many cheats it would get cluttered, no?

    I read your rules and it seems you have your users well informed. I see some other sites that don't bother on having rules. The ad did annoy me, as I said on previous threads, I have flash blocker so I get stuck with a big box on the top right corner. Also, vBtube is a sweet plugin, looks cool and it works too! Seems the forum is still new not a lot of 'great' content made for members, a lot of the posts are one or two sentences. Maybe raise up the quality of posts?

    Other than that, the forum is great and seems to have promise.

    Forum Design
    Favicon: You should get one! It's a gaming site, you have to look cool~ Nah, kidding, but it would be cool to see one, though not needed.

    On, Off Icons: =\ They are TOO simple to be a gaming site's icon. Don't get me wring, they look nice, but they're a bit boring in my opinion.

    Design: The design looks neat, I love that you have Assasin's creed on some theads, I also love the banner with I forgot from which game that guy was. I like it. I like the shiny blue also, but there are somethings I did not like. You still have the default vB icons for the subforums and the default smileys, which don't look good on the dark background you have. I have the same problem with the post icons and the icons on vB tuve. they have white matte which does not look good with the background. Also, on the second navigation where it says 'Donate' , that red is actually blinding same as some of your member ranks color which are hard to read. I just noticed you also have the default icons for the Nav_bit it would be nice to see them changed with something that actually blends with the background. Last but not least, the copyright at the bottom, I think it makes the layout look ugly, if you could neatly place it, it would look so much better!

    Overall opinion:
    Seems like the forums are relatively new, but nonetheless quality posts are needed, in my opinion anyways. Seeing two or three sentences about a topic is kind of boring, people want to read more when they see paragraphs filled with explanations! Design wise, changing the icons that have white matte will do you good, specially if you replace the default smileys with custom ones, the default ones look ugly on your forum. You can use Shelly's great article on saving Gif's to help you, which can be found Photoshop - Save for web (.gif Graphics) | AdminAddict. Other than that, I wish the best for you. ^__^

    I hope this helped.
    2 people like this.

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