Is vBulletin 5 basically the forum software equivalent to Big Rigs?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by CM30, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    That PC racing game released in pre alpha state with most features missing and a 'game' rendered completely unusable?

    I mean, they look fairly similar to some degree. I mean:

    vBulletin 5:

    Alpha state software released for money yet called a beta
    Has a crap ton of missing features from earlier versions
    Completely unusable and terribly coded

    Big Rigs over the road racing

    Pre alpha software released at full price
    Has a ton of missing features (namely, the entire main single player campaign is non existant, the stuff mentioned on the box doesn't exist)

    Then again, vBulletin 5 is at least somewhat usable in theory. You could theoretically run a forum with it and it'd do what people might expect a forum to do.

    Meanwhile, that game mentioned has nothing to make it usable. There's no AI, the opponent doesn't actually ever move. There's no collision detection, walls don't do anything and you can just fly off the map. Things randomly crash, and one whole level just locks up because it presumably refers to non existant data.

    So yeah, for all the things you can slam vB 5 for, it's technically not the worst deal in the world. It does at least sort of do what people expected it to, and there have been other software packages released in far worse condition with even less testing.

    Just saying, it may be bad, but it's not like IB have made the worst product in the world.
    Brandon likes this.

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